View Full Version : Craig Bolton

18th July 2005, 12:46 PM
I admire and respect Craig Bolton more and more every week....

Craig Bolton is a very underated performer who gets the job done week after week with a minimum of fuss on talls and smalls alike. Bolton's effort on Robbo was outstanding and hasn't been given due recognition in the press for his game or any other outstanding & similar games this season for that matter

I also like the fact that he is a calming, steady and reliable influence on a backline that sometimes makes you cringe and turn away, but just about always delivers the goods, when the likes of Leo, LRT (especially) and Kennelly have the ball in hand.

In my opinion, Bolton should be one of the first picked every week, which is just about as big a compliment one could get in a team game that Aussie Rules is.....

18th July 2005, 12:48 PM
Originally posted by cressakel
Craig Bolton is a very underated performer who gets the job done week after week with a minimum of fuss on talls and smalls alike.

Would be in my AA list ATM, maybe on the bench.

18th July 2005, 12:49 PM
Agree about his game on Robbo. The fact that it got so little coveraage is typical of his no-nonsense, no-fuss approach to getting the job done. You can always rely on him to do the job required and know that his disposal and decision making is usually of high quality.

As for being one of the first picked, I'm sure that if there is no injury issues with him, he is one of the first picked each week.

18th July 2005, 01:11 PM
I know i said this about Mathews last year which i probably deservedly got lynched on. But Craig Bolton is the most underrated player in the Sydney Swans!

18th July 2005, 01:15 PM
Yeah, no doubt over the fact that he's one of the most pivotal parts in our defense.

Got to love the versatile player who can play on either the big or small without too much of a fuss. Robertson's not the easiest player to defend either, so the fact that he had no impact on the game showed Craig's own impact on the match.

18th July 2005, 01:54 PM
I said it early this year. He is the most consistent in the team, this year.

18th July 2005, 02:15 PM
IMO one of the most respected players in the AFL.

18th July 2005, 02:17 PM
Originally posted by jc_freak54
Yeah, no doubt over the fact that he's one of the most pivotal parts in our defense.

Got to love the versatile player who can play on either the big or small without too much of a fuss. Robertson's not the easiest player to defend either, so the fact that he had no impact on the game showed Craig's own impact on the match.

Both had 10 touches and 4 marks and Carig executed 4 tackles to Robbo's 1.

For his relative young age and limited experience, Craig has the best defensive skills I think we've have seen in a long time.

Knows how to stick tight on dangerous opponents, knows how to run off into space and great vision for the spot up. Rarely does Craig have to use the boundary...just smarter than his opponents most of the time.

I think Coaches and Team would have as much respect for Craig as the best in the club. Great trainer and a switched on player who doesn't let "occasion" or emotion effect his performance.

18th July 2005, 02:24 PM
I called it a couple of weeks ago, much to the shock of my Sister. I think he'll be club champ this year if his form continues.

My nephew had him as a leader the other day at the kids clinic and raved about him too, so it's not just on the field where he shines.

18th July 2005, 02:24 PM
He also knows how to take match saving marks. Took a critical one mid way thru the last qtr. He has done it b4 in other games leaves his opponent at the right time to fill a hole.

18th July 2005, 02:56 PM
Originally posted by ScottH
He also knows how to take match saving marks. Took a critical one mid way thru the last qtr.
This was the superb one when he stood in the way of Neitz. Has courage and skill!

18th July 2005, 03:22 PM
Craig Bolton is a better "Ben Mathews" then Ben Mathews will ever be.

18th July 2005, 04:52 PM
And Leigh Matthews recently singled him out as a player they are now really disappointed they lost.

18th July 2005, 05:04 PM
For a while there I thought we could do very nicely just drafting Lions' 23rd best player every year. But I think they got wise to that after we got Bolton and took a tuff line on Notting.

Still, to date, I'd prefer Bolton to Notting & maybe we can sneak Brennan or similar under the radar this year?

18th July 2005, 10:43 PM
want to add my name to the chorus - love the way he plays. courageous, intelligent, no-nonsense, consistent - it just goes on. brilliant mark running back against the Ds just as they were getting some momentum. we are lucky to have him.