Lots of gems in this interview on the Swans website with Swans draft maestro Kinnear Beatson.

Tom Mitchell
you can never have enough smart footballers. You can look at players that lack leg speed, but smart footballers move the ball quickly, they make good decisions, so the deficiencies of leg speed, etcetera, don?t appear quiet as apparent.
On late picks:
The top end talent is more obvious because they have probably been in the system longer, played in the championships, are an AIS graduate or a scholarship holder, so you?re more aware of their performances.

The late picks are often players who have come into the system a bit later or had injuries or just haven?t had the same amount of exposure. That?s where you have to use your judgement and experience in terms of what works and what doesn?t work.

On choosing a player for a position vs best player available:
..my experience tells me to look at the most talented player. Say for example you might need a ruckman or talls, however this may lead to you overlooking a really good midfielder. I think when you look at the history of the game and successful sides, good players are able to play in multiple roles so you can never have enough good players. You may go out and draft a key position player and he is not quite good enough and then you can?t play him anywhere else.
On the 2011 draft:
We have a group of about 20 that we hope could get through to our picks.