View Full Version : New AFL Commissioner

22nd April 2017, 08:38 AM
Apparently the AFL wanted an indigenous commissioner on the board and approached Goodesy. He refused. They decided to leave that post vacant and appointed somebody else.

Maybe they will try again at a later date to get Adam.

22nd April 2017, 10:11 AM
Update on my previous message.
AFL.com.au says they did not approach Adam. Which report do we believe?

22nd April 2017, 04:05 PM
There is an article in the Herald Sun saying there will be an indigenous commissioner by the end of next year. It was rumoured that Goodes was going to be announced this week. New commission chairman Richard Goyder said that Goodes would not be ruled out as a candidate but wouldn't confirm whether he was an AFL target.

It wouldn't surprise me if he did say no after the way he was treated by the AFL.

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22nd April 2017, 05:18 PM
I doubt Adam would want this ...