View Full Version : Vlad speak's on NSW AFL market

22nd July 2005, 11:00 PM

NSW-ACT as being 'all tip and no iceberg'.


* 20 senior clubs fielding 46 teams each week are located in Sydney.
* 67 junior clubs are fielding 326 teams this year in Sydney.
* 116 primary school teams from Sydney are playing inter-school competitions lasting six weeks or more this year.
* 25 secondary schools from Sydney are playing inter-school competitions lasting six weeks or more this year.
* 507 primary school teams and 7605 children from Sydney participated in this year?s Paul Kelly Cup, a knockout competition for primary schools throughout the state.
* In 2004, there were 13,284 registered AFL Auskick participants in Sydney.

IMHO it will only work when you have a clearly defined path from Auskick to senior football. I would pay each high school in Sydney to be in a comp and affliate them with a local senior club. The kids need somehere to belong from U9 through to their local senior club.

23rd July 2005, 05:54 PM
I agree with your comments about the pathway from Auskick. Having grown up in an Aussie Rules state you just take it for granted. I live across the road from the Ulverstone footy ground and there is always something going on. Today it is a senirs match. Tomorrow it is Auskick. Monday Gr.9/10 training plus club training. Tuesday Young Mariners training etc.etc. Shame I didn't have any sons.

What brought it home to me was Roosy comments about his sons and how difficult it was for them to have a clear path to play Aussie rules as there was prejudice against it at the schools and lackof experience at coaching levels.