View Full Version : What Roos Needs To Do Now Is

23rd July 2008, 11:59 PM
Get the public relations girls and boys to come up with something regarding the fact that the Geisch has already admitted that Barrelling Bazza doesn't get his free kicks. I mean if hes (he was) already emotional then gives (gave) away a couple frees without getting his own fair whack?


Not making excuses, but it's a fact of life for the Big Guy.

The AFL, well, Demetri-doh and Dunderson must hate the way Roos torments them at every turn.

24th July 2008, 09:25 AM
He needs to smack the crap out of the Fat Controller and Geisch

24th July 2008, 09:26 AM
He needs to smack the crap out of the Fat Controller and GeischYeah, but apart from the obvious!!!;)

24th July 2008, 11:55 AM
Geisch: "He was robbed"

Hall: "I Wuz Robbed"