View Full Version : Ben Mathews Appreciation Thread

Alibi Monday
16th April 2007, 01:50 AM
Ok, I admit I'm his least favourite fan and have been very critical of him, but credit where credit's due - his last two weeks have been very serviceable and his performance today was particular good considering he snuffed out Luke Power and got the pill.

Well Done Ben - you've still got a lot of redemption to win back from me personally, but if today's any indication, you're on the right path and I can appreciate your value.

Good luck for the rest of the year - you've earned a two week grace period of silence from me.

Anyway, now this McVeigh character...... :(

Bloody Hell
16th April 2007, 02:32 AM
*tumbleweed*....every dog has his day. McVeigh on the other hand...;)

16th April 2007, 08:22 AM
Yes I have to say he did alright (I'm not getting carried away, years of total disregard for the man dont just evaporate after one match!;) ) Perhaps the penny has finally dropped that he has to put in and make a difference, be a true leader. Anyway -I hope that he can keep it up.

Lucky Knickers
16th April 2007, 10:56 AM
Good game by Benny. I'm not a fan but he was great on Power and I loved him sneaking forward to kick one on him too.

16th April 2007, 11:33 AM
You've all been far to harsh on Mathews for a long time, but I'm glad to see him recieving some credit for his excellent performances of late.