View Full Version : Anywhere but NSW...

Cheer Squad
13th April 2010, 06:03 PM
Exclusive: US the next talent pool, says Sheedy - AFL.com.au (http://www.afl.com.au/news/newsarticle/tabid/208/newsid/92171/default.aspx)

Is he serious? Or is this just another headline-grabbing gimmick? I know we've got Mike Pyke, but he was from Canada and at least had a rugby background.

13th April 2010, 06:37 PM
More headline-grabbing by Sheeds - by the end of the article he's back in NSW and the ACT, where, he says, "the AFL have dropped the ball." Starts off blowing his own trumpet, ends up singing out of Paul Roos' book!

13th April 2010, 07:44 PM
I just love that they labelled it "exclusive" - as though it's a scoop.

The thoughts of Kevin are like chatting to some mildly well-informed bloke in the pub - briefly diverting and then forgotten.

14th April 2010, 11:22 PM
The book Sheeds: A touch of cunning has it's name for good reason.

15th April 2010, 12:12 PM
I don't see what the issue is, imagine if Pykey &/or Shae McNamara [Collingwood] were rookied <21 years of age...I think both would enjoy a reasonable ROI.

The AFL can't afford to sit still, if it isn't expanding, it's dying. To ensure quality, it makes sense to 'cast the net as far and as wide as possible.

Sure, AFL will probably never be the pre-eminent sport in California, but if AFL teams can capture 5-10 players a year from the US to play in the AFL premier competition for negligible cost, then I think the exercise is well worth proceeding with.

15th April 2010, 12:36 PM
Sure, AFL will probably never be the pre-eminent sport in California, but if AFL teams can capture 5-10 players a year from the US to play in the AFL premier competition for negligible cost, then I think the exercise is well worth proceeding with.More importantly, those 5-10 players per year could be the start of a really big expansion of the sport into the USA.

15th April 2010, 11:51 PM
Swans won a game .... what better opportunity than for media-whore Sheedy to take up 1/2 a page of last Sunday's paper with this drivel.
We don't have more than two pages of AFL news in the Sunday paper, and he's taking up most of it!! I think I'd rather read the game report from Friday night. Two-day old news is better than Sheedy.
Until he has an actual "team" to play with, Sheeds should be banned from Sydney media!!