This properly belongs in the finals planning section , but it may get more attention on the main board .
So I ask the mods to leave it here , please.

Note please that the P1 barcode letters state that you MUST register your INTENTION to purchase a Grand Final ticket between 8AM and 11AM on WEDNESDAY , 18th September - that's this coming Wednesday !
Not doing so forfeits GUARANTEED priority.

So , this must be done BEFORE the PF v Freo .You can't wait til Saturday!

Please also remind any members you know , who are not of our select band on RWO.

I have been lucky enough to witness two Swans GF wins. It's absolutely magical. No apologies for capitals , bolding and "stating the bleedin' obvious" , because if this stops even one fan missing out , I will be happy.

Get your letters , put 'em in a safe place and make this your priority on Wednesday !!