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Thread: #AFL Round 7, Swans vs North, 7:25pm at the SCG #AFLSwansNorth @sydneyswans

  1. #121
    Veterans List
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    Quote Originally Posted by Markwebbos View Post
    This is my frustration with the game plan. Completely dependent on kicking the ball long down the line out of defence to create a stoppage, which doesn�t work when you only have one player > 190cm.

    With so many running players can�t we try running the ball?

    Ditto the kicking into forward 50.

    North to their credit held up our ball movement really well so we rarely got an open forward 50 to kick to.

    A lot to work on before our #Nemesis next week. I�m pessimistic
    I don't have a problem kicking down the line but we kick it out on the full so many times.

  2. #122
    Quote Originally Posted by Melbourne_Blood View Post
    I know it�s a soft target after a loss but Longmire is not a good game day coach. Never has been. I think that needs to be looked at soon because we will not win a premiership with horse at the helm.
    You�re right Melb_Blood! It�s a soft target and boringly repetitive. He�s one of 4 coaches who has coached us to a grand final since 1937. He�s one of 2 coaches who has delivered us premierships since 1934. He has one of the best winning %s of current coaches. Of all of the touted assistant coaches we had since Roosey started with us, he is the best performed (we bemoaned the loss of the likes of Lyon and Dew and numerous others who went to other clubs as assistant coaches, Longmire has delivered the best of all of them). Hindered by unjustified recruiting and trading restrictions & - if you are to believe some supporters - an AFL orchestrated umpiring anti-sentiment, it�s a wonder the man can stand up straight with whinging supporters on his back every second week. He wins he�s great, he loses and he should be sacked.

    No Buddy, no Hanners, no Reid, no Naismith, no Tippett (and he would have been expected to be available when Horse was planning for his 2018 campaign last December). No matter, just blame Horse. We�re hampered by a paucity of available ruckmen (despite what Ludwig thinks, all the other clubs have a stronger compliment of fit talls to choose from), a dysfunctional forwardline (take the caliber and height of Bud, Reid ... and yes Tippett out of any side and see how their coach handles it).

    So your pot shots at a soft target is worthy of a Crows fan, but most unbecoming of a Swans supporter. We should be supporters of our team, not fickle fair weather fans.

  3. #123
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    Possibly the most disappointing game that I�ve seen for quite some time, we never seriously looked like we would win
    It�s games like this that provide ammunition for the VFL to tinker with the game and try to create rules to reduce the �congestion� that has become the accepted problem/issue impacting on the viewing spectacle.

  4. #124
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    How can you blame the coach for that rubbish. Why did Jack miss 3 sitters, why did Papley stuff that late one, why did Heeney miss that set shot and why did Rampe miss that one on the run, by a long way, why did Sinclair kick straight to a North player in front, why did McVeigh kick inboard to a North player and why did Mills do most of his kicks as grubbers. That woeful kick to someone in between about 10 North players in our forward line for a turnover goal. Dumb footy is not the coach's fault. Our kicking has been poor all season. We don't keep the pressure up for 4 quarters hence we always keep the opposition in the game. It's not the coach's fault. We have an underbelly of players that are not good enough and it is always left to the defence to save the game. Apart from Kennedy and Heeney our midfield is mediocre at best. We need Buddy back pronto.

  5. #125
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    Reminded me of a lot of games I went to in the early and mid- 2000s. Ugly, frustrating with some excitement near the end when you think they might just steal it.

    Just happy to draw a line under that and move on quite honestly.

  6. #126
    Opportunistic Join Date Bob Neil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Melbourne_Blood View Post
    I know it�s a soft target after a loss but Longmire is not a good game day coach. Never has been. I think that needs to be looked at soon because we will not win a premiership with horse at the helm. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Not sure he realises that teams come to the SCG with a game plan of their own, like Swans do when away.

  7. #127
    I think it must be very difficult for any coach to develop a game plan when the umpires are so intrusive - difficult for both sides tonight
    And ... we are relying on young players who can�t be expected to play consistently every week - they haven�t got the experience or body strength for that
    However, tonight was miserably disappointing .

  8. #128
    We're just struggling, 4-2 badly overstated how we have been going. After Rd 1 we've battled through games and the wins have been off the back of short bursts of scoring, interestingly in second halves when we've belatedly gone man-on-man.

    It is a real bind the coaches are in - our ball movement is so poor and unimaginative, but our skill level doesn't allow for anything more creative. You see with Sinclair and McVeigh what happens when they try and do something other than kicking long down the line. The direction things have headed in re: pressure and congestion don't suit us at all - generally poor skills and no creativity from defence to break things open.

    Our success bringing through rookies and later draft picks is a double-edged sword - most of them can't kick and that's becoming more relevant than their bravery and discipline.

    That score review issue has been a long time coming - you get a smarmy, dismissive response from the umpire saying every goal gets reviewed, so don't argue or ask for a review, because asking for one would be redundant given it is being reviewed anyway etc etc. But we saw tonight what really happens - only if they stumble across the right footage before the ball is bounced, do they actually intervene. That is fine if the goal isn't being disputed, but they just can't justify not asking for a review on the basis that the right decision will occur regardless.

  9. #129
    Longmire is not a good game day coach . Could argue he has got us two to GF�s. Could also argue he�s lost us two .

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  10. #130
    Quote Originally Posted by Melbourne_Blood View Post
    Longmire is not a good game day coach . Could argue he has got us two to GF�s. Could also argue he�s lost us two .

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Could argue that 16 coaches every year don�t even make the grand final. They�re not that easy to make, let alone win (ask any Swans coach from 1946-1995). And frankly, Longmire�s home & away record suggests he is a good game day coach. Armchair experts can take potshots all day. While the board has his back, he�s here to stay.

  11. #131
    Veterans List Ludwig's Avatar
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    Here in Ruse Bulgaria and just saw the bad news. Should I watch the game or will it make me too depressed?

  12. #132
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    Quote Originally Posted by Melbourne_Blood View Post
    Longmire is not a good game day coach . Could argue he has got us two to GF�s. Could also argue he�s lost us two .

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    No, no, can hardly blame him for a 20-8 free kick count in 2016. Low blow......

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