Once again, very disappointed with CH 7 commitment to AFL in Sydney. When I looked at the TV Guide at the beginning of the week I noticed that CH 7 was showing last night's game at 8.30 pm. You beauty I thought, a short delay and then we can start watching at a reasonable time. Imagine my shock then, when at 8.30 pm CH 7 starts showing the Vicar of Dibley Xmas Special with the game starting at 9.30 pm. FFS CH 7 what is going on? Who gives a rats**** about a Xmas Special especially this time of the year!!. Show some courage and be prepared to take a hit in the ratings. Aren't you trying to grow an audience?
I notice CH 10 is showing tonight's game starting at 8.30 pm. I assume that they will stick to that time. They appear to have a stronger than CH 7 when it comes to showing AFL in Sydney.
The sooner the stations can start to use their secondary digital stations for showing live into Sydney the better for us.