View Full Version : Aker = Crouch's bitch

7th May 2006, 04:06 PM
Aker is sad these days. Slappity slap.

7th May 2006, 04:17 PM
crouch should do a handstand after the game

7th May 2006, 05:05 PM
Fairly equal on the stats, but I think Crouchs hurt more than the aker slap.

7th May 2006, 05:10 PM
Originally posted by Sanecow
Aker is sad these days. Slappity slap.

How I hate that phrase.

7th May 2006, 05:12 PM
Originally posted by Nico
How I hate that phrase.

Slappity slap?

7th May 2006, 05:12 PM
How is it, that there was no 50m penalty, for that slap?
It was right in front of the umpire.
If Barry Hall did that... :(

7th May 2006, 05:12 PM
Saw the altercation.

How many weeks does everyone think Aker might get?

ROK Lobster
7th May 2006, 05:16 PM
Originally posted by ben.carbonaro
Saw the altercation.

How many weeks does everyone think Aker might get? 0

7th May 2006, 05:20 PM
At least 2 weeks with the Morningside Lions after Leigh review the video.

7th May 2006, 05:45 PM
After Crouchy easily beat Aker in a contest and kicked a goal

Dermie said that Jared " needed get up into Akers face and let him

know what he had just done "

Totally wrong - Jared is not that sort of player and it would have probably pissed Aker off even more that Jared didn't lairise off

A clear points victory to our best finals player in 2005

7th May 2006, 08:56 PM
All I can say is too much bark and not enough bite from Aker. That slap he gave Crouchy will surely go down in AFL folklore... :D

Agent 86
7th May 2006, 09:26 PM
I think he'll get off. I'm so glad he played, tho'. Very entertaining.

7th May 2006, 09:39 PM
Originally posted by Agent 86
I think he'll get off. I'm so glad he played, tho'. Very entertaining.
Yes, the great Aka provided us in the Cheer Squad with countless entertainment! :) didnt get to see this 'slap' tho! have to watch Sports Tonight when i get back to Sydney.

7th May 2006, 10:48 PM
Just frustration shown from aker i guess, his form lately has been very poor so he decides to take it out on crouch with a big bitch slap to his back. It's funny but Aker should know better than that.....:p

7th May 2006, 10:49 PM
Originally posted by sydneyswans1989
Just frustration shown from aker i guess, his form lately has been very poor so he decides to take it out on crouch with a big bitch slap to his back. It's funny but Aker should know better than that.....:p Anyone who dyes their hair white and beard black can't be all that smart.:D

7th May 2006, 10:52 PM
I love Jason Akermanis.

7th May 2006, 10:52 PM
What is his natural hair colour?

7th May 2006, 10:54 PM
Originally posted by ben.carbonaro
What is his natural hair colour?
Brown. The colour of his facial hair.

Agent 86
7th May 2006, 11:18 PM

8th May 2006, 09:29 AM
There is nothing better than beating the lions and seeing Aker have a head explosion, ha ha ha....absolute gold!

8th May 2006, 10:20 AM
With apologies to the B52's

Crouch Slap, baby Crouch Slap!
Crouch Slap, baby Crouch Slap!
Acker baby, that's where it's at
Crouch Slap, baby Crouch Slap!
Acker baby, that's where it's at
Tacklin' and a taggin',
scragging' and a pushin' then the Crouch slap.
Crouch Slap, baby Crouch Slap!

By the way did we all enjoy Crouchy just standing there with the ball in his hands, trying to make Acker run as the clock ran down in the last quarter. Priceless.

8th May 2006, 10:22 AM
Great call in Bay 31 in Q1 as Akers was warming up...

..."Doesn't matter how fast you run Akers...you're still an idiot!!"

Gold all day. And do people in Brissie raise their children to be obnoxious brats?? Some 6 year old walked passed me, pointed and yelled at the top of his lungs "You're a loser!" Nice one.

8th May 2006, 10:25 AM
Originally posted by Ruckman
With apologies to the B52's

Crouch Slap, baby Crouch Slap!
Crouch Slap, baby Crouch Slap!
Acker baby, that's where it's at
Crouch Slap, baby Crouch Slap!
Acker baby, that's where it's at
Tacklin' and a taggin',
scragging' and a pushin' then the Crouch slap.
Crouch Slap, baby Crouch Slap!

By the way did we all enjoy Crouchy just standing there with the ball in his hands, trying to make Acker run as the clock ran down in the last quarter. Priceless. :D

He was backing up, to make him have to run further!!

8th May 2006, 10:26 AM
No suspension - nothing in it, enough for a free kick (rightly so), but IMO not suspendable. I think the umpie might have gotten the book out as a warning to Aker.

Crouchie doesn't NEED to get in anyone's face. Just goes about his job quietly.

8th May 2006, 10:27 AM
Originally posted by Missy
Gold all day. And do people in Brissie raise their children to be obnoxious brats?? Some 6 year old walked passed me, pointed and yelled at the top of his lungs "You're a loser!" Nice one. The problem is that in Qld they think anyone without a red neck is a loser. The further north you go the redder the necks get.:eek:

8th May 2006, 10:31 AM
Ah ha! There was 4 of us cruising round all weekend and we got accused of being stuck-up Sydney bitches so many times. HELLOOO!!! How can you be accused of that when your at the footy with a beer (or two or three) screaming like crazy for the team you love. @@@@heads up here. Can't wait to get home!

8th May 2006, 10:37 AM
Which is odd because I think on the whole, Queenslanders are great. Very laid-back and friendly, as long as you aren't being an arrogant ignorant idiot yourself ;)

Missy, you must have monopolised all the rednecks for yourself, I didn't see any. :D

Mind you, you still get plenty of boozed up bogans at the night games, but that is really no different to Sydney or Melbourne or anywhere else.

Oh sorry, I just saw your location - "North Shore". Don't know why you're complaining, you get called the same things in your OWN city by anyone west of Frenchs Forest.

Jokes! Just jokes! I kid! ;) ;)

8th May 2006, 11:01 AM
Originally posted by desredandwhite
No suspension - nothing in it, enough for a free kick (rightly so), but IMO not suspendable. I think the umpie might have gotten the book out as a warning to Aker.

Crouchie doesn't NEED to get in anyone's face. Just goes about his job quietly.

It is incredible that a guy who goes after his job "so quietly" can be so going at turning his opponent completely off his game.

Akka was well and truly rattled ALL DAY. It was tremendously entertaining watching him making stuff-up after stuff-up then continuing dishing out berval tirades in the direction of crouch.

Akka was definitely one of the Swans best, that's for sure! :D


8th May 2006, 11:10 AM
Originally posted by Missy
Ah ha! There was 4 of us cruising round all weekend and we got accused of being stuck-up Sydney bitches so many times. HELLOOO!!! How can you be accused of that when your at the footy with a beer (or two or three) screaming like crazy for the team you love. @@@@heads up here. Can't wait to get home!

Missy, compared to Queenslanders Sydneysiders are stuck-up, pretencious, stand-offish,impatient superficial & general stressed and unpleasant.

I was in such a foul mood heading into work today, freezing my gonads off standing on Central Station, before literally having to push people out of the way to actually get into an over-crowded sardine can train carriage. Having been in Queensland since Thursday I was saying Gday to complete strangers on the train platform & getting either cold defensive glances or complete confusion.

I have seen how living in Queensland has changed the overall disposition of several of my closest friends. It is no wonder that I'm seriously considering looking at going up there for a while to see if I like it.

Sydney is a rat race. It is only when you go to a place like Queensland that you realy realise it. :o


8th May 2006, 11:14 AM
Originally posted by goswannie14
The problem is that in Qld they think anyone without a red neck is a loser. The further north you go the redder the necks get.:eek:

Queensland = no bloody metrosexuals= yum!


8th May 2006, 11:22 AM
I thought it was interesting early on when Aker appeared to be tagging Monty, and kept at him. Worked really well Aker.

Travelling Swan
8th May 2006, 11:31 AM
Had an excellent day yesterday, I think on the whole Brisbane fans are about the best in the league barring ours of course.

Might be a bit biased being a Lions member (I know shock horror).
Don't worry I love live football and its the only way to do it on consistent basis up here, other than my usual 2 to 3 trips a year to see our boys play in Sydney or Melbourne.

Two funny things happened as i was dressed in regalia consisting of scarf and Bloods premiers t-shirt was as I was leaving after giving full vocal support (voice lost today) was a Lions memeber/fan gave me a see you next week goodbye knowing full well that he knew I was a Swans fan but a paid up member and secondly at the German club across the road from the game a Lions fan said well done today which I thought was a good sport sign.

Good signs yesterday although Lions have definitely slipped from where they were early last year and prior

8th May 2006, 11:37 AM
Originally posted by JF_Bay22_SCG
Queensland = no bloody metrosexuals= yum!


Keep it in your pants.

8th May 2006, 11:46 AM
I think Aker is frustrated at the world and at his inability to recapture his form of last year.

8th May 2006, 11:58 AM
LION Jason Akermanis has apologised to his teammates and Lions fans

Did he slap their asses too?

Source (http://www.heraldsun.news.com.au/footy/common/story_page/0,8033,19056544%255E19742,00.html)

8th May 2006, 12:49 PM
Originally posted by ben.carbonaro
Saw the altercation.

How many weeks does everyone think Aker might get?

He'll either get off, or at the very worst get a week.

8th May 2006, 12:53 PM
Originally posted by Roscoe

A clear points victory to our best finals player in 2005

Yep, I thought so too.

8th May 2006, 01:00 PM
Originally posted by Travelling Swan

Good signs yesterday although Lions have definitely slipped from where they were early last year and prior

Have they what?

I could'nt believe how easy we beat them yesterday. The Lions were very tame.

8th May 2006, 01:12 PM
Originally posted by Destructive
I could'nt believe how easy we beat them yesterday. The Lions were very tame.
Actually I thought that early in the 3rd quarter they threw everything they had at us, but even as they were kicking goals I was pretty sure they couldn't keep it up for a whole quarter let alone the rest of the game.

8th May 2006, 01:22 PM
Listening to the commentary on Ch 9: Akker most likely to be traded, at the end of the year.

Suggestion that he is a ready made replacement for Willo...

Interesting to see Akker and Crouchy having a chat after 3/4 time in goal square.. perhaps getting stories right(mmm)...

Or Akker checking property prices:D

I wouldn't mind having him running around for us


8th May 2006, 01:34 PM
Well I dont think you can be suspended for a bitch slap - but had been carrying a silver glowmesh purse with him at the time, then he'd be out 6 weeks for sure.

He is getting older and frustrated because he has met his match and he just doesnt have any answers or tricks up his sleeve anymore - it happens to them all eventually.

Agent 86
8th May 2006, 02:40 PM
Originally posted by Wardy
He is getting older and frustrated because he has met his match and he just doesnt have any answers or tricks up his sleeve anymore - it happens to them all eventually.
I wouldn't be burying him just yet. Crouchie's just worked out how to get under his skin - you'd think they were brothers.