View Full Version : I'm a terrible Dad.....

Triple B
5th October 2003, 06:35 PM
This has been the wallpaper on our PC for the past 6 months.

<img src="http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid70/peff02f99f37dc885063422c32c11ebaf/fba0d8a2.jpg">

I dropped her 2 hours ago at Teen Ranch for a week away.

Guess which photo will greet her when she returns.

I hate Collingwood as well!!

Edit...Des, why doesn't the image show?

SR4E Edit 19:14: Sorry BBB, had a few requests for the uh... other pic and am a bit sick of that! Your pic should show up now.

Further Edit...Thx SR4E...now the daughter will go mad that I took the above pic off as the wallpaper AND I put her on the internet...lol...

5th October 2003, 07:14 PM
As I said in the other thread, I removed the photo everyone had linked to until people gain a sense of humour or a life, whichever is applicable.