View Full Version : Swans Holiday Pictures

24th October 2017, 07:08 AM
Great to see the boys (and girls) having a wonderful off season.

Sam's wedding picture was lovely and from Kieren's photo in Tasmania it looks like the 'family feud' is over as I think that is his mum and dad in that photo is it not?

24th October 2017, 08:18 AM
No, I think they are Charlotte's parents.

24th October 2017, 09:24 AM
No, I think they are Charlotte's parents.

Apologies if that is the case. I thought it looked like Gary Jack. Will be sad for Kieren if the feud is continuing.

24th October 2017, 11:22 AM

Kennedy back in the White House. Emilio meets President Trump.

https://storify.com/services/proxy/2/6EQBR2iakt5LvLpj774NlQ/https/scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s640x640/sh0.08/e35/22710220_1511942935563810_5528338279704821760_n.jp g

I know those rocks well. One of my best mates owns the land in the background.


He was never going to leave.


Nice to see our 2 future stars holidaying together in Thailand. But what is that crap they're eating? They could have come up to Chiang Rai for a proper Thai meal. And they would have learned a few things about footy they never would have dreamed of.


What is Heeney doing at AFL Headquarters?

https://storify.com/services/proxy/2/-UcUrFsMQtDlrxJEwf-RrA/https/scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s640x640/sh0.08/e35/22637557_1399792003463614_9006816130773286912_n.jp g

The first official meeting of the 2018 Delisted Free Agents Club.
(Don't be cruel, Ludwig).


I'm worried sick now. Aliir should know better than to go to America. Whatever you do, don't drive a car. And don't talk to police. Stay away from Vegas. If you rent a car, just lie down in the back and let the white boys drive. At least he's got some cover.

24th October 2017, 03:36 PM
Nice to see the boys in Thailand balancing up the burgers and chips with orange juice. Watch those skin folds. Correct Ludwig, try the local tucker lads. But mate, I see plenty of Oz tourists sticking to their home food in Thailand. I don't get it.

24th October 2017, 05:25 PM
I�m more worried about Aliir & Harry cohorting with the dreaded Hawthorn enemy.

(Actually it�s nice to see that footy player friendships continue past club rivalries. The players are better at that than the fans!)

The Big Cat
24th October 2017, 05:43 PM
Rare sight to see Isaac with his shirt off!

25th October 2017, 08:03 AM
What! No white lines.

25th October 2017, 09:45 AM

Kennedy back in the White House. Emilio meets President Trump.

Oh, Ludwig, you should really show more respect to the American president.


26th October 2017, 03:14 PM
What! No white lines.

Players have just learned to keep those out of their photos

6th November 2017, 08:35 PM
I thought we had a 'Swans on holidays' thread but I guess if it's over a month without a post here on RWO, it's 'kaput!' (why is that?), so this thread seems the obvious place to put it as it involves Laids. Congratulations to Laids as well:
It had the hilarious hashtag of: #ambergetslaids. Funny stuff! How dapper does Reg look?:smile:

7th November 2017, 11:16 AM
Mal the Esky looks pretty natty in a photo posted in the holiday pics on the Swans website today too (again with Reg and also Lloyd).

7th November 2017, 02:45 PM
I hope Isaac was nice to those piglets, or Big Momma would take him out.

7th November 2017, 04:12 PM
Have you read the story behind those black dresses Amber Laidler�s women friends are wearing (including Reg and Kieran�s partners)? They were supposed to be wearing white dresses from a top-market Australian designer but as they were putting them on an hour before the ceremony the zips on 3 out of the 5 dresses broke. So they rushed to a shop in their pyjamas and bought those 5 black dresses - and made it to the wedding on time! Now that�s a story for the Laidlers to tell their grandkids as they show their wedding photos in years to come!

7th November 2017, 06:35 PM
Have you read the story behind those black dresses Amber Laidler�s women friends are wearing (including Reg and Kieran�s partners)? They were supposed to be wearing white dresses from a top-market Australian designer but as they were putting them on an hour before the ceremony the zips on 3 out of the 5 dresses broke. So they rushed to a shop in their pyjamas and bought those 5 black dresses - and made it to the wedding on time! Now that�s a story for the Laidlers to tell their grandkids as they show their wedding photos in years to come!
Oh my goodness can you imagine how stressful that would have been to happen on your wedding day??

Grundy looks very nice in a suit, especially the one in the Lloyd photo ????.

21st November 2017, 09:35 AM
I�m more worried about Aliir & Harry cohorting with the dreaded Hawthorn enemy.

(Actually it�s nice to see that footy player friendships continue past club rivalries. The players are better at that than the fans!)

I'm more worried about Harry in an OBJ jersey :(