View Full Version : The AFL admits an umpiring mistake in the Sydney-Carlton clash

1st July 2013, 09:32 AM
How many times have they apologised to us for gross Umpiring errors???

THE AFL has admitted a field umpire made a mistake in penalising Sydney defender Nick Malceski?s rushed behind in drenching rain at the SCG last night.
It means that Carlton?s only goal in the first half came from an error by field umpire Robert Findlay.

An AFL spokesman today said umpire Findlay erred by awarding a free kick in the goal square to Blue Josh Bootsma 28 minutes into the second quarter.

No Cookies | Herald Sun (http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/afl/the-afl-admits-an-umpiring-mistake-in-the-sydney-carlton-clash/story-fni5f5nx-1226671806180)

1st July 2013, 09:46 AM
Like all umpiring decisions it can't be changed, sure they owned up to it. But that changes nothing. For something so blatantly wrong, that guy better be umpiring some country teams magoos beyond the black stump this weekend!

Howler! Disbelief. Our loungeroom was hilarious if you were a fly on the wall!

1st July 2013, 09:53 AM
Shoulda been up in the stands behind the event. I think the umpy aged 10 years. I knew he was wrong when he didn't penalise Mal for his remonstration. According to the recordings of the event even the umpy had no idea why he made the call. I think we got a couple of softies after that tho. B ut it changed the game.

1st July 2013, 10:05 AM
Whately and Alves said that if the umpires were really working as a team then one of the others could have overruled it then and there. Umpires would have won some admiration and justive would have been done.

Quote of the night by a mate of mine on Facebook........"It is a three way tussle in the rain at the SCG. Half time score, Sydney 39, Umpire Findlay 6, Carlton 5."

1st July 2013, 10:28 AM
Sheesh the poor umpires were copping a booing on Friday, they must have felt like they were Jobe at Subi! I was sitting with a friend who is a keen Carlton fan, neither of us understood the Mal decision and he even joined in the booing for it.

Likewise for the Jesse non-goal, he joined in the booing too because it was a bit of excitement on a dreary night- the boundary ump was in pretty much a direct line of sight from us through to Jesse and neither of us understood how he could make that call from his position, there's no way he could really tell from that angle if the ball was out (I doubt he could even see the ball through Jesse's back) and it left us in a discussion of how the umpiring department coaches the boundary umps; do they have to believe that ball went out, or do you have to SEE the ball go out? Obviously you're suppose to see it go out but they have a much tougher job than say a soccer boundary ump because they're judging something that's on a curve and more often than not at a completely different point on a curve to where they are.

1st July 2013, 01:23 PM
We got awarded a goal a little later on where the ball was CLEARLY out.

Saying that though, had we lost by a goal I would have been absolutely spewing.

(What's good for the goose is NOT good for the gander!!) ;)

1st July 2013, 03:17 PM
Hate to miss the top 4 spot by a minor % because of errors...

Some teams even loose games by errors.

At this stage, all it did was give me something to whinge about and "boo" at the time..

At lease there was acknowledgement that there was an error.


1st July 2013, 03:34 PM
There was a huge cheer when the free kick was awarded, at first I thought it was a Bronx cheer for Carlton kicking their first 'goal' (6 behinds) then I realise what the umpire has done and I gave a big hearty 'boooooo' for the umpire kicking Carlton's first 'goal' for them.

Go Swannies
1st July 2013, 04:17 PM
Sheesh the poor umpires were copping a booing on Friday, they must have felt like they were Jobe at Subi! I was sitting with a friend who is a keen Carlton fan, neither of us understood the Mal decision and he even joined in the booing for it.

Likewise for the Jesse non-goal, he joined in the booing too because it was a bit of excitement on a dreary night- the boundary ump was in pretty much a direct line of sight from us through to Jesse and neither of us understood how he could make that call from his position, there's no way he could really tell from that angle if the ball was out (I doubt he could even see the ball through Jesse's back) and it left us in a discussion of how the umpiring department coaches the boundary umps; do they have to believe that ball went out, or do you have to SEE the ball go out? Obviously you're suppose to see it go out but they have a much tougher job than say a soccer boundary ump because they're judging something that's on a curve and more often than not at a completely different point on a curve to where they are.

I was in a perfect position to watch Jesse at the stage when he "went out of bounds" - and he didn't. Part of the ball crossed the line but the entire ball certainly didn't. Good turn of speed from the big lad, too. BTW, from the TV it didn't look like there was a time when the whole ball was outside the line for Benny's either.

Mal's was just a disgrace as I pointed out whenever an umpire came close. Sadly it seemed to inspire the Blues more than the Swans.

Untamed Snark
1st July 2013, 04:42 PM
Jesse's goal still irks me, it was such a beautiful play and from my seat in the Brewongle concourse it was quite clearly in.
Full credit to Jesse-he didn't let it get to him, just kept powering on.

1st July 2013, 07:21 PM
As much as the Mal call annoyed me, I got so frustrated at the channel 7 callers referring to Carlton's lack of free kicks after half time.

1st July 2013, 08:01 PM
As much as the Mal call annoyed me, I got so frustrated at the channel 7 callers referring to Carlton's lack of free kicks after half time.

Yes, that was annoying.
No mentioned that they probably didn't deserve one.

1st July 2013, 08:35 PM
It is not individual umpiring errors which annoy me, we are all human after all. It is the way the "interpretations" change each week. I heard a commentator saying that the players watch the Friday game to see how the rules are being interpreted this week. This situation is preposterous. This constant tweaking to stay ahead of player and team tactics is unnecessary and feels like a bunch of non-players trying to have their influence over how the game is played. Those on the field and those in the coaching box are the custodians of the game, not the administrators in Melbourne or Jeff Gieshen.

1st July 2013, 08:45 PM
They got something wrong?

K.Jack cleared of striking Walker or attempting or something. Anyway he's playing next week

1st July 2013, 09:06 PM
The Mal decision may have only cost us a goal but in those conditions it amounted to 15 points. It gave Carlton some hope just before their half-time break. Brock McLean admitted on a TV show on Sunday that he had a smirk on his face running back to the centre after the decision. As for the Channel 7 commentators, not just on the night, time for Bruce and BT to hang up the boots. BT would have to be the laziest of commentators. He doesnt call players at all if he doesnt know them and no other commentator has the guts to come in and help him. OR he just blatently calls the wrong player and no one corrects him. I think he spends more time eating the party pies than doing some homework on player numbers.

5th July 2013, 12:34 PM
The Mal decision may have only cost us a goal but in those conditions it amounted to 15 points. It gave Carlton some hope just before their half-time break. Brock McLean admitted on a TV show on Sunday that he had a smirk on his face running back to the centre after the decision. As for the Channel 7 commentators, not just on the night, time for Bruce and BT to hang up the boots. BT would have to be the laziest of commentators. He doesnt call players at all if he doesnt know them and no other commentator has the guts to come in and help him. OR he just blatently calls the wrong player and no one corrects him. I think he spends more time eating the party pies than doing some homework on player numbers.

I am a little disappointed to find that Umpire 23, Robert Findlay was not dropped for Round 15. He will be officiating the Q clash up at the Gabba.

I don't want to destroy this bloke, and lets agree it was one mistake, albeit an extremely bad one. That said, it would have been appropriate for the AFL in all circumstances to have dropped him for at least one round.

5th July 2013, 01:21 PM
I am a little disappointed to find that Umpire 23, Robert Findlay was not dropped for Round 15. He will be officiating the Q clash up at the Gabba.

I don't want to destroy this bloke, and lets agree it was one mistake, albeit an extremely bad one. That said, it would have been appropriate for the AFL in all circumstances to have dropped him for at least one round.

Isn't that the same as officiating a lower grade match?:wink:

5th July 2013, 04:12 PM
Had that goal not (rightly) been awarded the commentators comment that it would have been the first time in history that Carlton were kept goalless to half time may have come true.

5th July 2013, 07:46 PM
Had that goal not (rightly) been awarded the commentators comment that it would have been the first time in history that Carlton were kept goalless to half time may have come true.

Findlay was obviously aware of that fact.

5th July 2013, 08:35 PM
... I heard a commentator saying that the players watch the Friday game to see how the rules are being interpreted this week. This situation is preposterous. ...
Yes, luckily the Swans played Brisbane on a Sunday and had time to prepare. Conversely, the whistle happy umpire backlash caught us sleeping past the bye.


6th July 2013, 09:34 AM
Jesse's goal still irks me, it was such a beautiful play and from my seat in the Brewongle concourse it was quite clearly in.
Full credit to Jesse-he didn't let it get to him, just kept powering on.
From my possie in the Trumper with Jesse powering forward towards me it was, unfortunately, out. It would have been "in" if the ump had called it and we wouldn't have argued, but honestly it was out. Just for a moment though.

Has to be nominated as the best "Non" Goal of the Year.

6th July 2013, 10:30 AM
Findlay has umpired a final. If he has supposedly attained the standard to umpire an AFL final he should not make howlers like that one. Maybe he grew up in Coburg or North Carlton or something and just couldn't stand the Blues getting a further embarrassing record. :rofl