Ok Ok we all know that the boys will be receiving their votes and Friday night we will know who wins the B&F.

I want to know which staff member from the Swans you would vote for in a similar count.

For myself I am thinking:

3pts - James: Pure and simply for his eyes... wonderful! Oh he is always pleasent to deal with in a range of membership issues.

2pts - Sue: I find her delightful and she is always able to forward my call adequately when I am unsure I need to gather my information from. Well done Sue!

1pts - It would be negligent for me not to vote for the guy that looked like the High School Musical bloke. Unfortunately he has since gotten a hair cut but it was a cracking Fro bro! I think he should grow it back - can we get a poll on this?

Soooo.... who is your fav staff member? I am certain there are a few you have in mind...

Let the voting begin!