A pretty lean season for awards, apart from Hannebery's Rising Star. Here are mine. Feel free to join in.

Best Game ?Win over Carlton
Best Goal ? Bradshaw?s torp/Jude's leg-break (tie)
Best Stephen Spielberg Moist-Eye Moment? Jetta?s goal
Best Head Injury ? Ben McGlynn/Jude Bolton (tie)
Best RWO Whipping Boy ? Jesse White
Best Running Joke ? Jetta?s goal-kicking
Vesz Award for Best Goal Celebration ? Jetta (for that goal)
Homer Simpson 'Doh!' Award for Best Goal Reaction - Roos (for Jude's goal)
Best Running Joke Rising Star Award ? Shane ?Sausage Monster? Mumford
Best Pisstake (Single Performance) ? Gary Rohan Irish jig
Best Pisstake (Season) ? Ted Richards? blog
Best Media Performance ? Mumford post-match, Subiaco
Best New Cult Figure ? Shane Mumford