I wasn't sure where to put this but figured it didn't deserve a thread of its own so have decided to use it to kick off this week's weekly discussion thread.

I came across this excellent article based on an interview with Isaac Heeney: Isaac Heeney and the art of the speccy. There are a couple of good vignettes, one about his ability as a 12 year old. Another, the inside story on his mark of the year, when he was actually intending to spoil until the very last moment, and some tips on how to tackle effectively. But the quotes that captured me the most were about the team, including about how we don't "rebuild", and also about our evolving game style:

There's been a slight change in terms of controlling the game a little bit more. Because it's pretty hard to, week-in, week-out, grind out games. It does take it out of you. That's also got to be there, but a little bit more controlling the game.

I found this really interesting because over years gone by, that has been my observation of our gamestyle from recent history. It relied on the players working really hard and was hard to sustain. It was evident in the way that Horse never seemed to take credit or blame for our performances and just put it down to the players being hard and fierce for long enough. Anyway, the good news is that we are tweaking our style to control the game a little more so that we don't have to work quite as hard and wear ourselves out quite so much.