Quote Originally Posted by magic.merkin View Post
He still plays for the dogs who are paying him. He isn't going to go around saying he preferred his time in Sydney and considers himself a swan when he is about to go into battle for 8 points with them.

Give him a break.
Blind Barry is a very flawed, frustrating player who still delivered more than most who were more consistent. I don't know if I'll give him a break for his lapses that cost us big, though.

But I think you're dead right that his pay packet may be controlling his tongue. I remember Ron Barassi saying he was with the Swans for life at his farewell Club Champion dinner - that lasted a few months. I bet Baz is back with us by the time of the 10 year Premiership reunion. In the meantime I bet we have to cop a lot more flack/crap when his book comes out. What else is going to sell books - that he baby sat Rocket's kids?