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27th August 2007, 02:57 PM
Is there hope?
Or are we clutching at straws?
Here are my thoughts.....

Personally watching the depressing way we've been playing, I get all pissed off and the cloud of pessimism forms over my head.

BUT, I've seen Roos written off many times here before, and his style of play criticised (by me on many occasions) but one of the things it has going for it is that the way we play is generally good for finals.
Add to that we are a tried and tested finals team of late and that there are teams in the finals this year that will be very nervous and afraid of dropping the bag, and we do have a realistic chance.

Our forward line is a constant worry.
Delivery to it has been average, but ability to lead effectively could be questioned. Hall has been is poor and now so-so form, MOL has been so-so, Davis seems to be ignored and the one player in our team who can actually hold a mark, O'Keefe, seems to have had other roles of late.

The back line is not at full strength and has not been all year.
LRT had better be in top form if he is brought into the side for finals.
Others are injured - in fact most of our team seems to have niggling injuries.

The midfield is average as it has been for the past few years.
I say this on consideration of the whole group, not on a player by player basis.

Overall we are a good team.
Sometimes a very good team.
Roos has had the nous to play the team in the way they play finals all year - win lose or draw.
The downside is that we are just scraping into the finals, the upside is that we may just perform well.

27th August 2007, 03:03 PM
The biggest problems we have relative to last year are:

- mixed form leading into finals
- Hall struggling
- O'Keefe down on last year's form (also seems to be tagged more)
- Kennelly injured
- LRT and Barry injured
- McVeigh a liability (And J Bolton and Ablett not far off)

On the plus side, Malceski is playing better than last year and we have Everitt (assuming he is fit) and we have a lot of finals experience.

27th August 2007, 03:04 PM
The biggest problems we have relative to last year are:

- mixed form leading into finals
- Hall struggling
- Kennelly injured
- LRT and Barry injured
- McVeigh a liability (And J Bolton and Ablett not far off)

On the plus side, Malceski is playing better than last year and we have Everitt (assuming he is fit) and we have a lot of finals experience.

Add the loss of form to O'Keefe to that list, no where near as good as last year.

27th August 2007, 03:19 PM
Add the loss of form to O'Keefe to that list, no where near as good as last year.
Yep - I had just added that in before you posted!

29th August 2007, 09:53 PM
I hate to say it, but I think we're gone for this season.Too many injuries, players out of form and at times a real lack of commitment to the game.:mad:

29th August 2007, 11:37 PM
The hardest gig in being a fan is when you team is on the slide. Expectations have been high this year based on a flag and a 1 point loss in the GF.

Reassess you expectations to where a 7/8th place team should expect. ie out in first week. - and enjoy the ride. A loss is expected. A win is a bonus.

FWIW, I think we saw our last win for the season 2.5 weeks ago.

The Undertaker
29th August 2007, 11:45 PM
I am really worried about our defense and our midfield is ordinary too, leading into the finals.