View Full Version : Adam Goodes is featured in this USA article

21st June 2013, 04:40 PM
His stance has reached a wider audience.


Page not found | theGrio (http://thegrio.com/2013/06/20/why-racist-jokes-are-no-laughing-matter/#.UcNLGOam7fo.twitter)

Just checked, the link is ok no matter what the line says.

21st June 2013, 04:49 PM
Nice. Amazing to me how quiet the AFL has gone since. What exactly is Eddie's punishment?

21st June 2013, 05:44 PM
Nice. Amazing to me how quiet the AFL has gone since. What exactly is Eddie's punishment?
They know Ed did this on purpose. Not saying he's a racist, he just doesn't like anyone saying anything about Collinfgwood and especially not from Sydney. Hes just too important financially to piss off

21st June 2013, 05:58 PM
They know Ed did this on purpose. Not saying he's a racist, he just doesn't like anyone saying anything about Collinfgwood and especially not from Sydney. Hes just too important financially to piss off

Yes and you can tell he is a Broady Boy too. Broady not a racist place you'd be kidding Eddie. Broady has a diverse racial mix but there is a huge racial divide there also. I mean there are groupings and ghettos, gangs on ethnic grounds like in the USA and lots of violence. When I first visited Broady 30 years ago there was a spray painted sign "Kill all Poofs" and another "black C's" you can fill in the gaps. You can take the boy out of broady but it's very hard to take Broady out of the boy. Even my Gay friends who had escaped Broady tended to be a bit racist.

21st June 2013, 11:46 PM
The AFL and Eddie have been disgusting, they have undermined most of their good work over the years by showing they will only go after otherwise-vulnerable offenders. If Eddie really cared about stamping out racism he would accept some personal pain for his actions, but he has not.

This makes Eddie and the AFL bullies on this issue. Happy to go hard after a 13 year old girl and too cowardly to stand up when it is their turn.

Can you tell I am still angry about this? It will be a long time before I forget the way Eddie and the AFL acted towards Goodes.

On the flip-side, could Goodes be more wonderful? I don't think I have ever admired a sportsman more than I do Adam.

21st June 2013, 11:46 PM
They know Ed did this on purpose. Not saying he's a racist, he just doesn't like anyone saying anything about Collinfgwood and especially not from Sydney. Hes just too important financially to piss off

Apparently Eddie is to star in some kind of anti-racism campaign to be unveiled soon.

Cpt. Kirk
22nd June 2013, 03:21 AM
Why Did This Star Athlete Throw a 13 Year Old Out From a Stadium? - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwUOL4kFCbo)

Don't know whether you guys have seen this before or not but it is interesting to hear the US side of it.

22nd June 2013, 08:24 AM
"Lazy" is a racist term now?

22nd June 2013, 01:49 PM
Why Did This Star Athlete Throw a 13 Year Old Out From a Stadium? - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwUOL4kFCbo)

Don't know whether you guys have seen this before or not but it is interesting to hear the US side of it.

Fair enough that they discuss the issue but this is not exactly very intelligent conversation (nor informed).

And we think our cable TV is rubbish.

Nevertheless, thanks for posting.