Good win to the Cats last night as expected.....but what's going on with those Giants? Blew another match on Thursday that they should have sewn up by three quarter time. When seriously challenged, they go into slight panic mode....though I must say, the umpiring seemed to take a sinister turn in the last quarter, including a 'non goal review' after replays showed a goal to the Dons was indeed touched off the boot.

For the AFL to come out and completely defy logic yet again to give the episode the tick of approval is to be laughingly expected I suppose. Loved Jimmy Bartel's spray on this least there is someone out there in media land prepared to call the AFL's attitude for what it is....plain dishonesty or sheer incompetence.....or both.

Only seven matches left.....lets see what else the league can @@@@@@ up in that time......

Fingers crossed that our game is adjudicated properly. Have a great weekend everyone...... Go Swans!!