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  1. #1
    On the Rookie List
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    Anyone interested ?

    Hey guys ...i read your comments on the forum saying that no one posts anything so i thought you might like this ? I did an interview yesterday with Adam Santarossa from the St George Crows as part of my media assingment.its a pretty good article ..Ad's talks about the season , nearly going to balmain earlier in the year , next seasons plans , and this weeks grand final . It;s a sompretty good read ...havent told Ad;s about this ...but if anyone's keen let me know and ill put it up for someething different

  2. #2
    Commentary Team Captain BeeEmmAre's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tartan_army View Post
    Hey guys ...i read your comments on the forum saying that no one posts anything so i thought you might like this ? I did an interview yesterday with Adam Santarossa from the St George Crows as part of my media assingment.its a pretty good article ..Ad's talks about the season , nearly going to balmain earlier in the year , next seasons plans , and this weeks grand final . It;s a sompretty good read ...havent told Ad;s about this ...but if anyone's keen let me know and ill put it up for someething different
    Would be an interesting read Tartan.
    "It's up to the rest of the players in the room to make a new batch of premiership players next year," Adam Goodes, triple Bob Skilton Medallist, October 7, 2011.

    YOU BETCHA!!!!!!

  3. #3
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    Would definately be interested.

    Follow me on Twitter - @tealfooty

  4. #4
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    Here you go guys ...Ads said i can post it .but he wanted to note he wasnt trying to talk himself up in this interview . he is actually really worried about coming across that way ..anyway here it is

    TARTAN: I am now joined by one of the most underrated players in the Sydney AFL Competition, the St George Crows Adam Santarossa ?Adam thanks for taking the time to sit down and have a chat

    ADAM: Yes no problem ?I never got a chance to thank you for the underrated thing..So thanks for that

    TARTAN: Now your season has just recently ended obviously a very disappointing way of going out?

    ADAM: Yes of course, we just didn?t turn up to play that day...uni where just too good and harder at it ?but given the reserves form from previous years we can still take a lot of positives from the year and move forwards again in 2008 .

    TARTAN : For yourself though i am sure you will agree it?s not quite the year you thought it would be has it ?

    ADAM: Yes obviously its been pretty disappointing...obviously missing so much of the year through injury...i only really got back to 100% fitness in the last 2 or 3 games to be honest so yeh its been disappointing not to play any first grade but sadly injury played its part and given the firsts form this year I couldn?t manage a look in
    TARTAN: Talk us through the injury and how it occurred?

    ADAM: Yeh I tore my quad muscle. I first felt it in the trial game against uni at Wagener but didn?t trouble me so I thought nothing of it but a few weeks later we where playing soccer as a bit of muck around in training and it just completely tore. I was given 8 weeks prognosis in coming back and in hindsight I definitely tried coming back too soon ?as I obviously wanted to be involved in first grade as much as I could but yes definitely pushed it too hard came back for about two games ..Probably playing about 50%...i mean I could run fine I just couldn?t kick and ended up doing it again against Campbelltown although it was minimal I spent another 6 weeks out to ensure it was 100% because with me playing at 50% was not helping anyone or my chances at Firsts. So in all I missed about 14/15 games due to the injury and as I said before it?s only been the last two rounds that ive felt 100%.

    TARTAN: How much does it hurt knowing that you could have very well been part of the side that is to run out on Sunday?

    ADAM: oh Yes I wont lie and say it doesn?t hurt...i mean these things don?t come around every year and lets face it its what we all lace the boots for every year ..And I did hold out hope all the way until the first final...which was probably ridiculous in itself that I could get a recall...but realistically once again ive only just got back to 100%...and you look at the guys that will miss out Sunday who have been involved all year within the team and there is a long queue there that unfortunately proved a little too long for myself..but in saying that I wish the guys all the best and id love to be there but that?s the way its gone but there?s a lot of guys missing out that will be hurting a lot more as they have been in the mix all season .
    TARTAN: Obviously due to injury you have failed to get a look in the top grade this season .but even in the past couple of years you have been in and out a seem to always be on the fringe...that must be hard?

    ADAM: Yes I really struggled with it last season ?I really struggled with the confidence...only seeing a quarter or so of game time every week you struggle to make an impact on the game and I was putting a lot of pressure on myself to not stuff up and I don?t think I could really play to my capabilities thinking like that..but after playing in the finals loss to penno last year , due to injuries I played a lot of the game and I walked of after the game with that self belief that yes I could play at that level and that?s why I was so keen this year to really get stuck in because I know I can play at the first grade level and I had seen the light so to speak . People have said given my height and weight there wasn?t a lot they could do with me...and that im limited to like wing, pocket...but ive never really played on the ball in the top grade which I think is my best position and where I spent a lot of time in 18; s and ressies. You see a lot of guys who I have played with and against too that play week in week out and they are not to different to myself so I no it can be done...and I mean ive only been playing AFL for 4 years so I am still learning with every match and I spent a bit of time in the ressies this year playing in the back line which was really good because I learnt a lot in terms of playing the position and things ive never really ever been taught and also it helped with the coaches putting the faith in me to go back there and do a job and that is something I really respond too ..
    TARTAN: Now earlier in the year you where linked to a move to the Balmain Dockers... how much truth is behind this and how close did you come to making the switch?

    ADAM: Yes I was extremely close to going. But in the end my off-field commitments probably made the decision for me in terms of the level of commitment I could make traveling to Balmain to train and play week in week out. I actually trained with the Dockers on one occasion which I don?t think anyone really yes I was pretty close. I guess one of my goals this year was to play every week in first grade and I was never motivated by money or anything else others may was always to have that chance to play every week and to learn more and get better as a footballer . Also with Hally (Damien Hall) at the was a familiar face and Hally really helped me out a lot in that year at the crows...and I no some peoples opinions of him maybe aren?t favourable ..But ive never had a problem with the guy...he really took the time help me out the year previous and work on my game and teach me the game which I appreciated a hell of a lot which also played into my decision. Ultimately as I said off-field commitments played there part...but who knows.
    TARTAN: Is Balmian something you may re-asses next season?

    ADAM: Look I will have to wait and see...once again my off-field work and radio commitments have increased and certainly put a strain on both work and football this year trying to balance the two ..But I have said too many people I only commit a year at a time and ill have to sit down and work things out. Ive had a few people in my ear who are attached to certain clubs to maybe have a run with them ?like yourself...but as I said we will wait and see...the goal is certainly to play regular top grade and if it means going elsewhere or even stepping down a division to make me a better footballer at the end of the day then who knows..But once again...ill wait and see.

    TARTAN: One thing I was waiting to ask...why have you not been on Digital Sports this year with Rhodesy and the boys...did you get the shunt?

    ADAM: (Laughing) Obviously playing makes it hard to do...but last year I was merely there to help them out whenever they needed a hand...which was an absolute ball...but they do an awesome job ..I am hopeful of getting a call for Sunday though as like special inside comments or never know... something.
    TARTAN: Just on Sunday...what are your thoughts?

    ADAM: It will be a cracker. I think the lads would have definitely preferred to meet Pennon again rather than the Bombers. Given the hiding they gave them in the first final...i think the edge would have been there...but the Bombers knocked us off in the last round at Gore although they will try not to talk about it I think it will be there in the back of the minds of the boys. But in saying that since the finals kicked in ive noticed a real focus come about the boys and I think we saw the results of that against penno...also we where missing a few player last time we played them at gore hill who have since come in . If we start like we did against penno in the first final we will go along way to winning but ultimately in finals it?s not really who the better team is. Is basically who wants it more and who?s harder at the footy?
    TARTAN: A Tip?

    ADAM: I think the Crows by 4 goals.

    TARTAN: Thanks for your time Adam and I hope to sit down sometime in the future

    ADAM: anytime mate.

    Adam Santarossa can be heard on 99.7fm 2SSRFM with all the sport Thursday Nights from 8-10, Saturday mornings from 10am-12pm and calling all the Cronulla ? Sutherland Sharks / Southern Districts Football games throughout the season.

  5. #5
    Great interview.

    This forum needs more interviews and quality items about Sydney footy.

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