View Full Version : Richard Colless - I'm not Western Sydney

25th March 2010, 09:06 AM
BIG interview in the Tele, by a League reporter no less

Swans chairman Richard Colless tales aim at 'crazy' Kevin Sheedy and the AFL's expansion into western Sydney | The Daily Telegraph (http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/sport/nrl/swans-chairman-richard-colless-tales-aim-at-crazy-kevin-sheedy-and-gws/story-e6frexnr-1225844982844)

25th March 2010, 09:18 AM
BIG interview in the Tele, by a League reporter no less

Swans chairman Richard Colless tales aim at 'crazy' Kevin Sheedy and the AFL's expansion into western Sydney | The Daily Telegraph (http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/sport/nrl/swans-chairman-richard-colless-tales-aim-at-crazy-kevin-sheedy-and-gws/story-e6frexnr-1225844982844)

I can't help but feel a little disappointed in Richard's comments in that interview. Perhaps it's just part of building up the rivalry with GWS but I find it disappointing that in the lead up to round one of the season, we have Colless talking down the game, administration and its expansion prospects whilst going on to talk up a rival code. Contrast that with all the positive press the NRL was getting in the lead up to their season starting.

25th March 2010, 09:28 AM
Thought it was pretty good myself. Honest and nicely lacking in spin.

Molly dooker
25th March 2010, 10:00 AM
I can't help but feel a little disappointed in Richard's comments in that interview. Perhaps it's just part of building up the rivalry with GWS but I find it disappointing that in the lead up to round one of the season, we have Colless talking down the game, administration and its expansion prospects whilst going on to talk up a rival code. Contrast that with all the positive press the NRL was getting in the lead up to their season starting.

Ooohhh, I personally think that Richard is doing a marvelous job on reverse psychology. He's possibly working on the tact that there are some people who follow League that will see his appreciation of their code and open a slit of an eyelid the Swans way at this critical time in AFL development in NSW.

I don't like the way the AFL has gone about GWS, nor the way Sheeds is carrying on with his rants on everything, usually tainted with a lot of disrespect for the effort and struggle we've put in over many years.

Richard Colless could not be more passionate about the Swans in any way shape or form and being arrogant right now about how AFL is far superior to League is not in our best interests at the moment.

I thought his interview was an example of how good this man is for us and our survival in the not too distant future.

25th March 2010, 10:11 AM
I've just noted the spelling mistake on the Tele's side.

'tales' aim indeed. Fail Telegraph.

25th March 2010, 10:37 AM
Ooohhh, I personally think that Richard is doing a marvelous job on reverse psychology. He's possibly working on the tact that there are some people who follow League that will see his appreciation of their code and open a slit of an eyelid the Swans way at this critical time in AFL development in NSW.

I've had leaguies SMS me already saying they admired his attitude to league so you aree onto something!

My only criticism with his responses is when he gave a non-commital response to the question about the Swans long term viability. Why is he talking the club down? It's not the first time he's banged on about the club losing money.

And can we stop the "he's not..." rubbish. It wasn't funny the first time and its certainly not the 4th or 5th.

25th March 2010, 10:38 AM
And can we stop the "he's not..." rubbish. It wasn't funny the first time and its certainly not the 4th or 5th.

CJK - I'm not sure we can

25th March 2010, 10:53 AM
... My only criticism with his responses is when he gave a non-commital response to the question about the Swans long term viability. Why is he talking the club down? It's not the first time he's banged on about the club losing money ...
I don't mind his making those comments. I think he's not so much talking the club down as being realistic about finances, and I'd prefer words of caution now rather than wails of regret in three or four years' time.

25th March 2010, 10:56 AM
The club has had a marketing strategy for several years now of not positioning itself (or AFL) as an exclusive alternative to League, or rugby, or soccer, but rather to accept that it is quite OK for the Swans to be people's second team. Colless' attitude towards League expressed in this interview is totally consistent with that.

I suspect Colless' continued references to the Swans' financial struggles are quite deliberate. He doesn't want the AFL to get complacent about the Swans' future, or their foothold in the city.

ernie koala
25th March 2010, 02:29 PM
The club has had a marketing strategy for several years now of not positioning itself (or AFL) as an exclusive alternative to League, or rugby, or soccer, but rather to accept that it is quite OK for the Swans to be people's second team. Colless' attitude towards League expressed in this interview is totally consistent with that.

I suspect Colless' continued references to the Swans' financial struggles are quite deliberate. He doesn't want the AFL to get complacent about the Swans' future, or their foothold in the city.

Spot on Liz. IMO it's the right strategy for AFL in Sydney

25th March 2010, 05:31 PM
Agreed Liz. Richard is a hard nut, and not ( I repeat NOT) stupid. He is our very own junkyard dog when it comes to the Swans. I am not sure all is perfect, but we have done ok since he took the reins. Lets just wait and see who what when and why he took the direction he did. There will be a reason.

Lucky Knickers
25th March 2010, 05:46 PM
The best thing about that article is the 43 comments! Some people are strange.
I thought that was a very good article and have no issue with what Richard said. Sounded fair, reasonable and straight-up.

25th March 2010, 06:29 PM
Well said, Dick. Unlike Sheedy he's capable of reflecting how many (most?) Sydney sports fans think. I'm tired of this league vs AFL phony war and Sheedy's pathetic attempts at creating controversy.