A strange place to have our 21st Derby. Partly cloudy and 19°C now and drops to 9°C around 7 pm with no rain forecast. Should be good for Footy. A strange time slot as well. However, with the pandemic, everything is possible. We will play wherever, whenever and whoever.

No change in our team from last win. Congratulations to Nick Blakey - Playing his 50th game!

GWS has Matt Flynn, Stephen Coniglio, Xavier O'Halloran in with Hill , Ash, Whitfield and Mumford OUT.

Umpires will be Chris Donlon (1), Jamie Broadbent (20), Jacob Mollison (32) (BTW Please note that there is a separate "umpires thread")

Although a few unexpected results this round and GWS has much stronger motivation to beat us, I am still predicting we should win by 10 ~ 20 points. Go Swans