Well, the 2-5 year players returned to training today. I wasn't there. Often they have the first time trial first day back - so we might hear more about that in the next day or two. If not, it'll be coming back soon - actually, maybe it'll be on the first day of training where the whole group is there (rather than just the 2-5 year players). Which could be next Monday? I don't remember - does anybody know? Normally there's a two week block for the 2-5 year players (or usually it includes the draftees and is 1-4 or 1-5 year players) before the whole group resumes. But I don't think they'll have time for that if they want the other players to get any training in before Christmas - and I'm pretty sure they do.

Today is the first day the group will have trained together since before we last played, on 20 September. According to Sam Naismith our last gym session was 17 September. So that's over 10 weeks ago. Is that a longer than usual break? Will be interesting to learn (if we do) who has returned in shape.

Please, if anyone gets to attending any training sessions, post some reports here!