Many of us have noted that the 2012 version of the Bloods has a lot in common with the 2005 group. Saturday in Adelaide confirmed it.

In 2005:
QF1 vs West Coast - Jude Bolton bleeds from horrific cut to the head, dons the helmut and the Bloods legend is born. I have a feeling someone else was stitched up that game as well.
PF3 vs St Kilda - Brett Kirk splits his head open badly in friendly fire and comes off the ground looking like Sissy Spacek at the prom. He's off down to the rooms whilst Swans fans everywhere nervously await his return. To our great relief he emerges from the rooms like the warrior he is, stitched up and laced up in the same helmut that Jude wore a week before. The Swans lift and we deliver one of our best quarters of footy to kick clear and break the Saints hearts.
Grand Final - Jude Bolton re-opens head wound from the EF. Doc Gibbs clips him together, tapes him up and they lace on that crusty blood soaked helmut that has served so well all finals. Jason Ball also has a bad cut to the head and ends up wearing what many of us dub the Swans Party Hat.
We go on to a heart stopping win for our first premiership in 72 years.

Yesterday, we saw a head wound to one Kieran Jack and I for one was smiling.

Sydney's Kieren Jack wore a helmet during the last quarter, but not because of concussion during the match. He had a badly cut head, and the helmet was helping to stem the blood flow. It was effective.
Read more: Swans too Goodes for Adelaide

Ryan O'Keefe was also running around with tape on from a cut to the head.

I've had a theory for a while now: When the Swans bleed they win. This is because they are first to the ball, hitting the packs hard and playing contested bloods footy. They are prepared to do anything for the red and white in order to win.

It started on Saturday and I believe it can finish in victory at the MCG on the 29th September 2012.

Go the Bloods of 2012.