View Full Version : How do you think the players will react

3rd June 2003, 08:53 PM
How do you think the players will react -I wonder

Will they feel deflated and be gloomy - reduced contracts, traded

Or will it motivate them to a better on field performance to drag in more supporters and sponsors.

Hopefully the supporters get behind the club with "bums on seats"

We can say what happens off the field should not affect what happens on the field, BUT I do remeber Edeleston and the late 80's and early 90's !!!!

3rd June 2003, 08:58 PM
I don't think it will especially affect them.

They'll know the situation better than we do, no doubt.

3rd June 2003, 09:17 PM
The problems with the accounts has about as much to do with football as the temperature of the pies at the ground. Sure it's a nuisance, but it's a nuisance the players don't have to worry about.

For now.

Cash problems only start to affect a team when there is a sustained period of pressure....the sort of pressure where players feel they can't prperly negotiate their contracts or leave the club because the place might vanish if they do - Chris Grant a case in point.

But we've seen with the Dogs and the Kangas, that it's more likely to fire them up than knock 'em flat.

3rd June 2003, 09:38 PM
Why would the players worry. Players contracts would be honoured by the AFL I am sure, if a club folded.

They have a good coaching who no doubt will keep them focused, and don't you think they would aleady have been told that the club is in no danger.

Lets get on with the footy folks.

3rd June 2003, 09:59 PM
Don't think it will affect them in the slightest way possible.

Cheer Cheer
3rd June 2003, 11:00 PM
Originally posted by Charlie
I don't think it will especially affect them.

They'll know the situation better than we do, no doubt.

What if its worse than we are being told and players are being asked for pay cuts as we speak for example, we'll find out on saturday for an affect.

3rd June 2003, 11:55 PM
Even if they are asked a bit of cut then still gets pay ****loads. They are hardly poor. Sports people do need to and i quote Andre Agassi "take the money and buy some perspective". Anyway i don't think the situation is as bad as it seem and Sydney is too important a club to the AFL.

4th June 2003, 01:45 AM
bit of shinboner attitude never hurt anyone

imagine the headlines:

"Swans Do Well With Worst List and No Money"

4th June 2003, 12:22 PM
I saw Micky O' on interviewed on TV last night and he said that he was sure all the players would take a pay cut if needed.

I like that attitude.

4th June 2003, 12:27 PM
I appreciate the sentiment, but these guys have a limited career in football, so I can fully understand if the younger guys said "bugger that, I'm off!" They have to make hay while the sun shines. Would you take a pay cut to stay working in the same job? It'd be a big call!

4th June 2003, 02:21 PM
Roos was on 2ue last night saying that it's all been blown out of proportion and that the players are constantly informed on such matters. (Club finances etc)

There is no way the AFL will let the Swans fold and the other clubs have already given in-principle support for keeping the club afloat.

Even Eddie has been quite supportive, although I think this will enable him to get the so-called "level playing field" salary cap restrictions he has long craved.

I am more nervous about the outcome on Sat. night than the club folding!