View Full Version : The Match Committee: Sydney v Essendon

4th May 2016, 11:30 PM
The Match Committee: Sydney v Essendon

Longmire: Sit down, gentleman. We�ve got a tough game on Saturday.

Stuart Dew: Ya think so, Horse? It seems like an easy one to me.

Longmire: There are a few things you still don�t understand about coaching Stewy. And one of them is about magnets. A head coach is only as good as his magnets and the problem we�ve got this week is that someone�s been messin� with my magnets. Look at the names on some of these. Ya got these Geelong boys, Kelly and Stokes, here�s Jamar. There�s even one of our boys in here. Harley, I want a full investigation. No cutting corners.

Harley: The magnets are okay John. They�re just the new players added to their list this year. What did you do with the other magnets?

Longmire: I threw them out. I thought it was a hoax. Do we have a backup set?

Harley: Yeah. We usually keep a spare set around here. I�ll call Janene and ask where they are. (On the phone). ����������. Janene says we should have a spare set in the file cabinet in the corner marked �Essendon�.

Longmire: Alright. Let me grab them. (Puts his hand in the cabinet and reaches in). OUCH!

Dew: You okay, Horse?

Longmire: No, I�m not okay. I put a hole through my hand and I�m bleeding. Call Gibbsy.

Harley: Gibbsy doesn�t work here anymore. I sacked him.

Longmire: You did what?

Harley: We had to sack him to save money so we could pay for other services. You know. Player extras and consultants and stuff like that.

Longmire: Well what are we going to do? I need a doctor.

Kirk: It doesn�t look so bad to me. Why don�t you put a plaster on it? Meditate for a minute. It should be okay.

Dew: What�s in that cabinet. Let me check it out. Wow, it�s full of needles. I wonder what that�s doing here. Maybe you should call Janene in here and ask her.

Harley: I�ll get her.

Janene: Sorry about that. I forgot to mention about the syringes.

Longmire: What are they doing in here anyway?

Janene: It was Ludwig�s idea.

Longmire: Not him again. Why is he always doing stuff that I don�t know about? How can I coach the team with this sort of stuff going on behind my back?

Janene: Mr. Ireland appointed him Head of Strategic Planning.

Longmire: I hope we�re not paying him much. I don�t even see his name on the expense report. No Ludwig on here.

Janene: It�s under �Miscellaneous Consulting Services�, just below the line for Manicures & Pedicures.

Longmire: Holy Guacamole! He�s getting paid more than me. Even the manicurist is getting paid more than me. Something�s not right around here. And why in hell does Ludwig want to keep all these needles in here?

Janene: He got them from Dean �The Weapon� Robinson. He thought it could come in handy just in case Eddie and the Commission tried to take our Academy away. Sort of insurance, I guess.

Dew: See Horse, that�s why Ludwig gets paid more than you. You would have never thought of that.

Longmire: Yes I would have. I was just too busy looking for my magnets. You know, a lot of people were calling me The Weapon back in �91 after I won the Coleman Medal.

Dew: Plugger won the Coleman that year.

Longmire: Oh yeah. He just edged me out, and only because I was out injured one game.

Dew: He beat ya by 38 goals, Horse.

Longmire: That�s what I was saying. He just edged me out.

Kirk: Can we discuss the game now?

Josh Francou: Hey look everyone. John�s beer belly is gone and he�s growing a lot of hair on his head.

Harley: Wow. It�s growing like crazy. It will be down to your shoulders in a few minutes.

Longmire: Get me a mirror.

Janene: Here�s one.

Longmire: Hey. Not bad. I like it.

Harley: I wonder what was in that needle that went into your hand.

Dew: It�s got something written on it. I think its �D. Heppel�.

Harley: Maybe the needle had some of Hepple�s DNA left in it.

Rhyce Shaw: Hey Stewy. Look in there for one with the name Watson on it. I�ll take it.

McVeigh: I want the Watson one.

Shaw: I asked first. And stop pointing at me.

Henry Playfair: I�ll take the one marked �Myers�.

Francou: I want one too.

Harley: Get your hands off the Hurley one. I�d look better than you with a man bun.

Francou: You�re gonna have to fight me for it. I got here first.

Andrew Ireland (hearing the commotion): Boys, boys. Stop fighting. What on hell is going on here? It�s only Essendon. It doesn�t matter who we select this week. Hey John, you�re looking great. You�ve been working out or something?

Longmire: I�m going home to the misses before this stuff wears off.

Luke Shannon
4th May 2016, 11:45 PM
Brilliant Ludwig. It's a great gift you have.

5th May 2016, 09:44 AM
Hilarious stuff.

5th May 2016, 10:08 AM
Now that I think of it, James Hird is looking remarkably good for his age. A barking mad narcissist of course, but still looking good.

5th May 2016, 10:24 AM
All hail Ludwig the Conqueror!