I'd be interested to get some thoughts on how PD is travelling.

There seem to be a whole lot of young skinny kids playing, and our comp doesn't seem to be very "physical" nowadays.
I can think back to the Balmain (Tigers !!) back-to-back premiership team and they were big strong guys. And remember Ron Thomas's Wests teams with the Lenton's, Eckersley, Kirk and so on ? They were big intimidating guys too who knew how to impose themselves on a game.
And, wow, what about the Army guys who filled the ranks at Campbelltown 15 years ago ?

Now, the bodies don't seem to be as developed, the hits aren't as hard.

How would a good PD team now (say, last year's Bulldogs) go against a winning team from a few years ago ?

And where are the strong men now ? McAlister is one, Gus is another but the list is a bit light on after that.