Quote Originally Posted by The Student View Post
You're right, the money doesn't come from the Sydney AFL - but there's no way every club got 250k a year. We would've been lucky to receive that much over the three years in total that ECE were in the NEAFL along with us. We certainly don't get anything near that now either. If ECE got 750k total and performed as they did, everyone involved in spending the money should be rolled up in a carpet and thrown off a bridge.
Student - ECE received exactly what every other NEAFL club received during their three years playing in that competition. For the uninitiated, this only involved all travel and accommodation paid for by the AFL (nothing to do with AFL Syd). That was it. No bags of cash, no gold bullions, no bonds, no shares and certainly no Bitcoins (wish i was on that wagon early).......

And Saviour, I know you are reasonably new to the AFL Sydney scene and treated like a bit of a mushroom at STG (kept in the dark and fed crap) but you may want to do some research on the history of your own club. Your club did not pay and continually refused to pay affiliation fees for years. Suggest you ask around to find out the quantum of that number. The AFL threatened many times to ban your club from finals however never followed that through much to the anger of ALL other clubs at the time. Your club also promised money (signed contracts) to coaches and players and failed to meet some of it's obligations. In fact, an ex coach and player of your club even had to involve solicitors to get what they were owed. FACT! So I suggest you have a look in your own backyard to make sure it is squeaky clean.

Note; Your club is very well run these days and your President, Coach and committee didn't have anything to do with the above. Just like the current President and board at ECE don't have anything to do with their days in NEAFL.