View Full Version : Will Hall get the all clear from the shrink this week?

ROK Lobster
13th July 2008, 05:45 PM
Surely. Get him back.

13th July 2008, 05:46 PM

13th July 2008, 05:47 PM
I didn't see the match due to hockey..but was that the problem..a disfunctional forward line. From reading the game day thread it sounded like a poor skill level and a few players who have been playing really well coming back to the pack.

13th July 2008, 05:50 PM
Only if he didn't watch the match. Would send any sane man into an unfit state of mind.

13th July 2008, 05:58 PM
Only if he didn't watch the match. Would send any sane man into an unfit state of mind.

If they don't play him and saint Nick (if fit), then its roosie who needs to go visit the shrink....:mad:

13th July 2008, 06:00 PM
I didn't see the match due to hockey..but was that the problem..a disfunctional forward line. From reading the game day thread it sounded like a poor skill level and a few players who have been playing really well coming back to the pack.

dysfunctional forward line, but more due to terrible clangers, poor decision-making, and the fact they were far better than us.

13th July 2008, 06:00 PM
The forward line is dysfunctional and the midfield is inept. Even when we get the ball forward (which was rare enough), much of the time the forwards don't have space or lead to the wrong spot, and when they do beat their man the midfielders put it over their head or at their feet or to their side.

13th July 2008, 06:06 PM
hall would of been useless today, just up there yelling and giving away frees.

John Coleman would struggle to get a grab in our current set up. The delivery is poor and the leading is rubbish. We have very few players who can get the ball inside 50 lace out in front of a forward. I remember Goodes and Bird doing it thats about it

13th July 2008, 06:44 PM
Surely. Get him back.
Dude, did you get a memory wipe after your last thread or are you taking the piss?

Hall is a headcase and has to go http://www.redandwhiteonline.com/forum/showthread.php?t=25592

13th July 2008, 06:47 PM
There is no way he will get the all clear. He should, but would make a total mockery of the internal suspension...

13th July 2008, 06:54 PM
forget the brain snaps.....he needs contact lenses.

hot potato
13th July 2008, 09:05 PM
Only if he didn't watch the match. Would send any sane man into an unfit state of mind.


13th July 2008, 10:23 PM
Get Hall out of the shrinks office, coz after today, I think there are plenty more who need a good hard look at themselves.

13th July 2008, 11:02 PM
I was encouraged by Hall's column in the paper on Friday (I think it was).

Seemed to have realised why the club did what it did in stopping him from playing until they think he can handle his temper.

Suppose it will come down to whether the shrink reckons he now realises that despite how angry he gets the first thing he can't do is throw a punch at the person nearest him.


13th July 2008, 11:23 PM
If they don't play him and saint Nick (if fit), then its roosie who needs to go visit the shrink....:mad:

totally agree

13th July 2008, 11:25 PM
I was encouraged by Hall's column in the paper on Friday (I think it was).

Seemed to have realised why the club did what it did in stopping him from playing until they think he can handle his temper.

Suppose it will come down to whether the shrink reckons he now realises that despite how angry he gets the first thing he can't do is throw a punch at the person nearest him.

DST, it's all words to me, no doubt very well written by a ghost writer. I'm sure similar column came out after the Staker incident as well. Until we see a different attitude out on the field, then I'm far from convinced.

13th July 2008, 11:28 PM
A couple got frustrated during the game jolly and Richo got a little fired up which was out of the norm for both.. so maybe they all need to get accessed . Hall`s done his time and will be playing next game for sure!!

Mark Busuttil
13th July 2008, 11:37 PM
Hall will learn nothing if he plays against the Blues. Our team needs him to play - we can't beat a top 4 team without him. However, if he plays next week, I think he's a ticking timebomb waiting to explode. It's a reflex action that could knock somebody out (he nearly did it in round 1 vs St.Kilda too). He needs the Swans but the Swans will survive post Barry Hall. HE CANNOT PLAY NEXT WEEK. Nick Davis however must be given a chance (although he's just returned from injury). We can't be any worse if he plays at the moment.

13th July 2008, 11:49 PM
Dude I`m a N.Davis fan . but his in the same puddle as Ben matthews. the coach does`nt want them in the team..
So No you won`t see Davis playing on TV again..

Something to think about..
Hall has about 20 camera`s on him & so does Goodes. so Yeah ,they can`t flinch without the media saying something..
I`m sure barry will be back and all you fans will be choking on some of the stuff you all been saying about him..

14th July 2008, 01:50 PM
I was encouraged by Hall's column in the paper on Friday (I think it was).

Seemed to have realised why the club did what it did in stopping him from playing until they think he can handle his temper. Then Hall should have a word with his father and tell him to shut the **** up.

I wouldnt care if I didnt see Hall play for Sydney again.

14th July 2008, 01:54 PM
Won't happen this week, maybe two more weeks (just a guess).

reigning premier
14th July 2008, 02:10 PM
If he saw the game on Sunday, and the crap that was getting sent into the fwd line, chances are he might be saying to Roos he needs another week or so off to "get his head right".... Or until the delivery in improves... :p

14th July 2008, 02:21 PM
i still cant imagine hall lying on the couch pouring out his heart and soul

14th July 2008, 02:29 PM
Dont know if anyone here knows of Andrew Maher, he's a footy commentator on Channel 10 Melbourne and a Carlton supporter, he has gone to say the swans must not play Hall this week against Carlton because it will then make the clubs suspension look pretty weak considering the AFL gave Hall 1 weak as well. According to him, the swans must not play him this weak to have any credibility at all. I think he has other reasons for why Hall should not be playing this round, perhaps because we are taking on his beloved carlton..... another moron footy commentator me thinks.

14th July 2008, 02:30 PM
I reckon he would've been good yesterday. We were crying out for a presence at CHF. It was completely different to the Collingwood game.

14th July 2008, 02:35 PM
Dont know if anyone here knows of Andrew Maher, he's a footy commentator on Channel 10 Melbourne and a Carlton supporter, he has gone to say the swans must not play Hall this week against Carlton because it will then make the clubs suspension look pretty weak considering the AFL gave Hall 1 weak as well. According to him, the swans must not play him this weak to have any credibility at all. I think he has other reasons for why Hall should not be playing this round, perhaps because we are taking on his beloved carlton..... another moron footy commentator me thinks.
He's right though.

14th July 2008, 03:15 PM
He's right though.

He is right NMWBloods, in a way, but at the same time I do think he is using his position in the media to deter the swans from playing Hall in the next match against the team he supports. I just wonder if he would be saying this on all the T.V. programs ( and radio prgrams ) he is on if the swans were playing someone else this weak instead of Carlton.

Mr Magoo
14th July 2008, 03:22 PM
I think we are all getting a little righteous on the Hall thing arent we. After all he barely if at all connected to Wakelin and dont lecture me on the potential he has to do it again etc etc, this is football not ballet (or basketball for that matter). If what he did to Wakelin was grounds for indefinite suspension in rugby league you would have half of the first grade team from each club out indefinitely. Harden up people!!!!

We need Hall in the forward line to have any chance of troubling the top three. Without him we are no chance. Simple. Who cares if we bring him back this week against the wishes of mostly the melbourne media who wet themselves at the thought of an all melbourne/victorian top four. If I was roosy I wouldnt give two hoots what the rest of the world thought, I would pick him if he is fit. He wasnt given a week because of the swans saying he needed to see a shrink, so if he is ready then he is ready.

14th July 2008, 03:32 PM
He is right NMWBloods, in a way, but at the same time I do think he is using his position in the media to deter the swans from playing Hall in the next match against the team he supports. I just wonder if he would be saying this on all the T.V. programs ( and radio prgrams ) he is on if the swans were playing someone else this weak instead of Carlton.
True. Some commentators let their support influence their views, but, and I haven't seen exactly what he's said, I doubt if he would as he is always working very hard to be taken seriously and not to be seen as biased. I think he would say this if we were playing a different team as it fits with the sort of views he has held before.

14th July 2008, 03:34 PM
Dont know if anyone here knows of Andrew Maher, he's a footy commentator on Channel 10 Melbourne and a Carlton supporter, he has gone to say the swans must not play Hall this week against Carlton because it will then make the clubs suspension look pretty weak considering the AFL gave Hall 1 weak as well. According to him, the swans must not play him this weak to have any credibility at all. I think he has other reasons for why Hall should not be playing this round, perhaps because we are taking on his beloved carlton..... another moron footy commentator me thinks.

Andy Maher - works for 10, follows the Tankers and on a hugely inflated remuneration has the gall to lecture Roose on credibility. Yep thanks Andy

14th July 2008, 03:38 PM
I think we are all getting a little righteous on the Hall thing arent we. After all he barely if at all connected to Wakelin and dont lecture me on the potential he has to do it again etc etc, this is football not ballet (or basketball for that matter). If what he did to Wakelin was grounds for indefinite suspension in rugby league you would have half of the first grade team from each club out indefinitely. Harden up people!!!!

We need Hall in the forward line to have any chance of troubling the top three. Without him we are no chance. Simple. Who cares if we bring him back this week against the wishes of mostly the melbourne media who wet themselves at the thought of an all melbourne/victorian top four. If I was roosy I wouldnt give two hoots what the rest of the world thought, I would pick him if he is fit. He wasnt given a week because of the swans saying he needed to see a shrink, so if he is ready then he is ready.

Precisely specs. If Big Beamish Barry turns up with a doc certificate clearance he is in. And if he does have another relapse brain snap lets hope its on that arse clown Fev or their disgraced temporarily suspended price fixing President or the whole lousy lot of them for that matter..

14th July 2008, 03:45 PM
I think we are all getting a little righteous on the Hall thing arent we. After all he barely if at all connected to Wakelin and dont lecture me on the potential he has to do it again etc etc, this is football not ballet (or basketball for that matter). If what he did to Wakelin was grounds for indefinite suspension in rugby league you would have half of the first grade team from each club out indefinitely. Harden up people!!!!

We need Hall in the forward line to have any chance of troubling the top three. Without him we are no chance. Simple. Who cares if we bring him back this week against the wishes of mostly the melbourne media who wet themselves at the thought of an all melbourne/victorian top four. If I was roosy I wouldnt give two hoots what the rest of the world thought, I would pick him if he is fit. He wasnt given a week because of the swans saying he needed to see a shrink, so if he is ready then he is ready.All absolutely true except why did the Swans come out and say he was suspended indefinitely (which I don't think they should have)? If he's back this week then it makes a mockery of their announcement last week. Your comment about "harden up" should be directed at Roos. He obviously does care what the ROW thinks.

14th July 2008, 03:52 PM
All absolutely true except why did the Swans come out and say he was suspended indefinitely (which I don't think they should have)? If he's back this week then it makes a mockery of their announcement last week. Your comment about "harden up" should be directed at Roos.

They said it because indefinite simply means they didn't know when the suspension would end. The club didn't say infinite. Big Beamish Barry is suspended for medico- legal reasons by the club and will be reinstated on a clearance from an appropriately qualified practitioner. Now this happens with every employer and workplace in Australia. Why is it so hard for Andy and the rest of the escapees from Pentridge to get it. He is not suspended for disciplinary reasons. That suspension was imposed by the appropriate authorities. He is suspended because of the legal obligations (i was going to add moral but the Tankers and Fixers would struggle with the concept) on the club. He will play with a medical clearance. Why is this so hard to grasp?

14th July 2008, 03:55 PM
Why do you find it hard to grasp that after stating that Hall is "suspended indefinitely" until he can get his head right, if he returns immediately after the one week suspension for the thing that apparently is a result of his head not being right, then the "suspended indefinitely" will appear to be a joke?

14th July 2008, 04:04 PM
It would look 100% stupid and make it seem like the club does not care about halls behaviour, would be a silly backflip

14th July 2008, 04:05 PM
Why do you find it hard to grasp that after stating that Hall is "suspended indefinitely" until he can get his head right, if he returns immediately after the one week suspension for the thing that apparently is a result of his head not being right, then the "suspended indefinitely" will appear to be a joke?

Because he took a week, on the expert assessment of a psychologist to successfully deal with his attitude problem. We are dealing here with an attutudinal problem not a Fruedian mother complex neurosis. It hardly needs years of therapy. So why does the club lack credibility if the pscychologist gives him an all clear based on a credible psychological asessment ? If Maher or any of the Carlton Crew want to question our credibility maybe they should produce psychological assessments on their mob. Fev wouldn't make it onto the paddock. And if Pratt and Elliott aren't in therapy they should be.

14th July 2008, 04:20 PM
Because he took a week, on the expert assessment of a psychologist to successfully deal with his attitude problem. We are dealing here with an attutudinal problem not a Fruedian mother complex neurosis. It hardly needs years of therapy. So why does the club lack credibility if the pscychologist gives him an all clear based on a credible psychological asessment ? As Roos said he was unable to get his head right after 7 weeks, so how is he magically going to do it after 1 week? If he comes back this week then the answer to "how many weeks is suspended indefinitely" is none! So the Swans would have taken no action on Hall despite saying they were going to.

If Maher or any of the Carlton Crew want to question our credibility maybe they should produce psychological assessments on their mob. Fev wouldn't make it onto the paddock. And if Pratt and Elliott aren't in therapy they should be.All irrelevant comments.

14th July 2008, 04:39 PM
As Roos said he was unable to get his head right after 7 weeks, so how is he magically going to do it after 1 week? If he comes back this week then the answer to "how many weeks is suspended indefinitely" is none! So the Swans would have taken no action on Hall despite saying they were going to.

All irrelevant comments.

...but the swans have taken action, they suspended him for a week. They didnt know the AFL tribunal was going to give Hall a week as well. Remember, the swans got in first with their suspension, which makes the AFL's suspension irrelevant.

14th July 2008, 04:41 PM
sorry, should heave sais, the swans suspended him indefinately before the AFL suspended him for a week. Indefinetely can mean anything...1 week or 100 weeks.

14th July 2008, 04:44 PM
Maybe, but the week for the suspension was pretty much expected.

It's all academic anyway.


ROK Lobster
14th July 2008, 04:44 PM
I would like read something like this in tomorrow's paper:

"We can't work out what is wrong with him [Hall]," Roos said yesterday, "he's like a powder keg with a very short fuse at the moment and none of us know what's likely to light it".

"It's a risk playing him knowing he might snap at any moment, but it's a risk we think we have to take - we can't afford to let another game slip".

Give the Carlton back line something to think about.

ernie koala
14th July 2008, 11:38 PM
I would like read something like this in tomorrow's paper:

Give the Carlton back line something to think about.

Agreed. He fired a shot over Wakelins bow. He's an agressive player, it's one of his strenghts FFS. The Swans have made a gross knee jerk overreaction, in a flash, and inexplicably decided the whole issue should be played out in the media. What a pathetic mess they have managed to make of an airswing. Nick Davis must be gobsmacked at the hypocracy.

hot potato
15th July 2008, 12:04 AM
BATS IN THE BELFRY BIG BAD BUSTLING BARRY HALL should be reinstated immediatley for the Blues game. Forget about psychos, he is now available.
He will not have flailed is arms in frustration for three weeks.
How mad will he getting not being able to get out and help his mates.

15th July 2008, 08:41 AM
I doubt it though - interesting to note too that in an interview with Johnny Lewis on WWOS on Sunday. He said that the players & officials at the Swans along with the media who have been hanging Hall out to dry have never played in his position nor have they copped the close scrutiny that Hall has endured week in week out for years. I would be keen to see how they would have lasted, mental strength wise, had they played in that position. Perhaps Lewis has a valid point.
Apart from the girly problems, who's to say that he had just got to his whits end? I'm not saying that its right what he did, but geez I tend to agree if Hall really had intended to flatten Staker, he would have and Staker would have been carted off to hospital in a coma, none of this jogging on the boundary in the third quarter etc.

Hall needs to be in the side at the moment because in the game against Hawthorn we were a rabble, he couldnt have done any worse than some who played on the weekend.. The fundemental mistakes made were horrendous. Oh well who knows whats going through the minds of Roos and the leadership group - they could possibly do with a few sessions with the shrink themselves to get their heads around about what's going on Barry's head?

15th July 2008, 04:45 PM
I couldn't give a rat's exit if we look stupid. Send him out there and tell him to get the freaking football. Tell him not to waste time playing for frees, or even expecting them when deserved, they are not coming his way so forget it. Just win the freaking ball and kick some freaking goals! FFS since when did the Swans answer to Andies Maher, Anderson, or Demetriou, or any of the opposition ferals? Get out there and win some footy!

15th July 2008, 07:54 PM
In all seriousness... they should put all this rubbish to bed and get him back out there doing what he does best! aka "get on the horse that threw you"

Lethal used to belt people all the time...Im not syaing its right, but keeping him caged up like an underfed rottweiler isnt going to solve anything either.

I read several papers, and BBB has said that not playing footy isnt the solution. Sure he may have things going on in his personal life, but if he wants to play, and it will help him with this stuff, let him.

...and if the argument comes up about his "value add" being suspended I'll jump straight into a Davo string and say "one brilliant quarter in 6 years doesnt make you a superstar, get over it and work harder"

Hally has added more value to this club (as a recruit) than anyone...including Plugger!

15th July 2008, 10:41 PM
I would like read something like this in tomorrow's paper:

Give the Carlton back line something to think about.

Amd what if there is another brain snap - he will be totally finished as a player. The AFL would take great delight in deregistering him in light of recent events and publicity.

The media would go into orgasmic rapture over it.

One thing the Swans should push for when he does return, is fewer cameras focussing on him continually off the ball for no apparent reason other than its BBH. I am waiting for them to have one in the crapper - reporting on how he doesn't put the seat down when he finishes.

16th July 2008, 02:58 AM
I would like read something like this in tomorrow's paper:

Give the Carlton back line something to think about.

Do you think a health warning should be printed on the back of Big Beamish Barry's jumper = "Scragging, holding and grappling are a health hazard and could lead to unconsciousness"?

16th July 2008, 04:34 AM
Hall needs to be in the side at the moment because in the game against Hawthorn we were a rabble, he couldnt have done any worse than some who played on the weekend.. The fundemental mistakes made were horrendous. Oh well who knows whats going through the minds of Roos and the leadership group - they could possibly do with a few sessions with the shrink themselves to get their heads around about what's going on Barry's head?

But we were a rabble the previous week against the Pies. With Hall in the forward line. And arguably the forward line was much more of a rabble against the Pies than it was against the Hawks.

Certainly the forward line rabbleness in both games can be at least partly attributed to the rabbleness elsewhere on the ground but at least against Hawthorn the forwards weren't giving away needless free kicks one after the other. So Hall is certainly not the clear answer to addressing the rabbleness and in some respects he has been a contributor towards it.

I am a huge fan of Hall's. Watching him strut his stuff in the red and white has given me more pleasure than the efforts of all but another half dozen or so players. And it's because of that that I applaud the Swans for what they've done, both for Barry's sake and the team's. Had he connected with Wakelin's face he'd have been out for the rest of the year, coming so soon after the Staker brain snap. And his stated desire not to be remembered as a thug would have been meaningless words. I desparately want him to come back and play some more good footy so that his career ends on the note that it deserves to.

Elsewhere people have questioned how another couple of weeks is going to help him sort his head out if he wasn't able to do it during the 7 weeks he was out. None of us has any idea what the real "issues" are, or what he's been doing to address them. But maybe him watching his performance in the first half against the Pies - not just the Wakelin thingy but the whole way he took out his frustration on all around him - might make him understand that regardless of the "issues" and how long they'll take to sort out, he's got to find a way to not let them affect his onfield behaviour. That's all that matters from a footy point of view. The personal stuff and how he deals with it is his private issue and nothing else.

16th July 2008, 08:20 AM
But we were a rabble the previous week against the Pies. With Hall in the forward line. And arguably the forward line was much more of a rabble against the Pies than it was against the Hawks.

Certainly the forward line rabbleness in both games can be at least partly attributed to the rabbleness elsewhere on the ground but at least against Hawthorn the forwards weren't giving away needless free kicks one after the other. So Hall is certainly not the clear answer to addressing the rabbleness and in some respects he has been a contributor towards it.

I am a huge fan of Hall's. Watching him strut his stuff in the red and white has given me more pleasure than the efforts of all but another half dozen or so players. And it's because of that that I applaud the Swans for what they've done, both for Barry's sake and the team's. Had he connected with Wakelin's face he'd have been out for the rest of the year, coming so soon after the Staker brain snap. And his stated desire not to be remembered as a thug would have been meaningless words. I desparately want him to come back and play some more good footy so that his career ends on the note that it deserves to.

Elsewhere people have questioned how another couple of weeks is going to help him sort his head out if he wasn't able to do it during the 7 weeks he was out. None of us has any idea what the real "issues" are, or what he's been doing to address them. But maybe him watching his performance in the first half against the Pies - not just the Wakelin thingy but the whole way he took out his frustration on all around him - might make him understand that regardless of the "issues" and how long they'll take to sort out, he's got to find a way to not let them affect his onfield behaviour. That's all that matters from a footy point of view. The personal stuff and how he deals with it is his private issue and nothing else.

Firstly - Does anyone know the real issues inside Halls head ?(and the media seem to make it up as they go), however what annoys me is that the club is more than willing to get on the TV and comment that he has to "sort himself out" like he's some massive headcase. Does your employer hang you out to dry publicly if you make a mistake? Has Dean Solomon been hung out to dry publicly by his club, made to look like a headcase over what he did to Ling last Saturday? Sure he got on the TV and apologised even then to me it didnt seem genuine or even remorseful - I havent seen or heard Harvey get out there and make a public statement as to the state of Solly's mind set has anyone else?. Yet what Solomon did was far worse than what Hall did to Staker and what Hall didnt do to Wakelin. He's got 8 weeks and rightly so - but this wont get anywhere near the publicity that Hall has received yet his action was just plain deliberate and dangerous. Maybe I just dont get it!

Secondly - Agree that Hall didnt do well against Collingwood, however I still believe he would be of value against Carlton. He needs to be on the field, problem is that he is such a target now for defenders who hold on and niggle him knowing full well that he might take a swipe, and ala Wakelin, go the dive just to make the matter look 100 times worse than it actually is. I dont know how I would handle that kind of harrassment week in week out.

thirdly - the over use of "rabbleness" - honestly Liz I expected better from you!;)

hot potato
16th July 2008, 09:46 AM
Do you think a health warning should be printed on the back of Big Beamish Barry's jumper = "Scragging, holding and grappling are a health hazard and could lead to unconsciousness"?


hot potato
16th July 2008, 09:53 AM
How is that psycho dude going to examine Hall and his brain to assess whether he is now mentally fit to play... he would have to be under the same sort of pressures as out on the field. He can't really stand him in his office and niggle and scrag and jumper punch him.... to see if he can handle it?
Put Hally back where he belongs, barging thru packs and scaremongering his opponents in his own legit way.:)

16th July 2008, 10:22 AM
its a truck load of bull@@@@.....of more concern were those blatant push in the backs which cost us frees....in the collingwood game. He can only be fed on the lead but I suspect that his eyesight is letting him down thus compounding the problem.

Industrial Fan
16th July 2008, 10:57 AM
I dont think Freo are a good yardstick for anything.

The culture in their club is terrible. They can deal with Soloman however they want.

I dont think my boss would lampoon me in public - more because there is no public interest than anything else.

16th July 2008, 11:10 AM
Roos was in a very hard position and I thought he did the right thing.

Look at the Kangaroos - they've tried to keep the Grant issue in-house and are being harassed by the media for it.

The same thing would have happened to the Swans had they not reacted swiftly.

16th July 2008, 11:11 AM
I dont think Freo are a good yardstick for anything.

The culture in their club is terrible. They can deal with Soloman however they want.

I dont think my boss would lampoon me in public - more because there is no public interest than anything else.

But is it necessary that Hall is hung out to dry so publicly? (that is really my main beef) But isnt the interest being blown out of proportion compared to the hidious crimes such as murderes, rapings, home invasions etc? I mean its a bit of biffo on the footy field -granted some incidents worse than others, however, the reaction in some instances is over the top when compared to real crimes.

16th July 2008, 11:57 AM
But is it necessary that Hall is hung out to dry so publicly? (that is really my main beef) But isnt the interest being blown out of proportion compared to the hidious crimes such as murderes, rapings, home invasions etc? I mean its a bit of biffo on the footy field -granted some incidents worse than others, however, the reaction in some instances is over the top when compared to real crimes.Hear hear, Wardy, in the end it is only a game.

Pace To Burn
16th July 2008, 03:46 PM
But is it necessary that Hall is hung out to dry so publicly? (that is really my main beef) But isnt the interest being blown out of proportion compared to the hidious crimes such as murderes, rapings, home invasions etc? I mean its a bit of biffo on the footy field -granted some incidents worse than others, however, the reaction in some instances is over the top when compared to real crimes.

The trouble is you have @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ like Robert Walls on the tv saying things like he did on ON THE COUCH on monday "What Barry Hall did was worse than Solomon because Barry is a trained Boxer". What a load of @@@@. The bloke had about 10 amateur fights before he was 17. I've played with plenty of blokes who could fight like thrashin machines and if someone paid them to train six days a week they would have made it in boxing too. At the end of the day it was a punch, id much rather get punched then an elbow to the face. staker played the next week Lings out for weeks. But the blokes obviously got issues that hes taking out onto the field cause hes been getting held onto and scragged for years and hasnt reacted like that. In terms of the club and Roos, i think that it is unacceptable for someone to do what hes done(Hall) and i think the differance with Sydney is they dont run away from answering questions and giving responses other than the standard cliches like most clubs.

big bear
16th July 2008, 06:42 PM
I couldn't give a rat's exit if we look stupid. Send him out there and tell him to get the freaking football. Tell him not to waste time playing for frees, or even expecting them when deserved, they are not coming his way so forget it. Just win the freaking ball and kick some freaking goals! FFS since when did the Swans answer to Andies Maher, Anderson, or Demetriou, or any of the opposition ferals? Get out there and win some footy!

Exactly. It seems riduculous to waste time finding out how Barry may react without placing him in the game situation. All the warm fuzzy talking to the half baked shrink will tell us nothing of how Bazza will react in a game. We cannot afford to stuff around. If Hall is physically fit he must play. My stupid protest is simple. I am not watching the football untill the club wakes up to itself and picks Hall. If he is fit he is certainly in our top 22.