I've only watched to half time of the Richmond game, Stevic stitched us up very early, as he always does. My heart always sinks when I see his name on our umpiring panel.

So before digesting what I believe is an arduous watch of the second half, my thoughts turned to next weeks encounter and what the odds would be.

You've all seen the Suns in action this year, and you've seen us in action, that's mainly injury list action, so I was surprised to find we are favourites and the talent of Gold Coast is a generous IMO $1.95 the win. Very tempted to secure my retirement at those odds having watched the magic debut of Izak Rankine. If you want a laugh in these gloomy times, head over to the Adelaide Trading/drafting thread on BF, Seriously deluded supporters there selling crap Adelaide players for gold and luring back ex SA boys the likes of Rankine, Lukocious etc. Gives you a laugh, takes your mind off our deepening crisis that even Dan Andrews or Ronald Trump couldn't solve for us. So to changes for next week, I'll start the ball rolling

OUT - JPK, Heeney
IN - F nose