View Full Version : Goodesy says racism still an issue in football

Adelaide Swan
20th June 2012, 09:35 AM

20th June 2012, 11:22 AM
Was reading the comments by WB fans re: will minson's punishment. They didn't seem to get that a line had been crossed, going on about how Danyle should go back to looking at dresses or not to forget his lipstick. I found it offensive on two levels - they didn't "get" the reason why he'd been punished, and then further perpetuated misogynistic attitudes. I was imagining if say Mummy had done something similar and admitted it - how would Swans fans reacted? It would sadden me if it occurred, but I am sure I would have supported the ban and punishment. I am not tarnishing all WB fans with the same brush, but very very few (less than 2) thought he deserved it.

I am here: http://tapatalk.com/map.php?kfn22n

20th June 2012, 11:41 AM
Don't go on the other footy board then, no one thinks there was anything wrong with it. But then again they're pretty much a band of troglodytes

20th June 2012, 11:47 AM
Was reading the comments by WB fans re: will minson's punishment. They didn't seem to get that a line had been crossed, going on about how Danyle should go back to looking at dresses or not to forget his lipstick. I found it offensive on two levels - they didn't "get" the reason why he'd been punished, and then further perpetuated misogynistic attitudes. I was imagining if say Mummy had done something similar and admitted it - how would Swans fans reacted? It would sadden me if it occurred, but I am sure I would have supported the ban and punishment. I am not tarnishing all WB fans with the same brush, but very very few (less than 2) thought he deserved it.

I am here: http://tapatalk.com/map.php?kfn22n

Some people can't see the stars even when looking directly at them, unfortunately. These fans are living in a time warp and probably think that racist jokes are ok. I had an experience recently that I do not wish to repeat. I had a bloke staying at my house until he could get settled. I had known him for a long time but I was unaware he hadn't grown up from the '80's & early '90's. He was still telling the same off colour jokes that are just not acceptable and then when someone would object he would accuse them of being 'Political correct' in a sneering manner. The term 'Political Correctness' was invented by the American Far Right as a sneer to justify calling African Americans 'Niggers' and Latino's, 'Spics'. It was also to justify the use of other abusive terms and language. In Australia the 'right' uses the term in the same way and the problem is the uneducated, easily led public believes them because media like Alan Jones or News Ltd tell them it is so! There is no quick fix for racism, sexism, homophobia or bigotry as a whole. You can only do so much in a school environment and only so many students can be convinced. This sort of education started in the home and if parents are racist, sexist or homophobic it is a good bet the kids will be as well. If older family members say hurtful things to others and think nothing of it then the children will follow suit. The education needs to start at home!

20th June 2012, 12:23 PM
Don't go on the other footy board then, no one thinks there was anything wrong with it. But then again they're pretty much a band of troglodytes

Nah you are! The point, although brought upon by my viewing of a WB board which came up via my facebook feed, is actually about whether this would ever happen at the Swans. With Goodes as a co-captain and from what I believe the culture to be, is not likely. Have you heard the phrase "if you haven't got something nice to say, don't say it?" :)

I am here: http://tapatalk.com/map.php?2sjhtt

20th June 2012, 12:47 PM
Racism is still an issue in society, hence in footy as well. I think people like Goodsey and other indigenous (and plenty of non-indigenous) players are doing a great job in speaking up and helping educate people in terms of what is and isn't ok these days. What may have been considered ok in years gone past in many areas is not necessarily ok today, and its important that people continue to speak out against this sort of stuff.

Adelaide Swan
20th June 2012, 02:18 PM
Was reading the comments by WB fans re: will minson's punishment. They didn't seem to get that a line had been crossed, going on about how Danyle should go back to looking at dresses or not to forget his lipstick. I found it offensive on two levels - they didn't "get" the reason why he'd been punished, and then further perpetuated misogynistic attitudes. I was imagining if say Mummy had done something similar and admitted it - how would Swans fans reacted? It would sadden me if it occurred, but I am sure I would have supported the ban and punishment. I am not tarnishing all WB fans with the same brush, but very very few (less than 2) thought he deserved it.

I am here: http://tapatalk.com/map.php?kfn22n

I used to lurk on a Dogs forum and didn't think they were that bad.

Very surprised I must admit.

20th June 2012, 03:02 PM
One thing I love about our club is that we don't go in for that sort of garbage. Paul Roos said on On The Couch on Monday that he's never understood why players sledge anyway so I suspect not doing it is part of our culture (I don't mean racist stuff here - I mean any kind of stuff). I also love that we don't go in for that off the ball niggle and rubbish that looks ugly and cheap, like the free paid against Richmond on the weekend for working Cameron over.

Untamed Snark
20th June 2012, 05:02 PM
One thing I love about our club is that we don't go in for that sort of garbage. Paul Roos said on On The Couch on Monday that he's never understood why players sledge anyway so I suspect not doing it is part of our culture (I don't mean racist stuff here - I mean any kind of stuff). I also love that we don't go in for that off the ball niggle and rubbish that looks ugly and cheap, like the free paid against Richmond on the weekend for working Cameron over.

I'd be surprised if the boys gave into sledging, but I used to have a giggle over the idea of Kirky throwing opposition off their game with random inspirational quotes.

20th June 2012, 05:19 PM
It's a bit misleading to say our players don't sledge or don't niggle, because they do. However they usually don't initiate and it's generally isolated to a few players. Rhyce Shaw and Ben McGlynn don't seem averse to any of it and, like most teams, our boys are protective of each other if somebody is getting shoved around. Responding to that sort of bull@@@@ cost us in the 3rd quarter against Freo in 2011.

However, unlike the Geelong boys, its probably not a usual occurrence. We're not a very arrogant team and you do need a certain amount of arrogance carry that stuff off. Also there is there is the leadership group to contend it, and you'd image they'd get down on anyone being unnecessarily antagonistic on the field to the point of say, Hayden Ballantyne or Stevie Johnson.

20th June 2012, 06:04 PM
What a disgrace that this is still around on the footy field, its bad enough hearing it from supporters and in society. Sadly, I dont think it will ever end but continual education from players like goodsey hopefully can help reduce it.

20th June 2012, 09:44 PM
Watching now. Very interesting. feel sorry for goodesy with some of the racism he has copped over his career. love him as a bloke, terrific man goodesy

20th June 2012, 10:22 PM
[QUOTE=DamY;576699]Nah you are! The point, although brought upon by my viewing of a WB board which came up via my facebook feed, is actually about whether this would ever happen at the Swans. With Goodes as a co-captain and from what I believe the culture to be, is not likely. Have you heard the phrase "if you haven't got something nice to say, don't say it?" :)

Try Bay 13 and come back and disagree with me. It's a fun read, all 47 threads on the subject. This type of sledging would not occur at the Swans, however certain Swans may eventually respond to sledging by grinding their direct opponent into the turf in a fair but aggressive manner

20th June 2012, 11:02 PM
I suppose its all about what the recruiters do to pick and choose the players they want at this club, not just at a playing level.

I can also imagine that anyone who stepped over the line of acceptable sledging would be sent to Stuey's office first, and then have to front the playing group. Does that mean that it is an unusual situation here?

I feel for the guys that cop it; especially gentle men like Micky O and Goodsey. But the degrading sledge which attacks the human state is out of control nasty and as we have just witnessed, shocking.

Well Rome wasn't built in a day they say. Nothing was/is. Change in attitude and brain farts will take time. It's better than it was, we discuss, we absorb opinion, we reject that which feels violating, and some of us learn. I am no angel, but I am instinctively better than I was; being brought up with the notion of "rescuing poor little black babies" was a given at the time. Now it is a total reversal. It will all take time. And education. And that is where the crux of the matter lies. Common decency is not necessarily a given, even when educated. It will take generational change.

21st June 2012, 12:14 AM
The idea of generational change is what comforts most people. The reality is that there a pervading attitude within some groups younger people that is racist; it often hides behind the resurgence of Australian 'nationalism'. With all the fear mongering in the community and the constant proliferation of the us vs them attitude by some major media outlets and politicians, it doesn't look like the situation is getting any better.

Perhaps it is not as overt as it was before, but it is there and is an undercurrent of our society.

This issue goes beyond what happens on a football field. When society becomes better I'd expect the football community to follow suit. I have little hope of it happening the other way.

Mr Magoo
21st June 2012, 09:33 AM
The idea of generational change is what comforts most people. The reality is that there a pervading attitude within some groups younger people that is racist; it often hides behind the resurgence of Australian 'nationalism'. With all the fear mongering in the community and the constant proliferation of the us vs them attitude by some major media outlets and politicians, it doesn't look like the situation is getting any better.

Perhaps it is not as overt as it was before, but it is there and is an undercurrent of our society.

This issue goes beyond what happens on a football field. When society becomes better I'd expect the football community to follow suit. I have little hope of it happening the other way.

Totally agree. For as long as racism resides in society then it will reside in its subsets and racism has resided in society for as long as differnet races have existed. We cant expect footballers to be the moral pillars of society, that in my opinion is ridiculous.

21st June 2012, 10:01 AM
Paul Roos said on On The Couch on Monday that he's never understood why players sledge anyway so I suspect not doing it is part of our culture

I don't know whether what Marty Mattner says to opposition players would count as sledging, but he's a master at winding them up. Watch him closely next time you're at a game, it's great entertainment :)

I'd guess most players have sledged at least once, to some degree.

21st June 2012, 10:31 AM
In a more general sense, how impressive was Goodes last night? What a wonderful half hour it was. Full credit to Mike Sheehan for the way he took a backseat and let Goodes' responses speak for themselves.

21st June 2012, 10:42 AM
In a more general sense, how impressive was Goodes last night? What a wonderful half hour it was. Full credit to Mike Sheehan for the way he took a backseat and let Goodes' responses speak for themselves.

Sheehan's one-on-one interviews have been universally impressive. He always lets the star of the show shine through, never pushing his own agenda or getting on his soapbox, but just guiding the conversation. Others - like McGuire - could take note.

21st June 2012, 03:27 PM
wot happens on the field stays on the field

21st June 2012, 04:55 PM
wot happens on the field stays on the field

No. Not when someone crosses the line - racism is not ok these days. Bringing someone's parents (last weekend) or kids (Des Headland a few years ago) also crosses the line.

Maybe some people just don't get it, which is why we still have to talk about this sort of stuff in the present tense.

21st June 2012, 05:06 PM
wot happens on the field stays on the field

Wrong. You're being so 20th century there. It's an outdated concept.

I support 100 per cent the AFL's no-tolerance to racial vilification and all other forms of prejudice, bullying or subjective cowardice.

If I had someone around me at the footy calling Goodesy, Jets, TDL or Satchmo names that belittled their skin colour, I would consider it my duty to rebuke them.

My mother told me at the birth of my first child that my baby was born with perfect self esteem and no prejudice. It was my duty as a parent, to the best of my ability, to ensure that her self-esteem was maintained and that prejudices were not introduced, she said.

As nine times out of 10, I have said daughter with me at the footy, I would have to loudly say something to the protagonist so that she understood it was wrong.

Once upon a time this would have risked a punch in the head from some neanderthal. I'd like to think that today it would draw large scale back-up from the rest of the people around me.

I have never had this situation arise and hope I never will but this is my strategy if it does. If it fails, do come and visit me in hospital.

22nd June 2012, 12:49 AM
I didn't see the interview but have no doubt Adam Goodes would have been as considered and articulate as ever.

"Racism isn't born, folks. It's taught. I have a 2 yr old son. Know what he hates? Naps. End of list." A great little quote from Denis Leary on Twitter.

Actually doing something about indigenous issues in Australia is still deeply unpopular. If you're interested, check out the Wall of Hands, launched today by our very own team. Last year Lewis Jetta was on his own with this one. Good to see that this year more of the team have gotten involved. Raise your hand!



Untamed Snark
22nd June 2012, 09:16 AM
I didn't see the interview but have no doubt Adam Goodes would have been as considered and articulate as ever.

"Racism isn't born, folks. It's taught. I have a 2 yr old son. Know what he hates? Naps. End of list." A great little quote from Denis Leary on Twitter.

Actually doing something about indigenous issues in Australia is still deeply unpopular. If you're interested, check out the Wall of Hands, launched today by our very own team. Last year Lewis Jetta was on his own with this one. Good to see that this year more of the team have gotten involved. Raise your hand!



Loved Jetta's effort on this last year, I am glad he has the team involved.

How adorable is the picture of Lewis & Jr?

Adelaide Swan
22nd June 2012, 12:54 PM

WEST Coast great David Wirrpanda fears star indigenous players could walk away from the AFL if the game does not provide greater welfare.

The respected Eagle warned a lack of Aboriginal support staff at club level had become an increasing concern to the families of young indigenous players.