View Full Version : Why don't teams have the killer instinct ...

1st May 2011, 03:55 PM
What is it with teams in the AFL (and I suppose in other codes if I could be bothered to research -so I won't) ... What is it that stops them from ramming home an advantage and absolutely, totally, completely anihilate another team to the point where the other team would just lay down and die. Where is the killer instinct? Why do teams take their foot off the gas and start tickling the brakes as soon as the "think" they have a winning margin?

Personally, I wouldn't stop - Use it as a training run, but keep pounding away. Why did Essendon stop? Or is it just me? Do I want to see blood and I don't care whose it is?

I saw a multitude of records fall, now I just want to turn it off. Perhaps I expect too much?