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26th June 2007, 10:30 PM
Brett Kirk's friends at Sydney's Children's Hospital give tips on how Swans can get out of their slump

More... (http://www.sydneyswans.com.au/Default.aspx?tabid=7106&newsId=46008)

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26th June 2007, 10:42 PM
Out of the mouths of babes...
"I guess the last one, play as a team, really struck me. These kids are aged from five to 12 and they've picked up from the weekend that we're not playing as a team."

My Sister in law is a nurse at the Childrens and evidently Kirky is in there at least once a week. But I love the way he asked the kids for suggestions. I wonder if he could get Roosy to go with him next time.

ROK Lobster
26th June 2007, 10:56 PM
My Sister in law is a nurse at the Childrens and evidently Kirky is in there at least once a week.It is a great thing to do, but really, what the @@@@ else does he have to do...

Does he really think that the kids noticed that they were not playing as a team, or is that just what the kids are drilled to say? My eight year old soccer team know that they have to play as a team, try their best, have fun, and shake hands at the end (and try not to kick anyone). Without watching the game on Saturday night if anyone asked them what a team needs to do to improve, they would probably say the first of those 3 - without even watching. How many 9 year olds dying of cancer are allowed to sit up watching tele that late anyway. And given Saturday nights performance, it probably compounded their problems anyway.
For those who saw it. what exactly was un-tem-like about Saturday night's performance. Did Leo try to run the length of the park each time he got the ball? FFS, the problems are deeper than that. Maybe not if you are 6, but surely at AFL level.

The more garbage that comes out of the Swans media machine, the more trite it becomes. Can't wait 'til Kirky gets the rest of the leadership group down to the kids ward and asks them to pick the team with them. Teach one of them how to hit a decent 5 iron and Roos will be out of a job.

27th June 2007, 07:27 AM
I thought it was hilarious.

The funniest part of that list, was it was written in green crayon.

27th June 2007, 10:31 AM
I dont think Kirk is aware of the gravity of the situation.

We could be 6 and 7 !

27th June 2007, 10:35 AM
I dont think Kirk is aware of the gravity of the situation.

We could be 6 and 7 !Maybe you should send him a copy of the ladder.

27th June 2007, 11:05 AM
My eight year old soccer team know that they have to play as a team, try their best, have fun, and shake hands at the end (and try not to kick anyone).

Sacrilege......... I'm never taking you seriously again :D