• RESERVES REPORT - Swans v Eastlake

    Sorry for delay and lack of the inspired reporting you are usually spoilt with. ORB didn't make the game and he is the principle player, I am just backup, and not very good one either.

    It was a relatively high scoring game with Belconnen taking the cudos for accuracy at 14.4.88, but Swans winning at 16.8.104.

    A better showing than last week with a lot more intensity right from the beginning. Frosty is making his presence felt as coach.

    . MikePyke has improved a great deal, especially when not hampered by inept umpiring straight from the under 14s. He was consistent, got to the goalsquare to spoil when needed, and took a mark going back with the flight which would have been a crowd pleaser at any game. Wouldn't be surprised if he gets called up now that Seaby is out for 12.
    . Curry was sloppy in the first half, and dropped a few, but came good in the second half. I am not sure I would start his senior career off against Geelong, even though he is a R&W favourite. He is a confidence player, and could get belted early on.
    . Cheese had as many clangers as he had good'ns. I think it is a matter of concentration. He can move, but sometimes his disposal is plain awful.
    . LJ is a gem. Just give him time to develop condition, he is not far away. He seems to be very confident in the backline and I can see a future club leader (and I don't think I am making too early a call).
    . Reid the Weed is a persistent player. He has very good concentration and I expect him to rise up the ranks.
    . Dill is a real "son of Kirky" prospect. He had a great rundown and tackle and for a little player he can make that tackle stick. He also stole a goal right on the line, quick reflexes.
    . Speaking of tackles, Red Rohan had another very productive game, and includes smothers in his repertoire. BUT, I am going to be calling him Bouncer if he doesn't get this particular problem out of his game. He travels, and forgets to bounce the ball...yet again.....its going to be a treat to one day see him take off and actually remember to bounce that ball.....so much to enjoy about his game though. He works very well in traffic and is not phased by much.
    . Vez is desparate to get back to the big boys club. He is working his butt off, consequently peppering the goalsquare rather than taking the team line of passing to advantage. However when he does pass his accuracy has improved.
    . MOD had a great game or a dirty game, depending on which passage of play you were watching.
    . TDL is starting to show us why he was drafted, there is something worth watching there.
    . Cambo, oh Cambo. Well, we will just have to wait and see how he progresses. He could be very good but he needs to get up to speed with the game and be more aware of the opposition.
    . Hank shouldn't try to kick a goal further out than 30m, but he is doing a sterling job as Poppa Bear.
    . McKaigue is all over the shop. He needs help. Strong unit but unless it clicks soon he will lose heart and that would be a shame. He does try.
    . Bevo was in the mix and worked as he always does.
    . Nipper kept popping up but it was not one of his better games, but he still worked to advantage.
    . Gilly grows a great beard and I would love to say he was right on his game, but I can't.

    Scholarship boys Guthrie and Potter contributed well, and each improved on last weeks effort, with Guthrie being more involved in the game.

    Toppies were mixed.
    . Emery played last week and he is a big lad, and this week he improved quite a bit. Looks like he is a quick study.
    . Caspersonn had his own fan club in the Noble Stand, and did ok.
    . Linsen kind of got lost.
    . Etiosa Okumba looked totally lost to start with, somewhat overawed. Then he forgot to spectate and got involved and contributed. Not sure if he is as serious about this as say Emery is, but he looked like he was enjoying himself.

    There were some good combinations with a special in the 3rd quarter involving Curry, Dill and Emery resulting in a goal. And a great running goal from LJ.
    I have more notes on Pykey scattered through the 4 quarters than on anyone else. Not just his size, but I was impressed with his improvement.

    Sorry for any spelling mistakes. These are one person's thoughts and not necessarily those of any other R&Wers!
    Comments 9 Comments
    1. liz's Avatar
      liz -
      Thanks for the report Primmy.

      Emery certainly contributed strongly for a top-up. He seems strictly to be a leading full-forward and from what I've seen over two weeks, it is not evident that he has enough tricks to progress to a higher level but certainly a useful player to have down there from a structural point of view.

      I suspect Heath was feeling sore for much of the game - he spent a lot of time on the sidelines having attention to his calf area - which might explain why he was less impressive than in other matches.

      I really hope Currie looks upon the current situation as a huge opportunity and tries to give the selectors a real decision to make at selection table over the next month or so. I agree that Geelong is not the game to throw him in the deep end (and doesn't sound like he is under any consideration at the moment) but I still think he has the potential to be a very good AFL ruckman. If he doesn't grab his chance for a debut in the next 3 months, I fear he never will. Not at the Swans, anyway.
    1. Primmy's Avatar
      Primmy -
      Good to hear your views on Cambo (Heath) as he had had a pretty decent hitout in the last round, and I wondered if we had a hot and cold player. I like him.

      Your views on Curry pretty much mirror mine. He doesn't have a great deal of self belief. Not sure whether they need to hand him over to Stuey for some "truth" therapy, or whether he just doesn't have that killer instinct so necessary. He's a good kid. I want to keep him.

      Last year I thought we had a winner with Gilly, but this year I am not so sure. I am thinking Willoughby, Smokey, etc.
    1. ugg's Avatar
      ugg -
      Good report Primmy

      If not bouncing the ball is Rohan's biggest issue, then there is a lot to look forward to. It should be a simple thing to fix.
      I echo your thoughts on Currie. By all reports, he is a very nice and polite young man, but could do with a little mongrel in him when on the field.
    1. ScottH's Avatar
      ScottH -
      Good Solo effort Primmy. You 'll put ORB out of a job.

      Sound like Pyke has improved leaps and bounds, from last year.
    1. rojo's Avatar
      rojo -
      Thanks from me too, Primmy. Great report. I love to hear about Ed, even if he hasn't been a match winner!!! What do you think at this point, is 2010 going to be his 'make' year, or not?
    1. Old Royboy's Avatar
      Old Royboy -
      Looks like I'm out of a job. Great work. Interested that they had LJ playing up back this week. I remember Mocca was given a long stretch back there a couple of years ago.
    1. Primmy's Avatar
      Primmy -
      Thanks one and all. Just a few conjectures to follow up with.

      LJ look quite in charge of his area playing around CFB - he is very self assured, knows he is going to be a player, not hopes to be. Quick between the ears.

      I'll cheer to the rafters when Bouncer actually takes off and does bounce. He just doesn't....he just takes off and .....

      Currie needs some mental guidance, he has got it all, but whether he is a truly competitive type (I shall mention B1 here as a protottype) is not clear, and at this stage that's a worry.

      I am not going to do ORB out of a job.....I can't follow the plays quickly enough and my notes look like a spider on acid has taken over the page.
    1. liz's Avatar
      liz -
      Re Currie - he looks compettive to me, but just not confident. I still shudder when I remember that sense of panic that overtook him when he took the mark in the pre-season game. His tap work is sometimes sublime and I think the stickiness of his hands is so good there should be no problem translating it to senior footy - if he makes it. He needs a bit more physical development yet but far skinnier rucks have debuted and survived at senior level.
    1. ShockOfHair's Avatar
      ShockOfHair -
      Yes I keep thinking of that moment too, Liz. The optimist in me puts it down to 1st game nerves.

      Great report, Primmy and many thanks. You get along fine without ORB.
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