View Full Version : The best half of footy I have ever played - Kieren Jack

9th August 2010, 01:46 PM
Got to love this bloke ... and he has re-signed!!


9th August 2010, 01:58 PM
He's right - it was.

KJ is one of my favourite players - but seriously, where are the cliche police when you need them? He must have been listening to too many league post-match interviews (maybe that's another thing inherited from his dad!)

9th August 2010, 01:59 PM
Certainly his first 10-15 minutes stood out. He really attacked the ball hard, and got the rewards, and set the tone for the rest of the game.

Go Swannies
9th August 2010, 02:10 PM
Got to love this bloke ... and he has re-signed!!


Good to see that all-important hypen.

9th August 2010, 03:09 PM
He's right - it was.

KJ is one of my favourite players - but seriously, where are the cliche police when you need them? He must have been listening to too many league post-match interviews (maybe that's another thing inherited from his dad!)

No post match interviews back then, I used to watch the games in black and white! I can imagine a lot of big grins in that family at present.

Just had a read of the article. Sounds like he is too excited to say much else.

31 hard at it
9th August 2010, 04:00 PM
"Kieren is notable for being the son of former Balmain Tigers rugby league star Garry Jack".

Kieren is fast making his own history. Hopefully soon the media will drop the reference to his dad and give him the credit for playing a different game with a different skill set.
He is fearless at the contest because he works hard not because his Dad was a champion.

Ablett and Silvagni have the same constant references. Time to move on and come up with a new comment ... tough ask for most of the commentators who can't even get the names right most of the time.:o

9th August 2010, 05:07 PM
"Kieren is notable for being the son of former Balmain Tigers rugby league star Garry Jack".

Kieren is fast making his own history. Hopefully soon the media will drop the reference to his dad and give him the credit for playing a different game with a different skill set.
He is fearless at the contest because he works hard not because his Dad was a champion.

Ablett and Silvagni have the same constant references. Time to move on and come up with a new comment ... tough ask for most of the commentators who can't even get the names right most of the time.:o

Spot on. It will be nice when they can talk about Pyke without referring to his Union past too. I suppose it took years before they stopped bringing up Tadgh's past.

Go Swannies
9th August 2010, 05:15 PM
When do we hear if Kieren has been cited for that bump?

9th August 2010, 05:19 PM
In about 1 hour.

9th August 2010, 05:25 PM
"Kieren is notable for being the son of former Balmain Tigers rugby league star Garry Jack".

Kieren is fast making his own history. Hopefully soon the media will drop the reference to his dad and give him the credit for playing a different game with a different skill set.
He is fearless at the contest because he works hard not because his Dad was a champion.

Ablett and Silvagni have the same constant references. Time to move on and come up with a new comment ... tough ask for most of the commentators who can't even get the names right most of the time.:o

Garry Jack-sometime NRL player and proud father to Swans great Kieren Jack...

9th August 2010, 05:27 PM
"Kieren is notable for being the son of former Balmain Tigers rugby league star Garry Jack".

Kieren is fast making his own history. Hopefully soon the media will drop the reference to his dad and give him the credit for playing a different game with a different skill set.
He is fearless at the contest because he works hard not because his Dad was a champion.

Ablett and Silvagni have the same constant references. Time to move on and come up with a new comment ... tough ask for most of the commentators who can't even get the names right most of the time.:o

I think it adds a bit of colour and history when we refer to players' family bloodlines, or their origins, or anything else that makes their stories interesting. I like the back-stories and it reminds us that these guys don't come off a production line somewhere. I think it's asking too much for commentators to change their ways anyway... :-)

Gary Jack was one of the most fearless, hard at a contest (in a league sense) players that I have ever seen, and Keiren is very much like his dad in that respect.

9th August 2010, 05:52 PM
Will be free to play if he pleads guilty

Kieren Jack, Sydney Swans, has been charged with a level one engaging in rough conduct offence against Matt Suckling, Hawthorn, during the second quarter of the round 19 match between the Sydney Swans and Hawthorn, played at the SCG on Saturday August 7, 2010.

In summary, he can accept a reprimand and 93.75 points towards his future record with an early plea.

The incident was assessed as negligent conduct (one point), low impact (one point) and high contact (two points). This is a total of four activation points, resulting in a classification of a level one offence, drawing 125 demerit points and a one-match sanction. He has no existing good or bad record. An early plea reduces the penalty by 25 per cent to a reprimand and 93.75 points towards his future record.

Hawk and Lion face bans from MRP - AFL.com.au (http://www.afl.com.au/news/newsarticle/tabid/208/newsid/99991/default.aspx)

Doctor J.
9th August 2010, 07:12 PM
"Kieren is notable for being the son of former Balmain Tigers rugby league star Garry Jack".

What this quote is saying is that Kieren's only thing of note he has achieved is to be the son of Gary Jack. What a crock of @@@@.

Have no problem with someone being referred to as the son of... That's what they are, but to say the most notable thing Kieren Jack has done is to be the son of...well its just cheap lazy journalism.

Triple B
9th August 2010, 11:13 PM
As much as it may annoy us, the AFL would be loving it and the better Kizza goes, the more media he gets and the AFL will enjoying hearing even more references to 'the son of a former Rugby League great' who decided that he preferred to play AFL instead of League.

Great advertisement for our game.

9th August 2010, 11:22 PM
His rate of improvement has been phenomenal. I can remember watching him play as a defender in the reserves with a somewhat dodgy kick (and not getting much of it as the ressies handed out thrashing after thrashing), i couldnt imagine he would transform into the attacking midfielder that was so damaging on Saturday. There is no reason to believe that his rate of improvement cannot continue. Perhaps it's time to release him from tagging duties for good and see how good he can become

10th August 2010, 02:37 AM
Could probably win our B&F this year me thinks.

10th August 2010, 09:30 AM
Garry Jack-sometime NRL player and proud father to Swans great Kieren Jack...

Wouldn't phase Garry at all. He comes to the odd Club Champion dinners, sits down and chats but never ever looms large. Tries to melt into the background, which is a little difficult considering his size. He could be very happy to be Garry Jack, father of Keiran Jack i suspect.

11th August 2010, 12:21 PM
"Kieren is notable for being the son of former Balmain Tigers rugby league star Garry Jack".

Kieren is fast making his own history. Hopefully soon the media will drop the reference to his dad and give him the credit for playing a different game with a different skill set.
He is fearless at the contest because he works hard not because his Dad was a champion.

Ablett and Silvagni have the same constant references. Time to move on and come up with a new comment ... tough ask for most of the commentators who can't even get the names right most of the time.:o

His Dad was a pretty good player in what was a golden era for boofhead ball. I also think that there are elements of League in his game - the tackle against North a few weeks ago, for example.

I think Ablett has emerged from his Dad's shadow. A Brownlow for Jack at some stage in the future (not out of the question) would do the same for him.

Clearly, he is the type of player that keeps our lovely lineage of guts and inspiration going - Kelly/Matthews/Kirk/Jack