View Full Version : The so called "Member Recognition Event"

Big Al
5th August 2010, 10:26 AM

Go Swannies
5th August 2010, 10:31 AM
Al, it sounds like you being overlooked was a database error rather than last minute planning. Friends of mine were invited weeks ago (and I'm going as the nominated member-friend of one). I spoke to Larissa at Trivia last night and she said Nicky D was one of the ex-players that intends to turn up for it. It doesn't require more planning than turning up a couple of hours early for the game. And, for you, a call to the club to set the record right.

5th August 2010, 12:35 PM
The way I read the letter and invitation, the function is for people who are 14 year members; 20 year members and 25 year members this year. I don't think the "+" comes into it. I got notice and a fancy invitation about three weeks ago - as well as a lovely certificate celebrating my 14 years of membership.

I'm looking very forward to this function before the game; and the aftermatch.

It's gunna be a doozy of a Saturday!!

5th August 2010, 12:53 PM
This just gets better and @@@@ing better. Apparently my mate and I are not elligble for this function because our length of membership does not exactly equal 14,20 and 25 years. Apparently my mates 22 years and my 15 years mean nothing to the Swans. What a @@@@ing brain dead decision to leave out long standing supporters like this. People who joined in 1997 are far more important that people who joined in 1988 and 1996. Go figure!

I will thinking long and hard next year when it comes to renewing.

I'm really sorry you feel this way about the member recognition program Big Al.

Annie is correct with her comments on who was invited to the event.

2010 is the first year we have ever tried to roll out a program like this. Consequently, we decided that we would recognize members as they reached membership 'milestone' years. This was because we plan to continue with member recognition for many years to come. As time progresses members will reach special years in their membership ie 5,10,14,20 and 25 plus years.

We did discuss inviting all members with 14 or more years tenure, however we did not have a venue to hold such a large group or the resources to put on an event that large. Being the first time we have ever done it as well, we had no precedent to know how successful it was going to be.

If you would like to have a chat to me about it, please PM me with your number. I'm at home with the flu today, but would be happy to talk to you tomorrow about your thoughts on the program and how we can improve it for next year.

Cheer cheer


5th August 2010, 01:14 PM
this is fun


5th August 2010, 01:23 PM
I would have thought there were better things to be so concerned about, but I guess thats just me....

5th August 2010, 01:27 PM
I guess 14 years is 14 since 1996?
But seriously, who gives recognition for 14 years??

Every 5 years makes much more sense!!

5th August 2010, 01:30 PM
I guess 14 years is 14 since 1996?
But seriously, who gives recognition for 14 years??

Every 5 years makes much more sense!!
Maybe the club didn't have many members in 1995.

5th August 2010, 01:35 PM
Maybe the club didn't have many members in 1995.

It's a play on the significance of the number 14 to the Sydney Swans.

Go Swannies
5th August 2010, 01:35 PM
Maybe the club didn't have many members in 1995.

And the number 14 has a certain resonance in the club.

5th August 2010, 01:42 PM
I knew I forgot to put in a smilie. ;)

5th August 2010, 01:43 PM
Would be Kelly, Skilton etc.
As for the recognition program, I would have qualified had the Vic based membership been anywhere close to fair over the last few years.
But then again, I've never been one for blindly donating to my team.
I am happy to support them, and in doing so, I kinda expect something in return, link not having to travel to Geelon every single year, likemaybe being able to see the games which are played outside Vic without having to subscribe to Pay TV.

This whole recognition program sounds like a fiasco.
Would have been better to rent out Rod Laver arena or somnething and have the team put on a 'Footy Show finale' type show for all members with 10 years or more....

5th August 2010, 01:43 PM
Bird's not that great a player yet!!

5th August 2010, 01:57 PM
Yeah, being made to feel welcome and appreciated by the club I've given 15 years support too isn't that a big a deal. Not sure what I was thinking. I'll tell my mate not to worry about it too shall I.


If it is any consolation (and I doubt it will be) I got invited as a 14 year member but decided to "boycott" on the basis that I have actually been a member for 15 years but the club for some reason has my start date as 1997. (And yes, it does matter, since being a member right from the start of 1996 means I am officially not a bandwagoner!)

(Actually, more of the reason I didn't really give any thought to attending is that I would prefer to be sitting watching the reserves game.)

5th August 2010, 02:00 PM
Enjoy the certificate Annie, It must be a ripper. I of course have gotten @@@@ all and someone who is 22 years a member also gets @@@@ all.

Of course it's a ripper!!
It's laser printed and made of cardboard Al ... not gold.

I think it's a lovely gesture that the club are doing this for the members.

Like Larissa said, how many people do you think they can invite to a function like this? It's the first year they're doing it; and who knows - maybe next year it can be extended. You can always come to the aftermatch function on the day. (If I knew you wanted to go so desperately, I would have taken you as my guest - next time check!!!)

Give the club a break mate.
You know, it's extremely hard to please all of the people all of the time - and after the fiasco of the memberships last year, I personally think that the club and the membership department are doing a FANTASTIC job in keeping the faithful faithful.

5th August 2010, 02:02 PM

If it is any consolation (and I doubt it will be) I got invited as a 14 year member but decided to "boycott" on the basis that I have actually been a member for 15 years but the club for some reason has my start date as 1997. (And yes, it does matter, since being a member right from the start of 1996 means I am officially not a bandwagoner!)

(Actually, more of the reason I didn't really give any thought to attending is that I would prefer to be sitting watching the reserves game.)

The only reason that I bought a membership in 1997 was that a) it was $45.00 for eight home games; and b) I couldn't get a decent seat at games anymore because of the bandwagoners. There are lots of us out there who attended a lot of games before becoming members.

Triple B
5th August 2010, 02:23 PM
I'm the opposite, I was a member thru the dark early 90's, but didn't renew after 1996 because after a 13 year wait my SCG membership came thru. I just wasn't in the financial position to maintain both memberships which principly let me do the same things, sit in the same seats etc, because I didn't attend much cricket.

After losing a few years off my life worrying I was going to miss out on GF tickets in 2005/06, I vowed never to put myself thru it again and rejoined the fold in 2007 and let my SCG membership lapse. Of course we haven't gone close to making me worry about GF tix since, but that's life...lol

Go Swannies
5th August 2010, 02:41 PM
Bird's not that great a player yet!!

Thanks for nothing Scott. I go out to lunch, come back and catch up on RWO over a dead chicken and saw that Ugg thought I was taking him at face value and adding a numerological slant. I've got the perfect riposte, I thought, I'll say how commemorating Bird's career is worthwhile then I see you've stolen my punchline.

Now I'm stuck. Um

CTS says "This whole recognition program sounds like a fiasco."

Well, with due respect to Al and his mate and Liz's seniority, not really. If RWO can be regarded as the Swan's complaining class, then so far there has been very few complaints. My understanding is that it's the initiative of a single Swans' employee and it should be regarded as a good thing to attempt rather than dismiss it out of hand. My old school only has reunions every decade (though considering speeding that up as age catches up and fewer attend!) and I've yet to hear a complaint. Maybe the club should have waited a few years to make it a round number?

On the event itself, can I seek advice on whether I should take Nicky D some top-up KPC? Though I hear he's looking like a plump pullet himself these days (thanks ORB).

Lunch over (and it wasn't KFC though if I'd got that I might have been able to kill two birds with one stone - or several excess stones).

5th August 2010, 02:42 PM
I have followed the Swans for 24 years and have been a member for the majority of this time. I have also spent thousands of dollars travelling around the country to watch them play.

I have done this for the love of the club, to support the club and for my own enjoyment. Certainly not for recognition.

To tear up your membership over a 'free' function invite is a gross over-reaction and a tad immature.

5th August 2010, 02:55 PM
I have followed the Swans for 24 years and have been a member for the majority of this time. I have also spent thousands of dollars travelling around the country to watch them play.

I have done this for the love of the club, to support the club and for my own enjoyment. Certainly not for recognition.

To tear up your membership over a 'free' function invite is a gross over-reaction and a tad immature.

What he/she said....

5th August 2010, 03:00 PM
Great to have you back BIG AL... i took your advice and went jogging,its works i've lost 5 kgs....sorry back to the topic....

5th August 2010, 03:06 PM
All this angst seems (in part) to stem from the fact that people who joined leter then one got invited. Well, boo-hoo. It's a great idea and the club has to start somewhere. Over time this function would reward you for being a 5/6 year continueing member. As Larissa points out, the plan is to have all 5, 10, 14, 20, 25, etc year members invited in any given year. Seems to me that it's a great idea to reward support, even though they are not obliged to do so. This is coming from a member who joined in 1994 and has a 4-digit membership number.

So you don't get invited this year, so what? You'll get an invite next year, or the year after. Yes there has been a hiccup with this one, but that's only natural - it's the first one. It's hardly worth crying over. And I won't even quote what Captain said in post #27 (http://www.redandwhiteonline.com/forum/showthread.php/31317-The-so-called-quot-Member-Recognition-Event-quot?p=499988&viewfull=1#post499988), even though I agree whole-heartedly.

5th August 2010, 03:15 PM
Surely this is a bit of a storm in a teacup..it seems reasonable that they can't find a venue for thousands..they have attached emotional meaning to 14 as they explained in the letter. As larissa said, next year and following years will recognise different joiniing years. They had to start somewhere!
I ,for one, am grateful for any mercies. 40 years following the Roys brought me lots of tears, no premierships (not even a GF), and not too many recognition parties that didnt include officials begging for donations.

5th August 2010, 03:27 PM
You missed the point. If they put in recognition programs and then exclude members of long standing from such programs especially over those who have been members for a lot less years then I deem this to be unfair.

Life is unfair. FYI.

5th August 2010, 05:01 PM
Where'd ya go Big Al and why did you delete everything??????

We need to talk sonny.

5th August 2010, 05:10 PM
Where'd ya go Big Al and why did you delete everything??????

We need to talk sonny.I was thinking the same thing Annie. Might have to try him on Myface.

5th August 2010, 05:31 PM
It has been interesting to read both sides of the arguement today. Whilst Big Al I can appreciate what you saying I suspect the Club with all its good intentions was not going to be able to please everyone.

As a club and recognising members they have to start somewhere. In this case it is 14, 20 and 25+ years or something to that extent. So yes whilst 15 year members may have to wait I would have thought the joy of supporting a club who on and off the field does us proud week in and week out would be more than enough 'recogniton'.

I am also in the same boat as Liz, I have been a member since as long as I can remember and yet my membership is only labelled since '1997'. This is certainly incorrect but why get myself worked up over it?

Also like Captain, I travel the country spending $1000s a season on top of my membership to support the club interstate. Obviously I do not get or expect any recognition. I simply love supporting my team. All I ask is for 100% effort and committment each week.

Try not to be too hard Big Al and understand the good intentions the club has in recognising its members.


5th August 2010, 07:04 PM
I must admit I am on your side Big Al, while I think the' tear up the membership' reaction is a bit over the top, I don't really rate the way the club has decided recognise members.

I joined in 1994 as a 16 year old (my card says 1995, but what can ya do!) I personally don't give two hoots about recognition functions, but I do find it very very hard to believe that 1997 members would be recognised in a special way, what makes me laugh is that they have managed to hide under the guise of the legendary Skilton/Kelly number when it's a simple retention exercise on the group of members that joined after the 96 season - the biggest intake of members we ever had (along with the biggest attrition rate). If the club really wanted to reward loyalty, they would only recognise particular milestones (20, 25 etc etc).

Like I said, personally don't care, but I find it a funny exercise to undertake. Maybe they can recognise via Pebble's number as well, the loyalty of the "reborn" Swans members of 2006.

5th August 2010, 07:16 PM
I never tore up my membership.
I simply didn't renew it one year.
Don't really know why anyone would want to go to this sort of thing anyway....

5th August 2010, 07:58 PM
This whole recognition program sounds like a fiasco.
Would have been better to rent out Rod Laver arena or somnething and have the team put on a 'Footy Show finale' type show for all members with 10 years or more....

That is just plain unrealistic.

That would cost a bomb and only divert money from the area where it should be spent, in the football department to improve the team.

You need to draw the line somewhere when it comes to a recognition program from scratch and good on the club for having a go and introducing something like this.

If you remain a member you will be invited to a function at some point.


5th August 2010, 08:20 PM
I must admit I am on your side Big Al, while I think the' tear up the membership' reaction is a bit over the top, I don't really rate the way the club has decided recognise members.

I joined in 1994 as a 16 year old (my card says 1995, but what can ya do!) I personally don't give two hoots about recognition functions, but I do find it very very hard to believe that 1997 members would be recognised in a special way, what makes me laugh is that they have managed to hide under the guise of the legendary Skilton/Kelly number when it's a simple retention exercise on the group of members that joined after the 96 season - the biggest intake of members we ever had (along with the biggest attrition rate). If the club really wanted to reward loyalty, they would only recognise particular milestones (20, 25 etc etc).

Like I said, personally don't care, but I find it a funny exercise to undertake. Maybe they can recognise via Pebble's number as well, the loyalty of the "reborn" Swans members of 2006.

Very sane response Damien.

I can see Big Al's point, especially when people with less membership (5, 10) are rewarded over long suffering fans.
I've always had a problem with reward and recognition. It is either all or none.
Sure, celebrate every 5 years membership, but make it retrospective for those that miss out.
I can understand where the club is coming from with numbers, but really, it is just not logical to ostracise many other members.
I'd be peed off too.

It happens at work, thanks x, y and z. Oh and the others.

Surely there is a different model that they could have used, which could reward groups, rather than specific numbers.
And really 14 is just stupid, unless Damien is spot on, then it's just sucking up.

5th August 2010, 08:27 PM
Is it to be called the "Vic Aanenson Member Recognition Event".

5th August 2010, 08:47 PM
My membership card says I joined in 1996 - does that mean I should have been invited in the 14 year group?

5th August 2010, 09:04 PM
Where'd ya go Big Al and why did you delete everything??????

We need to talk sonny.

He's taken his bat and ball and gone to Big Footy.

I can't believe the over reaction. I got invited to the 14 year thingy but I would rather watch the Ressies play. What is the big deal? Better a missed 14 year celebration than to have a greedy ex wife , I say.........:D

Sounds like Big Al needs a hug.

5th August 2010, 09:28 PM
My membership card says I joined in 1996 - does that mean I should have been invited in the 14 year group?

No. It means you're in your 15th year.

5th August 2010, 09:35 PM
No. It means you're in your 15th year.

If only! :-)

5th August 2010, 10:14 PM
He's taken his bat and ball and gone to Big Footy.

I can't believe the over reaction. I got invited to the 14 year thingy but I would rather watch the Ressies play. What is the big deal? Better a missed 14 year celebration than to have a greedy ex wife , I say.........:D

Sounds like Big Al needs a hug.

It's the principal of the matter.

5th August 2010, 10:51 PM
It's the principal of the matter.

How important is it? If you threaten to tear up your membership, then delete all your posts because you have received a late invitation to a non event ? What does that tell you?

What principal? I follow the Swans because I choose to follow them and not because the Club has to personally recognise me. If I've been with the Club for over 10 years then it is for the long haul. If the Club chooses to thank people who have only been members for 5 years, then I think that's outstanding.

When I said Big Al needs a hug I meant it. This little thing was probably the straw that broke the camel's back. I genuinely hope that when Big Al has a re-think about the importance of this that he returns to RWO.

He's a very lucky man if this is the only thing in life that gets him this upset.

Triple B
5th August 2010, 10:55 PM
It's the principal of the matter.

Are you suggesting there has been some schoolboy like behaviour??

5th August 2010, 10:57 PM
I am pleased I got this invite, but I do admit feeling a bit awkward amongst friends who have been members for a year or so longer. However, I have missed out on other things that I haven't been invited to that I thought I perhaps ought to have been.

So on Saturday I am going to go and see what its all about, and take my place. No one else is patting me on the head in my life, I will take it how I can and trust that everyone else gets their tummies rubbed at another date.

5th August 2010, 11:28 PM
How important is it? If you threaten to tear up your membership, then delete all your posts because you have received a late invitation to a non event ? What does that tell you?

What principal? I follow the Swans because I choose to follow them and not because the Club has to personally recognise me. If I've been with the Club for over 10 years then it is for the long haul. If the Club chooses to thank people who have only been members for 5 years, then I think that's outstanding.

When I said Big Al needs a hug I meant it. This little thing was probably the straw that broke the camel's back. I genuinely hope that when Big Al has a re-think about the importance of this that he returns to RWO.

He's a very lucky man if this is the only thing in life that gets him this upset.

C'mon, why can't he be disapointed? I am not saying it wasn't an over reaction (in terms of the board and membership threat), but if the club is rewarding loyalty, I am sure long term members who miss out on a strange technicality of exact years served have a right to feel a little disapointed in it? I don't get why people are being so harsh on him - not as if being recognised by the club was his crusade, he just wants fair recognition if the club is going to go down this path.

First year of doing this and they recognise members with 14 years exact service? Ignoring members with 15 to 20 years? It's stupid and has left them open to disapointment from very long term members, some who really stuck it out during very bad times.

6th August 2010, 12:26 AM
Are you suggesting there has been some schoolboy like behaviour??

Straight through to the keeper.......

6th August 2010, 07:43 AM
I am pleased I got this invite, but I do admit feeling a bit awkward amongst friends who have been members for a year or so longer. However, I have missed out on other things that I haven't been invited to that I thought I perhaps ought to have been.

So on Saturday I am going to go and see what its all about, and take my place. No one else is patting me on the head in my life, I will take it how I can and trust that everyone else gets their tummies rubbed at another date.

Enjoy it Primmy. I hope you'll post all about it later.

6th August 2010, 08:40 AM
Are you suggesting there has been some schoolboy like behaviour??

:eek: Whoops!!

How important is it? If you threaten to tear up your membership, then delete all your posts because you have received a late invitation to a non event ? What does that tell you?

What principal? I follow the Swans because I choose to follow them and not because the Club has to personally recognise me. If I've been with the Club for over 10 years then it is for the long haul. If the Club chooses to thank people who have only been members for 5 years, then I think that's outstanding.

When I said Big Al needs a hug I meant it. This little thing was probably the straw that broke the camel's back. I genuinely hope that when Big Al has a re-think about the importance of this that he returns to RWO.

He's a very lucky man if this is the only thing in life that gets him this upset.

Not sure if Al has threatened to tear up his membership.
I think that came from other posters, reading more into it.

Why is he not allowed to express his disappoinment?
Poorly thought out by the club.

He deleted his posts because he was also disappointed with people who post thoughtlessly.
He could've deleted the entire thread, but didn't, so that says something to me.

He's pointed out he's followed them for years without any recognition, and without expecting any.
But when they choose to reward loyalty, a huge swank of people are missed.

It's on the nose.

Lucky Knickers
6th August 2010, 09:26 AM
Well I sincerely hope Al calls the club and expresses his disappointment in person directly.
I can understand why he would not accept an alternate invitation. Hopefully he can provide some constructive feedback on this.
The way the club have turned around their membership engagement has been really good this year. With the best of intentions they have created a really good event concept IMO and I am sure the club are disappointed to learn they have let down some members but hopefully Al and any others contact them to discuss ways to improve the engagement with all members, particularly those of long standing.

6th August 2010, 10:07 AM
Why is he not allowed to express his disappoinment?
Poorly thought out by the club.

He deleted his posts because he was also disappointed with people who post thoughtlessly.
He could've deleted the entire thread, but didn't, so that says something to me.

He's pointed out he's followed them for years without any recognition, and without expecting any.
But when they choose to reward loyalty, a huge swank of people are missed.

It's on the nose.

I completely agree and feel for Al.
Whilst I'm first and foremost a member because I love the team, a little bit of recognition and a "Thank you" occasionally is appreciated.
I don't understand why they couldn't have had the initial gathering for ALL members with 10+ years up.
Considering every member is invited to the big after match following tomorrows game, couldn't they have used the same venue before the game to cater for the larger number?
Surely that would have been the fairer way to go.

6th August 2010, 12:17 PM
I've scored an invite to this event(14 years membership). I, like many others who have posted on this thread, follow the Swans and have stayed with them because I love the club and don't actively go looking for recognition of my loyalty. A function such as this is a bonus and I look forward to attending tomorrow. As far as Al goes, he's entitled to his opinion and I am not going to crucify him for it.

Big Al
6th August 2010, 01:55 PM
:Not sure if Al has threatened to tear up his membership.
I think that came from other posters, reading more into it.

Why is he not allowed to express his disappoinment?
Poorly thought out by the club.

He deleted his posts because he was also disappointed with people who post thoughtlessly.
He could've deleted the entire thread, but didn't, so that says something to me.

He's pointed out he's followed them for years without any recognition, and without expecting any.
But when they choose to reward loyalty, a huge swank of people are missed.

It's on the nose.

Many thanks Scott...Thats exactly the point I was trying to make yesterday only to accused of immaturity and over reaction by some but I'll get back to that a bit later.

Spoke to Larissa this morning who by the way I can't speak highly enough of. She's a credit to the Swans. She pointed out the logistical nightmare of all members of 14+ years getting certificates and an invite to functions due to the sheer numbers involved. That's a valid point and one I definitely take on board.

She did understand however why members of long standing would feel aggrieved at being bypassed in this process in favour of members with less years up as members. It wasn't fair that 15,16-19, 21-24 year members missed on any of the recognition where 14 year members, up to 10 years less were given their due recognition. Larissa was definitely receptive to any ideas that could get around this type of problem which is a credit to her.

The Clubs heart was definitely in the right place with this but with anything new like this there are always going to be teething problems which I acknowledge. So now that I have spoken to the club and was listened to I can certainly move on.

As for RWO, I have had issues for some time with how some people (including myself at times) treat other posters when they don't agree with them. Everyone should have a look at Matt79's post in this thread for a pro forma on how to disagree with someone without making people feel @@@@ about themselves.

I genuinely hope the function on Sat is an absolute ripper and those attending thoroughly enjoy themselves. I look forward to such functions when my 20,25, 30 etc etc milestone come up. (Yes I won't be "tearing my membership up" - I never said that anyway, case of chinese whispers I think)

Also MANY THANKS to those who supported and defended me in this thread while I was having a sulk in the corner :) it's much appreciated


Go Swannies
6th August 2010, 02:29 PM
Many thanks Scott...Thats exactly the point I was trying to make yesterday only to accused of immaturity and over reaction by some but I'll get back to that a bit later.

Spoke to Larissa this morning who by the way I can't speak highly enough of. She's a credit to the Swans. She pointed out the logistical nightmare of all members of 14+ years getting certificates and an invite to functions due to the sheer numbers involved. That's a valid point and one I definitely take on board.

She did understand however why members of long standing would feel aggrieved at being bypassed in this process in favour of members with less years up as members. It wasn't fair that 15,16-19, 21-24 year members missed on any of the recognition where 14 year members, up to 10 years less were given their due recognition. Larissa was definitely receptive to any ideas that could get around this type of problem which is a credit to her.

The Clubs heart was definitely in the right place with this but with anything new like this there are always going to be teething problems which I acknowledge. So now that I have spoken to the club and was listened to I can certainly move on.

As for RWO, I have had issues for some time with how some people (including myself at times) treat other posters when they don't agree with them. Everyone should have a look at Matt79's post in this thread for a pro forma on how to disagree with someone without making people feel @@@@ about themselves.

I genuinely hope the function on Sat is an absolute ripper and those attending thoroughly enjoy themselves. I look forward to such functions when my 20,25, 30 etc etc milestone come up. (Yes I won't be "tearing my membership up" - I never said that anyway, case of chinese whispers I think)

Also MANY THANKS to those who supported and defended me in this thread while I was having a sulk in the corner :) it's much appreciated


Al, I hope I wasn't one of the ones who you regarded as having a go at you?

I was the first to respond but that was partly because I'd spoken to Larissa the night before and knew how excited she was about the event and how disappointed she might feel about her efforts being taken as slighting some members. And later I did dispute (for the same reason) the claim that the whole event sounds like a fiasco.

I'm really glad that you have spoken to her and understand that the club has been acting with the best of intentions. I think most would agree that the attitude of the current membership division is light years better than the last regime - but even in the past they seemed to listen when approached (they just couldn't price seats correctly or send membership packages out on time).

Big Al
6th August 2010, 02:44 PM
Al, I hope I wasn't one of the ones who you regarded as having a go at you?

I was the first to respond but that was partly because I'd spoken to Larissa the night before and knew how excited she was about the event and how disappointed she might feel about her efforts being taken as slighting some members. And later I did dispute (for the same reason) the claim that the whole event sounds like a fiasco.

I'm really glad that you have spoken to her and understand that the club has been acting with the best of intentions. I think most would agree that the attitude of the current membership division is light years better than the last regime - but even in the past they seemed to listen when approached (they just couldn't price seats correctly or send membership packages out on time).

The great thing about the current regime is their willingness to listen to feedback and acknowledge where they could do better. Their understanding of my position allowed a 2 way dialogue this morning which was really beneficial.

And, I was in no way referring to you in my previous post.

6th August 2010, 02:52 PM
The great thing about the current regime is their willingness to listen to feedback and acknowledge where they could do better. Their understanding of my position allowed a 2 way dialogue this morning which was really beneficial.

And, I was in no way referring to you in my previous post.

It is a relief isn't BA to have the club actually listen, and respond - this year.

They actually are having an aftermatch at a venue we can all get to! OK, its the indoor cricket place, but that's good enough for me. Better than Adelaides tin shed.

6th August 2010, 03:00 PM
Must be me then!! ;)

The club have gone out of their way to make the members feel welcome and loved this year. There's a whole "you're part of this" vibe at the club that I've never felt before. The players/staff have never been so approachable as they have been this season. So far, I've attended the Redbacks launch as a guest, pre-season family day, joined L@SS (Ladies at Sydney Swans), pre-match functions at ANZ (gotta keep those going - they're great), post-match SCG functions, MCG post-match functions, trivia, and have got the pre-and post-match functions on Saturday, and B&F to go.

The staff are a dead-set credit to this club; and I sincerely hope the club knows how valuable a contribution they make.

If they could put the current staff out on the road doing speaking tours about how to service customers; we'd make more money in engagement fees than Parra Leagues pulls out of the pokies in a year.

Glad you're hanging around Al.

Big Al
6th August 2010, 03:15 PM
The club have gone out of their way to make the members feel welcome and loved this year.
The staff are a dead-set credit to this club; and I sincerely hope the club knows how valuable a contribution they make.

Glad you're hanging around Al.

Your spot on Annie and this is why I was so disappointed because excluding long term members in favour of members with less years is the exact opposite of what they've achieved this year. Your always going to react badly when something you love disappoints you.

The measure of an organisation is always how they respond when they've made an error. In this the club has passed with flying colours.

6th August 2010, 05:57 PM
Then we'll see you at the prematch??

6th August 2010, 06:21 PM
I actually forgot to ask, what is the nature of the function? Pre match breakfast or lunch?

Big Al
6th August 2010, 06:24 PM
Then we'll see you at the prematch??

No, I have commitments Sat morning with my nephews Soccer and won't be getting to the SCG until just before the first bounce. This was always about the principle of excluding certain members and not about scoring an invite to this thing. The response from the club I'm talking about is that they listened, understood where i was coming from and awere willing to listen to suggestions on making this laudable program better.

Big Al
6th August 2010, 06:29 PM
I actually forgot to ask, what is the nature of the function? Pre match breakfast or lunch?

I've been told it will be on between 2.10 and 5pm and will be held in a marquee in the space in front of Buddy Franklin.

Go Swannies
6th August 2010, 06:51 PM
I actually forgot to ask, what is the nature of the function? Pre match breakfast or lunch?

It's a competitive eating event. The 7 year members go up against Mummy, 14 years and it's Nicky D and the 21 year group have a battle for the BBQ against Plugger.

It's at noon but the instructions are to bring your invitation.

6th August 2010, 06:52 PM
As for RWO, I have had issues for some time with how some people (including myself at times) treat other posters when they don't agree with them. Everyone should have a look at Matt79's post in this thread for a pro forma on how to disagree with someone without making people feel @@@@ about themselves.


Thanks Al for the feedback. I certainly could understand your point of view mate and am really happy that you and the club (via Larissa) were able to hear each other out. Looking forward to a great game tomorrow!


6th August 2010, 07:04 PM
Big Al, my apologies if I wrote anything to offend you. It wasn't my intention. I do understand how these things happen and frustrations can overwhelm. Been there, done that.

Glad you sorted it out and back posting here.

Triple B
6th August 2010, 07:15 PM
Tell the truth Al, you went for that jog, didn't you? :D

Big Al
6th August 2010, 07:18 PM
Big Al, my apologies if I wrote anything to offend you. It wasn't my intention. I do understand how these things happen and frustrations can overwhelm. Been there, done that.

Glad you sorted it out and back posting here.

Thanks Bas and no worries.

I tried to get that hug you suggested i get but Jessica Alba wasn't available so it wasn't good day at all. :)

Big Al
6th August 2010, 07:19 PM
Tell the truth Al, you went for that jog, didn't you? :D

All the way to the pub 500m down the road. Bloody exhausting I can tell you.

6th August 2010, 08:17 PM
Thanks Bas and no worries.

I tried to get that hug you suggested i get but Jessica Alba wasn't available so it wasn't good day at all. :)

I'll send Magda Szubanski to come round to your place. You want a hug from a home grown woman with substance!

6th August 2010, 08:30 PM
Would have been better to rent out Rod Laver arena or somnething and have the team put on a 'Footy Show finale' type show for all members with 10 years or more.... Except that most of us dont live in Melbourne.

Jesse Richards
6th August 2010, 08:42 PM
Hey Big Al, welcome back. Have missed your posts over the past few weeks and my computer has been out of action on and off, so it was good to see that you are back on line, too.

Empathised with your feeling aggrieved and glad that Larissa has sorted things out for you.

Before I got my computer back earlier today I had a call from a 20+ year member asking WTF? And it wasn't clear from what that person had received who was and wasn't invited. I have now passed on Larissa's and your comments, which will clarify the situation but I doubt that it will appease. The damage has been done.

Ironically, only a few years back that same person and I had frequently offered professional expertise in client service and organising events to the club, gratis, only to be rebuffed, misunderstood, ignored and even vilified(!) by the various factions operating at that time. Feedback was also misunderstood, ignored or twisted.

It was a result of that treatment that I ceased my membership. And yet I remain a passionate, devoted and loyal Swans supporter. I just don't deal with the club any more. It wasn't a dummy spit, but a rational decision to remove a source of frustration and disappointment that was interferring with my enjoyment of the Swans as a football team.

6th August 2010, 11:03 PM
Before I got my computer back earlier today I had a call from a 20+ year member asking WTF? And it wasn't clear from what that person had received who was and wasn't invited. I have now passed on Larissa's and your comments, which will clarify the situation but I doubt that it will appease. The damage has been done.

Yep, can't start a recognition program and allow the "Horror Years" members to go unrecognised until they hit the 20 year mark or 25 year mark. Club needed to be smarter about the first one but they failed, however I am sure they have met their key objective. It's a pity, because the club have really turned around what was a pathetic Membership Services team into quite an efficient and service driven one this year.

7th August 2010, 01:41 PM
I've been told it will be on between 2.10 and 5pm and will be held in a marquee in the space in front of Buddy Franklin.

Hehehe Love it. We have missed you BA.

Time to change location to" Back with a vengance"

Big Al
7th August 2010, 08:55 PM
Hey Big Al, welcome back. Have missed your posts over the past few weeks and my computer has been out of action on and off, so it was good to see that you are back on line, too.


Hehehe Love it. We have missed you BA.

Time to change location to" Back with a vengance"

Thanks guys, it's nice to be in a good mood again.

7th August 2010, 09:25 PM
I was at the Chairman's Club tonight (Redback members get an invite once a year) and gave some positive feedback to Colless regarding the recognition thing and what I thought they could do to improve it. He suggested that some members who joined during the hard times had phoned the club regarding this and they were aware they probably could have launched it in a more inclusive way.

8th August 2010, 10:21 AM
Except that most of us dont live in Melbourne.

Sucks to be you then.....

8th August 2010, 10:23 AM
Damn, makes me wanna ring this Larissa chick just for a chat. :)

8th August 2010, 04:41 PM
Damn, makes me wanna ring this Larissa chick just for a chat. :)

Go ahead, she is a sweetie. Ticks of approval from anyone who has had anything to do with her.