View Full Version : Red and White optical illusion

20th April 2011, 12:49 AM
Ever since the historic NAB cup game at Blacktown I have been waiting for the preverbial to hit the fan. Nothing.
Now that the swans have suffered their first loss I can address the issue without causing un-necessary stress.
I was watching another game involving the Gold Coast Suns and it brought back the same sense of dis-belief. I am looking at players with red shorts, red jumper (back) and white numbers.
How did we get to this position? The new franchaise has adopted the most recognisable feature of our club. I am sure their market research determined these are the best colours. But we already new this.
The swans supporters deserve an official explanation from the AFL and our club administration. The sea of red in the crowd can no longer be all about the bloods.
The swans have a history of making things happen with people power, I hope this can happen again.
Cheer Cheer the Red and the White???

20th April 2011, 01:14 AM
Gold Coast's numbers should be yellow, pure and simple. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it. The whole point of the Gold Coast having Red and Yellow was for the Lifesavers, and they don't even use them together? Where did they get there ideas on iconography from? Clearly nowhere if you look at their filthy logo. When they play 'away' the predominant colour of the jumper determines the number colour. Blue numbers on White or Yellow and Yellow numbers on Blue. Simple.

I don't even know why White is a colour for them. Mixing or and argent (Yellow and White to those not up with vexillology or heraldry) breaks the first rule of Heraldic Design (The Rule of Tincture (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rule_of_tincture)) and White carries no significant meaning to them. I understand Blue (Sky/Sea), Red & Yellow (Lifeguards) and Yellow (Sand), but white is of no importance to them (except maybe the crest of a wave, but seriously? You want a crappy design for the sake of froth?).

Note that I would not expect corporate logos to neccessarily follow heraldic rules, but the fact remains that they are present as a rule of thumb to avoid colour clashes, ambiguity and plain ugliness. Plainly put simple colours and designs work well in iconography, heraldry and vexillology because they are easily recognisable at any distance, easily understood and easily replicated. The Gold Coast's choice of colours (having both white and yellow, especially together without an intermediary) and their emblem is ignorant at best and woefully disgraceful at worst.

I also agree that it is somewhat bizarre to see Red and White on the enemy, and is the worst clash between the 18 clubs (including GWS). None other have such a blatent ambiguity between teams, and I think The Gold Coast should not be given a free ride on this. Given the above I think it appropriate for them to be given a 'Please Explain' by the AFL if not a forced jumper correction a the very least.

20th April 2011, 09:45 AM
Yes I noticed alot of similarities whilst watching the suns v dees game, they are pretty much the same as us on the back of the jumper and shorts! Ive also noticed with their merchandise, especially scarves, is very similar to the crows in colour (red, blue and yellow). Not sure people power will work with this one though.

20th April 2011, 10:59 AM
We now have an away strip, mostly white. That is probably why Swans PTB didn't scream blue bloody murder; however I am. Its a pretty poor way to start your trip into the big time, having to wear someone elses colours. What's the matter with the ones they chose?

Untamed Snark
20th April 2011, 11:10 AM
Yes I noticed alot of similarities whilst watching the suns v dees game, they are pretty much the same as us on the back of the jumper and shorts! Ive also noticed with their merchandise, especially scarves, is very similar to the crows in colour (red, blue and yellow). Not sure people power will work with this one though.

Unfortunately I agree.
The AFL really should have thought it through before they approved the predominant red background, doubt any major changes will be made, but at least yellow numbers please. My preference would be the lower half of the uniform to be yellow and supporter gear to be red and yellow NO white

I did notice during the NAB that the GC uniforms did look a bit McInspired if you get my drift,
I've been calling them the happy meals since

20th April 2011, 02:15 PM
As if the AFL cares about similarities to us. We are old news and they only want to promote the new clubs. They will have gone to colour consultants and marketers to find out the best possible colours to mezmerise potential Suns supporters and it will most likely be left to us to provide the clash jumper.

20th April 2011, 02:50 PM
I don't really care what colours we or other teams wear - all I care about is the size of the ticker under the jumpers. I reckon we have most teams covered in that respect...

22nd April 2011, 10:28 PM
The grand plan for a heritage list for all things related to the Swans has been revealed by the club on it's website (April 21, 20011). The president should start with an announcement that the club has demanded a please explain from the AFL on behalf of all supporters. The famous red and white colours (important part of heritage) have been hijacked by the new Gold Coast Suns. This strip from the rear is identical, red back with white numbers together with red shorts. I made a complaint to a Swans offical at the family day in Sydney and the response was "tough" and "it was beyond our control". But this is not the point, you must be seen to represent your members.


22nd April 2011, 11:42 PM
Unfortualtely there are only 12 colour in existance and we now have 17 clubs.
There is going to be some crossover.
Unless you are perpared to go out and invent some new colours, we are in a real pickle!

23rd April 2011, 08:58 AM
No-one has a green and white uniform. That should have been the combination a new club used.

Lucky Knickers
23rd April 2011, 09:30 AM
I don't really care what colours we or other teams wear - all I care about is the size of the ticker under the jumpers. I reckon we have most teams covered in that respect...
Nicely said.

Notice the grey appearing as the third colour in the Swans off field gear? I wonder what the giants are saying...