View Full Version : AFL to fold & be replaced by CFL?!

3rd March 2014, 11:59 AM
11:32am: a star-studded field is expected to contend for the CEO position. Current deputy Gillon McLachlan is the undoubted front-runner, with Channel Nine and AFL veteran Jeff Browne, Collingwood president Eddie McGuire and Geelong chief executive Brian Cook among the early names being mentioned.

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Edward "Chins" McGuire in charge of the AFL?! Say it ain't so! I can just imagine ... make the draw more even with Collingwood to get 22 home games, COLA revised (Collingwood Only Living Allowance), equalization tax to make the competition more even (money to be diverted to the Magpie coffers, because some clubs are more even than others). Please, PLEASE don't EVER let that man near the AFL's top job! No other team would survive in the Collingwood Football League

11th March 2014, 08:19 AM
I thought it already was....