View Full Version : Wizard Cup!

16th September 2003, 08:41 PM
We play Carlton in the first round

16th September 2003, 09:04 PM
More specifically, it'll be at Telstra Stadium, Homebush. PROBABLY saturday night, Feb 21.

Benevolent Ert
16th September 2003, 09:04 PM
not a bad opponent to draw first up, considering that the team that kicks the most goals in the minor rounds gets to host the final

16th September 2003, 11:11 PM
Sydney uh... 236 (I think)


Carlton 36!!!

Hmm... would that be 35 goals for us, or 32? Can we consider the two 3-point things as half-goals, making it 36? What would happen if we played, say, only 2 defenders and just kept flooding our forward line with lots of midfielders, so we kick lots of goals but also concede a lot? Our percentage would suck but we'd end up with the GF because we forget to defend?

Why don't we just ditch the actual game bit, and have a kicking competition? With Hall and Davis and Willo, and maybe Cressa to come off the bench for a tiebreaker, we're sure to add the Wok to our trophy cabinet!

I know! Let's have a goalkeeper to keep it interesting... heck, they're just trial rules! We can have a crossbar too. Come to think of it... why don't we have an offside rule, if we end up keeping the defenders, so that more goals are kicked? Maybe try it with a round ball, as well... not only will it make it easier to kick goals and take speccies, but it'll help us practise for the Gaelic, uh, I mean, international rules games against Ireland!

We can have speccy contests at half-time. Leo and Goodesy will make sure we win that too! We've got the best kicks, the best markers, the best defenders (oops... forgot... we don't need them anymore, do we?)... we're sure to win it. What's that computer game called again? AFL Live 2004? Why don't we give them the naming rights, and make sure that every player goes "ugh" whenever they get touched, and go falling to the ground? That'll be fun.

Stinking mickey mouse garbage. Should just ditch it and play 26 rounds of real football. :rolleyes: