View Full Version : RC outed

20th March 2011, 07:47 PM
This bloke's been reading RWO.
Swans rise to the equation (http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/swans-rise-to-the-equation-20110319-1c1is.html)

23rd March 2011, 11:04 PM
''I also try to use different voices and different equipment. This year Scott has been coming in a couple of times a week, and he's given us some new ideas and a different perspective. Among those ideas has been to use Indian clubs. They weigh between two and 20 kilograms, and can be used in all sorts of ways to get to areas of the body that we can't get to with traditional movements.''

I hear he does a really good Donald Duck and John Wayne mix of voices.

Getting the guys to train in pink fox stolles and the electric blue stilleto's has really added to the equipment compliment. Swinging the clubs whilst wearing the stilleto's I've heard adds to greater balance and builds ankle strength.

What I'd love to read in the paper is how the RWO blubberites get the RC to whip them into shape so they can be in peak supporting condition. From little things , big things grow........

Big Al
23rd March 2011, 11:34 PM
From little things , big things grow........

Yep they sure do.

Big Al.

Real Commando
23rd March 2011, 11:39 PM
Bas, what's funny is how close to the mark this comment would have been if I was still serving!! Just kidding.

Anyway, you have stayed very quiet about your session last week!! They are pretty good aren't they? You don't have that 'my arms are going to fall off' feeling which is counter-productive to gaining strength.

Next time you'll have to get a load of the guys from on here to have a go.


24th March 2011, 10:33 AM
I was being modest and didn't want to brag that I did nearly 2 hours with you.

I've sent you an email about my shopping list for more clubs.

Now that I've been outed, I did a 2 hour session with the RC last week on Tuesday at North Sydney Oval. He put me through a series of exercises with clubs of various weights and boy do they give you an endorphin buzz afterwards. It felt like I "flew" home to the Central Coast.

He's not an "angry englishman" at all and must save that for the highly paid footballers. As it should be. How dare they lose!

It was lots of fun and would be great if we could get a group thing happening from RWO's with him on a regular basis. Doesn't have to be every week as I have been given homework and will catch up with him in a few weeks again.

So who is game enough to do it?

In otherwords, who cares strongly enough about their own health to start changing their lifestyle around to be a pest poster on RWO for a very long time to come?

Big Al
24th March 2011, 10:48 AM
I was being modest and didn't want to brag that I did nearly 2 hours with you.

I've sent you an email about my shopping list for more clubs.

Now that I've been outed, I did a 2 hour session with the RC last week on Tuesday at North Sydney Oval. He put me through a series of exercises with clubs of various weights and boy do they give you an endorphin buzz afterwards. It felt like I "flew" home to the Central Coast.

He's not an "angry englishman" at all and must save that for the highly paid footballers. As it should be. How dare they lose!

It was lots of fun and would be great if we could get a group thing happening from RWO's with him on a regular basis. Doesn't have to be every week as I have been given homework and will catch up with him in a few weeks again.

So who is game enough to do it?

In otherwords, who cares strongly enough about their own health to start changing their lifestyle around to be a pest poster on RWO for a very long time to come?

I'm game Bas. Might be the kick in the arse I need.

Yuri H
24th March 2011, 11:11 AM
On the one hand, I probably need some external influence to get me into an exercise regime & back to the discipline I once had ohhh fifteen years ago or so when I was a trim & buffed god - a GOD I tell you - ... well, OK, mildly better-in-shape than I currently, pudgily am.

On the other hand: I'd die.

24th March 2011, 11:16 AM
On the one hand, I probably need some external influence to get me into an exercise regime & back to the discipline I once had ohhh fifteen years ago or so when I was a trim & buffed god - a GOD I tell you - ... well, OK, mildly better-in-shape than I currently, pudgily am.

On the other hand: I'd die.

On the other other hand: I'm sure that every 15 minutes spent with RC is another slice of cake that can be eaten, in which case I might just be in on it too!

Untamed Snark
24th March 2011, 11:44 AM
I'd be interested, could probably convince my brother to come along as well if numbers are an issue

24th March 2011, 02:16 PM
... snip ... to be a pest poster on RWO for a very long time to come?
This is a big statement. Pest posters normally don't last long, regardless of their fitness regime.

I may be the un-fittest bloke (perhaps one of the oldest) guys on this forum, but I don't do healthy.
Doing NOT healthy is far more fun.

No offence RC.

Triple B
24th March 2011, 02:20 PM
I may be the un-fittest bloke (perhaps one of the oldest) guys on this forum, but I don't do healthy.
Doing NOT healthy is far more fun.....

I resemble that remark...

24th March 2011, 09:06 PM
Wanna hear something terrifying. I have been sent to hydrotherapy. I did the warm up (in the water) and a bit of deep water stepping. I went to bed at 3pm yesterday. Its 9pm today and I am forcing myself to stay awake. I am not sure if doing healthy is good for me......

24th March 2011, 09:58 PM
Wanna hear something terrifying. I have been sent to hydrotherapy. I did the warm up (in the water) and a bit of deep water stepping. I went to bed at 3pm yesterday. Its 9pm today and I am forcing myself to stay awake. I am not sure if doing healthy is good for me......

Problem is Primmy, that you are doing the therapy in water when you should be insisting champagne.

25th March 2011, 07:42 AM
Wanna hear something terrifying. I have been sent to hydrotherapy. I did the warm up (in the water) and a bit of deep water stepping. I went to bed at 3pm yesterday. Its 9pm today and I am forcing myself to stay awake. I am not sure if doing healthy is good for me......

Don't feel too bad, even if you've been doing an activity for ages if it involves resistance from water you're going to feel pretty tired at some point later that day. I'm a very keen lap swimmer that's been doing it for a while, I still sleep much better in the evening if I've done some laps (and that's with doing the laps in the morning).