View Full Version : This week all of us in Sydney have to.........

4th September 2006, 02:18 PM
really really all start asking as many questions PUBLICLY as we possibly can about the type of umpiring we will get over in WA this weekend.

Personally I am FED up with the raw deals we have gotten from the men in tree frog green (!) over the last 2 matches; I'm not insinuating that the umpires were cheating in any way. But they have been guilty of looking at various decisions in a complete skewed manor, penalising us for things the Eagles got away scott-free with & missing blatently obvious frees to us (the Goodes legging one in the final I reckon was the worst of them; even worse than the Stenglein one)

The club may not be able to do it directly. But we as supporters sure can put pressure on the AFL & umpires. More importantly the media can as well. If the media start a campain to put pressure on the issue, the issue of unfair umpiring in Western Australia will raise its head. Thus the umpires may well think twice about giving those extra frees to the E-Girls, knowing that the whole country is watching their performances very very closely.

Let's start contacting the Sydney media. And let's make the umpires realise that Sydney dserve a FAIR GO when they go to Western Australia!

JF :mad:

4th September 2006, 02:25 PM
Cant we ask the supporters group run by that Aranus ? guy to take this on ?

They have influence and have been doing so much else behind the scenes

4th September 2006, 02:26 PM
Sounds like a good idea. I'd try to raise this issue in Perth, but they would give me a public flogging... :D

4th September 2006, 02:28 PM
Raise it on White Line Fever this week - SMS or phone in.

4th September 2006, 02:29 PM
Originally posted by JF_Bay22_SCG
skewed manor



ROK Lobster
4th September 2006, 02:32 PM
Originally posted by Sanecow

:confused: What's that mator. I don't get it.

4th September 2006, 02:39 PM
Originally posted by Sanecow

Cleaver. Very cleaver Canesow

4th September 2006, 02:41 PM
Originally posted by JF_Bay22_SCG
really really all start asking as many questions PUBLICLY as we possibly can about the type of umpiring we will get over in WA this weekend.

Personally I am FED up with the raw deals we have gotten from the men in tree frog green (!) over the last 2 matches; I'm not insinuating that the umpires were cheating in any way. But they have been guilty of looking at various decisions in a complete skewed manor, penalising us for things the Eagles got away scott-free with & missing blatently obvious frees to us (the Goodes legging one in the final I reckon was the worst of them; even worse than the Stenglein one)

The club may not be able to do it directly. But we as supporters sure can put pressure on the AFL & umpires. More importantly the media can as well. If the media start a campain to put pressure on the issue, the issue of unfair umpiring in Western Australia will raise its head. Thus the umpires may well think twice about giving those extra frees to the E-Girls, knowing that the whole country is watching their performances very very closely.

Let's start contacting the Sydney media. And let's make the umpires realise that Sydney dserve a FAIR GO when they go to Western Australia!

JF :mad:
It's a good tactic JF. If it's raised publicly, it's on the radar and the umps would make every effort to prove us wrong, which works in our favour regardless.

Just when it's done, do so in a reasonable manner. Plead for consistency.

4th September 2006, 02:43 PM
Maybe it's worth Roos making a $10,000 donation to the AFL, much like Nathan Brown did in RL.

Critsised that Refs, slapped with 10k fine but gotten the best of the frees for 6 weeks since.

4th September 2006, 02:46 PM
The AFL always gives Perth the dodgy umpires every week...

2005 was a particularly bad year for games at Subiaco Oval...

4th September 2006, 02:47 PM
Originally posted by adnar
Maybe it's worth Roos making a $10,000 donation to the AFL, much like Nathan Brown did in RL.

Critsised that Refs, slapped with 10k fine but gotten the best of the frees for 6 weeks since.
I am all for Roos doing this.

It worked for James Hird as well.

4th September 2006, 03:20 PM
Originally posted by JF_Bay22_SCG
I'm not insinuating that the umpires were cheating in any way.

I am. So sue me.

4th September 2006, 03:32 PM
Originally posted by adnar
Maybe it's worth Roos making a $10,000 donation to the AFL, much like Nathan Brown did in RL.

Critsised that Refs, slapped with 10k fine but gotten the best of the frees for 6 weeks since. I've been vindicating this for a couple of years. IMO it would be worth the fine just to get a fair go in umpiring.

4th September 2006, 03:35 PM
how have you vindicated it ?

j s
4th September 2006, 03:36 PM
Originally posted by Sanecow

:confused: You beat me to it.....but I was thinking more "Ettamogah Pub"

4th September 2006, 03:38 PM
I agree with you so much that I even started the same thread yesterday. Now that's commitment!


4th September 2006, 04:09 PM
You will NOT get a hearing on this matter in the West media. I doubt they would report anything Roo's may say on the matter prior to the game - they are only in the business of reporting good news stories about the Eagles.

4th September 2006, 04:10 PM
Its all good, i sent a very passionate email to the Daily Terror, SMH, Australian..

Doubt i'll get a response but you never know!

ROK Lobster
4th September 2006, 04:11 PM
Originally posted by Nolie
You will NOT get a hearing on this matter in the West media. I doubt they would report anything Roo's may say on the matter prior to the game - they are only in the business of reporting good news stories about the Eagles. That's alright. JF's command was only to those in Sydney. Everyone else is off the hook.

4th September 2006, 04:31 PM
In general I would prefer it if all of us in Sydney accepted that there probably isn't really a conspiracy against Sydney forged by the umpires and avoided looking like a bunch of whingers that don't have enough faith in their team to win and are making up excuses already.

4th September 2006, 04:36 PM
Originally posted by stellation
In general I would prefer it if all of us in Sydney accepted that there probably isn't really a conspiracy against Sydney forged by the umpires and avoided looking like a bunch of whingers that don't have enough faith in their team to win and are making up excuses already.

Take your point stellation but the last 3 games between these two teams has been decided by the roll of the dice. It would be silly of us not to attempt to sway which way the dice roll this time. I'm fairly certain the WCE supporters will not be adopting your even-handed fair-minded approach on Sat nite, so we have all week to make our voice heard.

4th September 2006, 05:27 PM
Originally posted by stellation
In general I would prefer it if all of us in Sydney accepted that there probably isn't really a conspiracy against Sydney forged by the umpires and avoided looking like a bunch of whingers that don't have enough faith in their team to win and are making up excuses already.

agree 100%. i got sick to death with the whinging last year and i think it is an appalling idea to purposefully adopt a negative attitude at this stage and give opposition teams and their supporters ammunition. please remember that we got the gift decision of the year when barry got off for the granny. we also got umpiring that suited us as much as any on that final day.

enjoy the sport. it's great.

4th September 2006, 05:35 PM
do we really need to reinforce this for example?


ROK Lobster
4th September 2006, 05:47 PM
Originally posted by stellation
In general I would prefer it if all of us in Sydney accepted that there probably isn't really a conspiracy against Sydney forged by the umpires and avoided looking like a bunch of whingers that don't have enough faith in their team to win and are making up excuses already. NOT A REAL FAN. I bet you don't even own a Premiership polo shirt, do you?

Old Royboy
4th September 2006, 05:51 PM
There?s no conspiracy, but it?s a fact of football life that the umps cop a fearful amount of abuse from the home fans and very few have sufficient strength of character to block it out and umpire the game on it?s merits. Goldspink and McLaren are the worst at umpiring for the crowd and not the game.

If all Sydney fans yelled at the umps like the WA ferals we would have the same scenario at the SCG. Unfortunately, as has been discussed many times our home crowd is too passive to have much effect.

If making a noise in the media can help focus the umps towards addressing the issue then so be it.

If you want to hear whinging, imagine the scenario of last years qual final against the Wet Toast with the boot on the other foot. I?d personally love to hear it

4th September 2006, 08:13 PM
Yep, the Roar Factor is a well-substantiated phenomenon with plenty of empirical evidence to support it. If it's not blatant favouritism then it is must be subliminal - and if it's subliminal then it must be able to be countered by a loud campaign drawing attention to its impact in advance.

4th September 2006, 11:04 PM
Originally posted by giant
Yep, the Roar Factor is a well-substantiated phenomenon with plenty of empirical evidence to support it. If it's not blatant favouritism then it is must be subliminal - and if it's subliminal then it must be able to be countered by a loud campaign drawing attention to its impact in advance. At Victoria and the MCG they used to call it "grandstanding", because when things happened in front of the members Grandstands, nothing ever went against Collingwood or Malbourne.

5th September 2006, 01:02 AM
Originally posted by cruiser
Raise it on White Line Fever this week - SMS or phone in.

Better still, put the email addresses of Nikki Tugwell Tim Morrissey & Richard Hinds on this forum so we can
A) show them our intentions and
B) plant the seed in their minds that there is indeed not only a story to be had in all this but it is supporting a just cause-a need for away teams (namely) to get a go from the umpires in WA!

At the moment when the Swans play over there it is akin to Steve Irwin vs the string rays; we are mere lambs to the slaughter. And I for one am fed up with us meekly taking it any more.

We are the Premiers FFS. It is time we started throwing our weight around a little more. Asserting ourselves, making our voices heard & COUNT.


5th September 2006, 03:19 AM
Originally posted by JF_Bay22_SCG
Better still, put the email addresses of Nikki Tugwell Tim Morrissey & Richard Hinds on this forum so we can
A) show them our intentions and
B) plant the seed in their minds that there is indeed not only a story to be had in all this but it is supporting a just cause-a need for away teams (namely) to get a go from the umpires in WA!

At the moment when the Swans play over there it is akin to Steve Irwin vs the string rays; we are mere lambs to the slaughter. And I for one am fed up with us meekly taking it any more.

We are the Premiers FFS. It is time we started throwing our weight around a little more. Asserting ourselves, making our voices heard & COUNT.


Here! here! But who are these people you mention? (Never heard of them - are they Sydney journos?)

5th September 2006, 07:45 AM
Originally posted by Nolie
Here! here! But who are these people you mention? (Never heard of them - are they Sydney journos?) Yep, they get all the best stories from RWO.

5th September 2006, 07:55 AM
Originally posted by ROK Lobster
NOT A REAL FAN. I bet you don't even own a Premiership polo shirt, do you?
I don't, okay, I DON'T!

5th September 2006, 10:42 AM

Looks like the swans are thinking the same!

5th September 2006, 11:29 AM
1. If you don't own a Premiers polo shirt, what are you a girl?
2. "hear hear" not "here here" FFS.

5th September 2006, 01:02 PM
well, if you're going to whinge, whinge early and whinge often.

5th September 2006, 01:07 PM
Originally posted by stellation
I don't, okay, I DON'T!

I painted my bong red and white. Does that count?

Albert Park
5th September 2006, 07:35 PM
Originally posted by i'm-uninformed2
I painted my bong red and white. Does that count?
Is it white on red or red on white?

Albert Park
5th September 2006, 07:47 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Old Royboy
[B]There?s no conspiracy, but it?s a fact of football life that the umps cop a fearful amount of abuse from the home fans and very few have sufficient strength of character to block it out and umpire the game on it?s merits. Goldspink and McLaren are the worst at umpiring for the crowd and not the game.

Say what you will but Goldstink and McLaren DO hate the Swans and are obsequious suck ups to Perth's Precious Princes
Nothing will convince me otherwise .
On Triple M last Sunday, Sam said "if McLaren is umpiring at Subiaco , I wont go!. He is a disgrace to the AFL"

See, it's not just me. He's Sam Kekovich and you KNOW he's right

5th September 2006, 07:53 PM
Stop whinging about the umps. The way we play the game is the reason behind the number of frees awarded against us.

We have run them very close every time we have played them of late over there so I cant understand why we keep on moaning.

Swans by 20 points - no risk. :)

5th September 2006, 07:55 PM
Originally posted by canetoad
Stop whinging about the umps. The way we play the game is the reason behind the number of frees awarded against us.

We have run them very close every time we have played them of late over there so I cant understand why we keep on moaning.

Swans by 20 points - no risk. :)

Have you just crawled out from under a rock? Sure we have run close both times we have played them in the last 12 months, but for some very dodgy frees we would have beat them over there twice in a year... well at least once, the last time, not so sure.

There is plenty of reason to whinge. The main one being we don't want it to happen again.

5th September 2006, 11:56 PM
Originally posted by garethb83
Have you just crawled out from under a rock? Posting from Leinster, he probably has :) (joke joyce)

6th September 2006, 08:57 AM
Originally posted by canetoad
Stop whinging about the umps. The way we play the game is the reason behind the number of frees awarded against us.

Not true completely. What pisses me off most is the number of frees they get inside their 50 compared to ours. Barry Hall gets at least three fewer frees per game in the F50 than any other FF/CHF in the same situations would. The number of times he gets shephearded out of a marking contest by a second player, or has his arms chopped or gets caught high, with absolutely no recompense is disgusting. It is even worse over in WA.

Yes it does sound like whingeing, but a 56-32 count from our last two games over there, for a total combined losing margin of 4pts, is hard to accept. If at least our F50 frees weren't so lopsided (15-2) your point would be accurate.