View Full Version : Mal Brown - Back to the 50's

17th June 2010, 07:03 AM
Who is this moron, he might of played some good footy but all that has been throw out the window and has put footy back years.

He says that it was in jest but that's like joking that the all past and present WA players he is so proud of are drug users because of the actions.

I'm also personally embrassed as I introduced a niece of Choc Mundine to aussie rules partly on the strength of players such as Nicky Winmar and Michael Long.

Ban he from all future afl games that have Indigenous players - Oh that means he would not be able to go to any AFL matches particularly in WA.

17th June 2010, 08:46 AM
um, please explain - is there some kind of link to what you are commenting about?

17th June 2010, 08:50 AM
They're cannibals - the new footy racism row sparked by Mal Brown | News.com.au (http://www.news.com.au/national/theyre-cannibals-the-new-footy-racism-row-sparked-by-mal-brown/story-e6frfkvr-1225880670435)

They have only mentioned it about 300 times on Sunrise this morning.

Trying to whip up some fever from comments of a has been dinosaur.

This thread doesn't deserve to be on the Swans main thread.

17th June 2010, 08:51 AM

Mal Brown. HAving listened to him on Melb radio, he's a human headline and it would be attention seeking. Deliberately after media attention

17th June 2010, 08:51 AM
Well I'm in an office - and as such dont have a tv here - so that is why I havent heard of it!

17th June 2010, 08:57 AM
Well I'm in an office - and as such dont have a tv here - so that is why I havent heard of it!

You mean you're actually working and not reading the news on the web at this hour. The benefits of working from home. TV and pyjamas are the office attire here.

17th June 2010, 09:01 AM
You mean you're actually working and not reading the news on the web at this hour. The benefits of working from home. TV and pyjamas are the office attire here.

I havent got that far on the net browsing this morning (ie its RWO first, news website second;)) But now having read it - he only played 14 games for Richmond - I wouldn't call that brilliant or memorable footy career thats for sure.

17th June 2010, 09:02 AM
Sorry if this in the wrong forum - wasnt thinking cause i was so mad.

17th June 2010, 09:03 AM
And I bet he thinks the fuss is overdone. :rolleyes:

17th June 2010, 09:33 AM
I havent got that far on the net browsing this morning (ie its RWO first, news website second;)) But now having read it - he only played 14 games for Richmond - I wouldn't call that brilliant or memorable footy career thats for sure.

TO be fair, he is a WA legend from the days not all the best players came over to Vic. Most famous for below and a fight he started at Windy Hill. He is better known as a star in WA


17th June 2010, 09:50 AM
TO be fair, he is a WA legend from the days not all the best players came over to Vic. Most famous for below and a fight he started at Windy Hill. He is better known as a star in WA


we aren't allowed to look at YOUTube at the office here (sadly) but to be famous for starting a fight is certainly something that all kiddies should aspire to;) the man is clearly not that cluey.

17th June 2010, 10:39 AM
What a knob, guess it explains his son. Makes you wonder just how bad it was for aboriginal australians back in the day if this was the prevailing attitude.

Adelaide Swan
17th June 2010, 11:00 AM

17th June 2010, 11:24 AM
Once a moron always a moron.

17th June 2010, 01:46 PM
It just goes to prove, that while the up and coming generation have no time for this crap, there is still a large % of the older generation which are racist. The fact that he used to say these type of things and more at sportsnights for the past 20 years is proof that it won't go away.

And Mal Brown comes from an era where being a good thuggish footballer was considered better than a player who was fair and had the skills. Horrible period in Australian Rules in a way.

17th June 2010, 02:17 PM
i think often people get out of hand with racisim or sexism or whatever other ism you can think of, people are too pc and sensitive. But his comments are just stupid and make you cringe, not funny at all, dont see the point?

17th June 2010, 02:57 PM
Because he still has an audience for it. People like Doug Hawkins and the rest of yesterdays footy players think it's funny.

17th June 2010, 04:46 PM
The whole thing would be a bit embarrassing for his son, Campbell, I would think.

Mal Brown is a dil. The fact that he made matters worse with his comment to the media guys on the way out suggests he has little idea that his comments would be taken as offensive - or he just does not care.

17th June 2010, 04:53 PM
Because he still has an audience for it. People like Doug Hawkins and the rest of yesterdays footy players think it's funny.

Exactly. If you listen to the audio, there are plenty of people laughing, if in a slightly guilty way. You should have been able to hear a pin drop.

17th June 2010, 05:01 PM
Its all so unsophisticated and so last century. Bet he has no idea what is going on.

I feel sorry for Campbell though. Don't know why I have a soft spot for him, probably his passion, but you wouldn't want to be taking any potshots at him next round would you.

Guess this week has been a watershed week for the indig. Everyone has been brought to count wondering if they had inadvertently done anything similar (not to the same extent as MalBrown though, good bloody grief are you kidding!!!!). This issue couldn't have been publicly orchestrated like this if you tried. I guess the gods are sick of it too.

Its the whole issue of a generation of people who have grown up not thinking comments like this are racist that is the biggest issue. The younger generation I agree have learned a great deal more than some of their parents and grandparents. I suppose they are more exposed to a wider range of colours and cultures than we (than means me) were, where a girl border from Port Moresby was thought as being strange and exotic. I cringe now at my ignorant thoughts, thank heavens I didn't put them into words. The issue here is that we were never ever taught or had explained to us how inappropriate certain words were, because guess what. Our teachers were as bad.

Thank heavens for Michael Long and others who said No, and made us accountable.

17th June 2010, 05:42 PM
I cringe now at my ignorant thoughts, thank heavens I didn't put them into words. The issue here is that we were never ever taught or had explained to us how inappropriate certain words were, because guess what. Our teachers were as bad.

Thank heavens for Michael Long and others who said No, and made us accountable.

Not to be harsh to the older generation, which includes my parents, this whole issue of racism will eventually slowly die along with those who perpetrate that ignorance, we just need to ride it out for now. Racism or prejudices will always be around, we are human after all, but at least there will be a heap more people educated and tolerant, knowing that its wrong to judge on ones colour creed and all that.

Big Al
17th June 2010, 06:14 PM
Not to be harsh to the older generation, which includes my parents, this whole issue of racism will eventually slowly die along with those who perpetrate that ignorance, we just need to ride it out for now. Racism or prejudices will always be around, we are human after all, but at least there will be a heap more people educated and tolerant, knowing that its wrong to judge on ones colour creed and all that.

Couldn't agree more! I cringe at some of things Mum says and she's not racist by any stretch.

17th June 2010, 09:11 PM
I can understand people making unwitting racist remarks and woudln't judge them too harshly. Like Goodes said when talking about Inglis-Johns, usually they don't realise the effect of their words.

But no sympathy for the kind of witless Mal Brown style remark. Why would you even say that?

Lucky Knickers
17th June 2010, 09:28 PM
Another view (http://www.backpagelead.com.au/afl/1609-loudmouth-yes-racist-no) from Back Page Lead.

18th June 2010, 12:21 AM
Having just seen Brown's "unreserved apology", anyone trying to defend the man (if not the comments he made) should just stop wasting their breath. It seems pretty evident that he sees nothing wrong with what he says, and is clueless that comments like those are hurtful towards many people and offensive to many others.

18th June 2010, 09:49 AM
I just had a look on bigforty and the thread about this issue is pretty sad. There still is that huge element of acceptable racism with the AFL bogan footy fans. A lot of people are more angry at the audacity of people being sensitive about it, you know, political correctness gone mad. Lot of justifications and stuff like "he was joking Mal coached aboriginals a lot" and the like.

I really am ashamed at white australia most times, but the footy bogan is just a disgusting backward troglodyte. :mad:

18th June 2010, 02:33 PM
Grant Hansen interviewed him on the Marngrook Footy Show last night.
Whilst he was apologetic for saying canibals ... I think it's something he'll say again. It's part of a "story" he's been telling for years.
The boys on the MFS were NOT impressed. Even after his "apology".
Damned disgusting. No respect.