View Full Version : Pies Supporters

25th August 2008, 02:32 PM
I thought I would never say this, but Collingwood supporters are actually worse then Eagles supporters.

On Sat night we sat around some of the most feral, abusive, obnoxious, homophobic, dumb people/supporters I have ever seen.

They seriously say c... every second word, have mullets, are bad sports and are missing teeth! On top of this they seem to have no idea about football, let alone their own team!

I'm all for a bit of abuse at the footy (I certainly think us as Swans supporters are way too tame), but they went above and beyond with their actions, made even worse in front of women and kids.

25th August 2008, 02:34 PM
It was a very attractive crowd.

The people around us weren't that bad, but there was one that was just a bit too weird.

25th August 2008, 02:36 PM
I thought I would never say this, but Collingwood supporters are actually worse then Eagles supporters.

On Sat night we sat around some of the most feral, abusive, obnoxious, homophobic, dumb people/supporters I have ever seen.

They seriously say c... every second word, have mullets, are bad sports and are missing teeth! On top of this they seem to have no idea about football, let alone their own team!

I'm all for a bit of abuse at the footy (I certainly think us as Swans supporters are way too tame), but they went above and beyond with their actions, made even worse in front of women and kids.

Apparently a number of them put off writing their PHD's to go the game?

25th August 2008, 02:40 PM
Apparently a number of them put off writing their PHD's to go the game?

You reckon they could spell PDH?

Ruda Wakening
25th August 2008, 02:41 PM
You reckon they could spell PDH?


25th August 2008, 02:43 PM
Captain, you sound surprised!

25th August 2008, 02:45 PM
Captain, you sound surprised!

I really am. I have heard the stories about them, but went to the final at the G last year and found them to be fine! Must have got lucky then...

25th August 2008, 02:50 PM


That's 1.

25th August 2008, 02:51 PM
They have a very very large supporter base and it has all sorts. Unfortunately you tend to notice the annoying ones (of which all clubs have).

25th August 2008, 02:52 PM
I really am. I have heard the stories about them, but went to the final at the G last year and found them to be fine! Must have got lucky then...

Possibly most of Saturday nights heroes were on remand in September last year.

25th August 2008, 02:57 PM
My dad was sitting behind the Swans bench and when Hall was dragged there was a Collingwood supporter yelling out all this abuse. My dad told him to go to the bench and say it to Hall's face and the guy got scared and shut up after that :D.

25th August 2008, 03:46 PM
Geelong and Hawthorn supporters are the worst I have encountered. But every team has good and bad fans.

Maybe Collingwood having more supporters than most, makes them seem worse?

The Big Cat
25th August 2008, 03:49 PM
After listening to them boo Hall every time he touched the ball, I then got attacked for yelling out "You're an animal Wakelin" when he took Barry high in the third quarter. (I guess I got what I was aiming for!)

25th August 2008, 04:22 PM
Geelong and Hawthorn supporters are the worst I have encountered. But every team has good and bad fans.

Maybe Collingwood having more supporters than most, makes them seem worse?

Don't know about that. Even their President is a lout.

25th August 2008, 04:27 PM
I thought I would never say this, but Collingwood supporters are actually worse then Eagles supporters.

On Sat night we sat around some of the most feral, abusive, obnoxious, homophobic, dumb people/supporters I have ever seen.

They seriously say c... every second word, have mullets, are bad sports and are missing teeth! On top of this they seem to have no idea about football, let alone their own team!

I'm all for a bit of abuse at the footy (I certainly think us as Swans supporters are way too tame), but they went above and beyond with their actions, made even worse in front of women and kids.

This doesn't surprise me. There definitely is an antagonistic streak in many Magpie supporters. They know everyone hates them & part of their victory ritual is to find fans of the loser & rub it in in front of their faces.

Lucily both at the Pies final last year & last Saturday we have had decent Pies fans around us. I think it was Ando or Simey who replied to a taunt & was getting upset last year but the Pie fan behind us calmed him down a bit which was nice. Still we had these teenage girls who screamed as loud as they could after ever Pies goal (which is completely fine, they were just cheering on their team) Us in the back row had to cover our ears, it was that excruciating. :eek:

On Saturday night hardly anyone said anything to us at all. We were so subdued & had no comeback whatsoever that even the Pies fans left us alone to suffer in peace.

You have to worry about a night when the highlight was getting a donut at half time. :eek: :o

PS:- Captain if you want feral, try a Crows away game in Adelaide for size. :mad:

25th August 2008, 04:28 PM
After listening to them boo Hall every time he touched the ball, I then got attacked for yelling out "You're an animal Wakelin" when he took Barry high in the third quarter. (I guess I got what I was aiming for!)

Pies fans DO bite. :D

Not that we had any ammunition on Saturday night. :rolleyes:


25th August 2008, 05:10 PM
PS:- Captain if you want feral, try a Crows away game in Adelaide for size. :mad:

Yeah they are bad in their direct abuse (and certainly rub in a loss after the game). I just found the bogan factor of Pies supporters was a lot higher during the game.

Can't say I have ever seen/heard a bloke at the footy telling his kid 'get me another Couger you little c...' and having all his mates thinking this was hillarious...

25th August 2008, 05:12 PM
I usually don't have problems with fans from other clubs. Swans fans on the other hand, wowzers!

Triple B
25th August 2008, 05:25 PM
Can't say I have ever seen/heard a bloke at the footy telling his kid 'get me another Couger you little c...' and having all his mates thinking this was hilarious...

That just made me lol. :p :p

Maybe I was a Collingwood supporter in another life. :frown :frown

25th August 2008, 05:40 PM
I usually don't have problems with fans from other clubs. Swans fans on the other hand, wowzers!

Do they make you see red?

25th August 2008, 05:42 PM
Yeah they are bad in their direct abuse (and certainly rub in a loss after the game). I just found the bogan factor of Pies supporters was a lot higher during the game.

Can't say I have ever seen/heard a bloke at the footy telling his kid 'get me another Couger you little c...' and having all his mates thinking this was hillarious...
What a comic genius! :rolleyes: And how surprising the behaviour of young bogans if that's what they have as role models!

25th August 2008, 05:43 PM
On Sat night we sat around some of the most feral, abusive, obnoxious, homophobic, dumb people/supporters I have ever seen.

They seriously say c... every second word, have mullets, are bad sports and are missing teeth! On top of this they seem to have no idea about football, let alone their own team!

You seem surprised?? :rolleyes:

25th August 2008, 05:44 PM
What a comic genius! :rolleyes: And how surprising the behaviour of young bogans if that's what they have as role models!

Did you notice the very young kid about 4 rows in front of us with the dead rat on his head? Almost made me cry.

Cheer Squad mbr
25th August 2008, 05:45 PM
I thought I would never say this, but Collingwood supporters are actually worse then Eagles supporters.

On Sat night we sat around some of the most feral, abusive, obnoxious, homophobic, dumb people/supporters I have ever seen.

They seriously say c... every second word, have mullets, are bad sports and are missing teeth! On top of this they seem to have no idea about football, let alone their own team!

I'm all for a bit of abuse at the footy (I certainly think us as Swans supporters are way too tame), but they went above and beyond with their actions, made even worse in front of women and kids.

You should see their cheersquad.

Lucky Knickers
25th August 2008, 05:46 PM
One of my work colleagues teenage sons is a pie fan. Little smartarse sent Dad to work today with tissues for me - they weren't even Aloe Vera ones (being a real Sydney fan).

25th August 2008, 05:46 PM
Did you notice the very young kid about 4 rows in front of us with the dead rat on his head? Almost made me cry.No - disappointed I missed that. The meathead with DTs directly in front kept distracting me!

Industrial Fan
25th August 2008, 05:47 PM


That's 1.Spell check...

25th August 2008, 06:09 PM
Can't say I have ever seen/heard a bloke at the footy telling his kid 'get me another Couger you little c...' and having all his mates thinking this was hillarious...

He might have been the maggot supporter taking a break from his PDH on DH Lawrence?

25th August 2008, 06:38 PM
Pies fans DO bite. :D


Only when its their turn for the teeth:D

25th August 2008, 06:40 PM
He might have been the maggot supporter taking a break from his PDH on DH Lawrence?

Isn't that HD Lawrence?:rolleyes:

25th August 2008, 06:57 PM
Heard on radio earlier that Joffa and a few of his mates were burning a Swans flag after the game. Bit over the top I would've thought.

25th August 2008, 07:04 PM
Couldn't agree more re Pies supporters.
Was at MCG last year, and we were surrounded by the biggest bunch of nasty sneering black and whites, and its true about the teeth. And it was all generations, screaming abuse whilst holding up their babies, really scary. Never again.

25th August 2008, 07:19 PM
Settle down you lot, it's just part of footy culture.

Triple B
25th August 2008, 07:29 PM
Settle down you lot, it's just part of footy culture.

Burning flags ???

25th August 2008, 07:35 PM
Heard on radio earlier that Joffa and a few of his mates were burning a Swans flag after the game. Bit over the top I would've thought.

What Joffa and his mates thought were Swans flags were in fact their QANTAS tickets back home, they were last seen walking back...:D

25th August 2008, 07:48 PM
Spell check...

C'mon. It was obvious it was a cut and paste job.

25th August 2008, 07:50 PM
I have never been to a Collingwood game....largely due to the fact that everyone I talk to Swan or no Swan tells me terrible things ( like what is posted here)

I had an interesting experience earlier this year up in the nosebleed section at the MCG amongst a bunch of Hawks supporters. I had just come from the draw between Swans and Nth and thought....may as well go see the Hawks v Richmond game.

I was all decked out in my R&W gear, these four full-nasty Hawks supporters kept on standing up and farting every time the hawks kicked a goal, while skulling from hip flasks........and they were wrong...(like something dead farts)

Anyway....toward the end of the 3rd they were turning round after each fart (god knows how they hadn't followed through by then) one of them turned around and said........"suck it up c@@@, you reckon I smell bad, the Swans stink!!!" followed by uprorious laughter with mates....

I didnt really give a flying toss, and am definitely no wowser, (as I had the night before dropped 6 yager bombs and plonked myself in the middle of the WCE cheer squad against the dogs and caused all sorts of dramas for kicks), but these blokes astounded me with...........baseness!

anyway thought I would share:)

25th August 2008, 08:54 PM
Heard on radio earlier that Joffa and a few of his mates were burning a Swans flag after the game. Bit over the top I would've thought.
Income: $218.55
Rent: $60
Winny Blues for the week: $80
Goon for the week: $30
2 minute noodles for the week: $10
Cheersquad ticket: $20
Spending your last $18.55 on a Swans flag so you can burn it in front of your mates, and not having the tram fare to get to the free dental clinic again? Priceless.

ROK Lobster
25th August 2008, 09:08 PM
You have to worry about a night when the highlight was getting a donut at half time. :eek: :o :eek:

25th August 2008, 09:15 PM
You have to worry about a night when the highlight was getting a donut at half time. :eek: :o

The footy wasnt that bad JF,because those donuts at the footy are really @@@@ and its not even jam in them any more its tomato sauce with flavouring.:eek:

25th August 2008, 09:18 PM
Income: $218.55
Rent: $60
Winny Blues for the week: $80
Goon for the week: $30
2 minute noodles for the week: $10
Cheersquad ticket: $20
Spending your last $18.55 on a Swans flag so you can burn it in front of your mates, and not having the tram fare to get to the free dental clinic again? Priceless.


That's priceless stellation!

Seriously tho....Joffa and his mob......@@@@wits!

25th August 2008, 09:19 PM
Heard on radio earlier that Joffa and a few of his mates were burning a Swans flag after the game. Bit over the top I would've thought.

I'd love to see someone burn his gold jacket.

25th August 2008, 09:35 PM
I have never been to a Collingwood game....largely due to the fact that everyone I talk to Swan or no Swan tells me terrible things ( like what is posted here)

I had an interesting experience earlier this year up in the nosebleed section at the MCG amongst a bunch of Hawks supporters. I had just come from the draw between Swans and Nth and thought....may as well go see the Hawks v Richmond game.

I was all decked out in my R&W gear, these four full-nasty Hawks supporters kept on standing up and farting every time the hawks kicked a goal, while skulling from hip flasks........and they were wrong...(like something dead farts)

Anyway....toward the end of the 3rd they were turning round after each fart (god knows how they hadn't followed through by then) one of them turned around and said........"suck it up c@@@, you reckon I smell bad, the Swans stink!!!" followed by uprorious laughter with mates....

I didnt really give a flying toss, and am definitely no wowser, (as I had the night before dropped 6 yager bombs and plonked myself in the middle of the WCE cheer squad against the dogs and caused all sorts of dramas for kicks), but these blokes astounded me with...........baseness!

anyway thought I would share:)

Just confirms what P46 and I agree on. Hawthorn supporters for whatever reason are a contradiction. On one hand they go to the footy overdressed, leather jacket and all (in the 70's it was roll necked white/cream colours) and exudue extreme arrogance, and on the other hand they have these useless bags of crap who goad and bait other supporters in numbers.

Example 1. We got beaten in a final at Telstra Dome by the team that wear the jumpers of 2 shades of human excreta, my boys were about 12 & 14 and this group of 3 blokes around early 20's walked straight up to them, and in their face, and started swearing at them because they beat us. We just kept walking. If that happened now I suspect a swift left, right combination would be the response from one of my progeny.

Example 2. Last game at AFL Park. 2 absolute base humans had their shirts off and were baiting anyone in Swans colours. Drinking copious piss they were running to other aisles to slag off at people. There was a group of people who obviously knew them, one with a kid about 6 or 7 on his knee laughing uproarously at them. You just wondered what went on these people's minds to think they were funny. They were downright violent. My brother and a close mate fancy themselves in a scuffle and were just waiting for them to turn on us, they did take a look and start to mutter something but realised there were softer targets.

I had never seen anything so mindless in all my years at the footy, and there were some tough nuts at the Lake Oval, and have never even remotely seen the like since.

P46 and my kids still label Hawthorn supporters as miles ahead in the idiot stakes. Clearly nothing has changed.

No 14
25th August 2008, 09:53 PM
love my footy, love to barrack, love to talk to opposing club supporters around me about the game. The Collingowood bloke behind me at TD (missing teeth) was a good bloke and we discussed tactics and what the pies concerns were in the finals. Have experienced most of the issues in this thread at other games - the best thing we can do is never lower ourselves to those standards. Swans supporters are decent people.

Darren Thomson
25th August 2008, 09:55 PM
Income: $218.55
Rent: $60
Winny Blues for the week: $80
Goon for the week: $30
2 minute noodles for the week: $10
Cheersquad ticket: $20
Spending your last $18.55 on a Swans flag so you can burn it in front of your mates, and not having the tram fare to get to the free dental clinic again? Priceless.

A goon costs about 8 bucks for the cheapest, sounds like these "people" would need at leat one a day so they could stand to look in the mirror, so I believe you may have underestimated their costs, by the way, a full disability pension is about 325 bucks a week, and you get disability pension for mental illnesses like supporting Collingwood and other severe conditions so they might have more money than you think:D :confused: :) :frown ;)

25th August 2008, 09:57 PM
I was in a pretty evil group of Pies fans at our corresponding game in 2007 at the MCG and was coping some abuse from them, I was drunk and confident and yelled out to Nick Davis to compare premiership medals with Nathan Buckey and I didn't cop one more bit of abuse! :D not bad considering we got killed!

25th August 2008, 10:14 PM
Just confirms what P46 and I agree on. Hawthorn supporters for whatever reason are a contradiction. On one hand they go to the footy overdressed, leather jacket and all (in the 70's it was roll necked white/cream colours) and exudue extreme arrogance, and on the other hand they have these useless bags of crap who goad and bait other supporters in numbers.

Example 1. We got beaten in a final at Telstra Dome by the team that wear the jumpers of 2 shades of human excreta, my boys were about 12 & 14 and this group of 3 blokes around early 20's walked straight up to them, and in their face, and started swearing at them because they beat us. We just kept walking. If that happened now I suspect a swift left, right combination would be the response from one of my progeny.

Example 2. Last game at AFL Park. 2 absolute base humans had their shirts off and were baiting anyone in Swans colours. Drinking copious piss they were running to other aisles to slag off at people. There was a group of people who obviously knew them, one with a kid about 6 or 7 on his knee laughing uproarously at them. You just wondered what went on these people's minds to think they were funny. They were downright violent. My brother and a close mate fancy themselves in a scuffle and were just waiting for them to turn on us, they did take a look and start to mutter something but realised there were softer targets.

I had never seen anything so mindless in all my years at the footy, and there were some tough nuts at the Lake Oval, and have never even remotely seen the like since.

P46 and my kids still label Hawthorn supporters as miles ahead in the idiot stakes. Clearly nothing has changed.

I'd rate them the worst as well. Some years ago in the late nineties some products of the most expensive education that money can buy, spat on my female companion and i from the first tier of the Southern Stand. Dead set dogs.

25th August 2008, 10:50 PM
They have a very very large supporter base and it has all sorts. Unfortunately you tend to notice the annoying ones (of which all clubs have).

I totally agree with you NMW, although I have been to A LOT of games in Melbourne and Saturday night was one of the worst crowds I have seen. And before you get started, I have seen PLENTY of disappointing losses in my time so I am pretty sure that wasn't really a contributor. Maybe a bit of a contributing factor was the fact that there were less swans fans there than I am used to. I know we usually don't get THAT many, but I reckon there were fewer than usual there Saturday night. Anyway, I hadn't really seen it for ages, but Sat night confirmed (in my mind anyway) that Collingwood have more ferals than most. Their abuse of Bazz was unbelievable...they gave him a standing ovation (of abuse that is) when he came off at one point. All being said though, this would never put me off going. I actually had a bit of a laugh at a lot of em - was better than watching the crapola the Bloodboys were dishing up.

25th August 2008, 11:46 PM
I totally agree with you NMW, although I have been to A LOT of games in Melbourne and Saturday night was one of the worst crowds I have seen. And before you get started, I have seen PLENTY of disappointing losses in my time so I am pretty sure that wasn't really a contributor. Maybe a bit of a contributing factor was the fact that there were less swans fans there than I am used to. I know we usually don't get THAT many, but I reckon there were fewer than usual there Saturday night. Anyway, I hadn't really seen it for ages, but Sat night confirmed (in my mind anyway) that Collingwood have more ferals than most. Their abuse of Bazz was unbelievable...they gave him a standing ovation (of abuse that is) when he came off at one point. All being said though, this would never put me off going. I actually had a bit of a laugh at a lot of em - was better than watching the crapola the Bloodboys were dishing up.
my thoughts exactly.

26th August 2008, 07:25 AM
Income: $218.55
Rent: $60
Winny Blues for the week: $80
Goon for the week: $30
2 minute noodles for the week: $10
Cheersquad ticket: $20
Spending your last $18.55 on a Swans flag so you can burn it in front of your mates, and not having the tram fare to get to the free dental clinic again? Priceless.

You reckon he would've bought the flag??
There was probably some poor 5YO kid who went home upset and flagless because some moron in a gold Jacket and scary wig terrorised him and stole his flag and matches.

26th August 2008, 08:25 AM
I'd love to see someone burn his gold jacket.

It wouldnt take much being 100% polyester and all - his bleached hair would burn pretty well too. One BIC lighter and POOF!!!

I guess the club will have to invest in another set of time share situation dentures, obviously the other two sets (which have been on the time share program since 1957) have been thrown up in a gutter somehwere and havent been rescued from the sewer as they have done in the past. Or some canny fan (who actually made it to year 7 at highschool) has removed the teeth from the gum and re rented each tooth out singularly amoungst the faithful.;)

The thing I find funny is that Collingwood maintain they are the battlers club, the club for the not so fortunate & poor - yet they have the absolute best training facilities (Lexus Centre) walk out in Armani Suits and in a few years back they had a supporters end of season trip to the Wine regions of Provence !!
I would have thought a tour of a bottle shop at Resevoir (and see how much one could pinch) would have been more fitting for the true grassroots Collingwood fan - but I guess it takes all sorts. :eek:

Dont write off Essendon fans either - some those people scare ghosts out of houses.

But seriously all clubs have their feral element - just some more than others and it seems the Pies have turned it into an artform.

26th August 2008, 08:38 AM
But seriously all clubs have their feral element - just some more than others and it seems the Pies have turned it into an artform.

Trying to think of the Bloods feral element. Kenny Williams?

26th August 2008, 08:45 AM
Trying to think of the Bloods feral element. Kenny Williams?

Nah thats the "old and senile" element.;)

27th August 2008, 10:56 AM
All in all I had some tame pies supporters around me on Saturday night except for one dickhead. During the 3rd quarter when they were well in front, and this fellow sitting behind me, noticing that Brisbane were back on top of Carlton( and strangely enough able to do some calculations that if Brisbane won, it puts the swans in danger of missing the 8, I find it strange that a Collingwood supporter can actually work out anything with their peanut of a brain), started cheering for Brisbane and yelling out " GO BRISBANE, GO BRISBANE, I WANT THEM OUT, I WANT THEM OUT OF THE 8, GO LIONS". Well, its fair to say I took exception to this, normally I am a pretty quiet guy at the footy, unless theres a tosser sitting around me and then I give as good as get. I waited for the end of the game, realized that Carlton had won, which meant we were safe, turned and said to him..."mate, if Collingwood goes out in the first week of the finals, regardless of who they play, and the swans make it to the second week.... I am just going to think of your ugly mug and laugh and laugh and laugh". " its not going to happen mate" was his reply, and I just kept saying as we were walking away from one another" if it does though? if it does? I'm gonna piss myself with laughter". That was my only highlight of the night.

27th August 2008, 11:10 AM
All i can say peeps is.

Arn't you all going to have a Great day or night getting back at thier Fans, when the Swannies eventually do beat the Collie Wobbles.
Hopefully in the Finals when it matters the most. (clap)

Sad thing is, being up here in the NW of Aus, I wont be there to enjoy it with you.:(

Triple B
27th August 2008, 01:33 PM
........started cheering for Brisbane and yelling out " GO BRISBANE, GO BRISBANE, I WANT THEM OUT, I WANT THEM OUT OF THE 8, GO LIONS".

Goes to show what an idiot he really is.

Why would you want us out if you were a Collingwood supporter???

It's like a bye for them if they happen to get us in the finals which would be a huge chance of happening. Johnno, I'm surprised you didn't point that out.

27th August 2008, 01:55 PM
I thought I would never say this, but Collingwood supporters are actually worse then Eagles supporters.

On Sat night we sat around some of the most feral, abusive, obnoxious, homophobic, dumb people/supporters I have ever seen.

They seriously say c... every second word, have mullets, are bad sports and are missing teeth! On top of this they seem to have no idea about football, let alone their own team!

I'm all for a bit of abuse at the footy (I certainly think us as Swans supporters are way too tame), but they went above and beyond with their actions, made even worse in front of women and kids.

Where have you been for the past 112 seasons?

btw - you forgot to mention 'racist'.

27th August 2008, 02:03 PM
Goes to show what an idiot he really is.

Why would you want us out if you were a Collingwood supporter???

It's like a bye for them if they happen to get us in the finals which would be a huge chance of happening. Johnno, I'm surprised you didn't point that out.

Yeh good point BBB, at the time I was pissed off at what he was saying and waited and hoped that Carlton got up so I could say to him what I said. It was the best comeback I could come up with at the time.

Triple B
27th August 2008, 02:10 PM
Yeh good point BBB, at the time I was pissed off at what he was saying and waited and hoped that Carlton got up so I could say to him what I said. It was the best comeback I could come up with at the time.

Hehehehe, we all think of better things to say in the car on the way home "If only I said ......." :p

Doctor J.
27th August 2008, 03:00 PM
The thing about Pie fans, and no doubt it has a lot to do with their numbers, is they seem to have many more examples within their midst of the archetypical bogan, than any other club.

Not just slightly boganish but the full blown bogan is rampant. You know the ones complete with the no teeth, reeking of cigarettes, mullet hair cut, trackies, stolen adidas runners and fat gut bulging beneath a short sleeve Collingwood footy jumper complete with signatures and bourbon stains. Oh and why short sleeve? Gotta display the new tatts. "I luv muvva" or a picture of Bucks.

27th August 2008, 04:56 PM
The footy wasnt that bad JF,because those donuts at the footy are really @@@@ and its not even jam in them any more its tomato sauce with flavouring.:eek:

It was a donut from a cheer squad member, not once of those scalding jam-filled things you get at games in Melbourne.

It pays to belong I guess. ;)


27th August 2008, 06:28 PM
The thing about Pie fans, and no doubt it has a lot to do with their numbers, is they seem to have many more examples within their midst of the archetypical bogan, than any other club.

Not just slightly boganish but the full blown bogan is rampant. You know the ones complete with the no teeth, reeking of cigarettes, mullet hair cut, trackies, stolen adidas runners and fat gut bulging beneath a short sleeve Collingwood footy jumper complete with signatures and bourbon stains. Oh and why short sleeve? Gotta display the new tatts. "I luv muvva" or a picture of Bucks.

Apart from the maggot jumper and the Bucks tatts whats wrong with that?

1st September 2008, 01:00 PM
All in all I had some tame pies supporters around me on Saturday night except for one dickhead. During the 3rd quarter when they were well in front, and this fellow sitting behind me, noticing that Brisbane were back on top of Carlton( and strangely enough able to do some calculations that if Brisbane won, it puts the swans in danger of missing the 8, I find it strange that a Collingwood supporter can actually work out anything with their peanut of a brain), started cheering for Brisbane and yelling out " GO BRISBANE, GO BRISBANE, I WANT THEM OUT, I WANT THEM OUT OF THE 8, GO LIONS". Well, its fair to say I took exception to this, normally I am a pretty quiet guy at the footy, unless theres a tosser sitting around me and then I give as good as get. I waited for the end of the game, realized that Carlton had won, which meant we were safe, turned and said to him..."mate, if Collingwood goes out in the first week of the finals, regardless of who they play, and the swans make it to the second week.... I am just going to think of your ugly mug and laugh and laugh and laugh". " its not going to happen mate" was his reply, and I just kept saying as we were walking away from one another" if it does though? if it does? I'm gonna piss myself with laughter". That was my only highlight of the night.

Oh, if only this comes true. If only, go you swans, and it sort of hurts me to say this but.....go you crows.

2nd September 2008, 01:49 PM
Check this out!
Treaty for fans | Herald Sun (http://www.news.com.au/heraldsun/story/0,21985,24275390-5017671,00.html)

"Joffa Corfe of Collingwood commenting: ?It?s our birth rite to spit at the footy, non- negotiable. I?ll storm out and rip up the treaty if you want to bring that one on further.?

I know this article is a bit of a pisstake, but I'm sure Eddie McMedia is going to love comments like that.

I hear the committee of the Collingwood Cheer Squad HATE Joffa because he does NO work never helps make the banner & basically turns up to the football to get his head on TV. In theory he is Eddie Maguire's created 'loveable rogue' when in theory he is just an uneducated toothless freak clinging to his 30 seconds of fame in society. :mad:


2nd September 2008, 01:52 PM
Check this out!
Treaty for fans | Herald Sun (http://www.news.com.au/heraldsun/story/0,21985,24275390-5017671,00.html)

"Joffa Corfe of Collingwood commenting: ?It?s our birth rite to spit at the footy, non- negotiable. I?ll storm out and rip up the treaty if you want to bring that one on further.?

I know this article is a bit of a pisstake, but I'm sure Eddie McMedia is going to love comments like that.

I hear the committee of the Collingwood Cheer Squad HATE Joffa because he does NO work never helps make the banner & basically turns up to the football to get his head on TV. In theory he is Eddie Maguire's created 'loveable rogue' when in theory he is just an uneducated toothless freak clinging to his 30 seconds of fame in society. :mad:


who is going to do the right thing by the community at large and set fire to this idiot with the gold jacket and the over bleached hair - you will get Australian of the Year of you do it!!!:) Volunteers - anyone???

2nd September 2008, 01:55 PM
So who was at the "F8" representing the Swans then? ;)